Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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PROGRES II niger 2016

This 53 page report highlights the work from PROGRES 2, a CARE-Denmark funded project on civil socie... Read More...

Madagascar – evaluation DIPECHO IV rapport final

This 154 page report details the final evaluation of the DIsaster Preparedness European Commission H... Read More...

ECRAS Enhancing Community Resilience and Sustainability multi hazard risk assessment

This 112 page report is focused on providing a contextual analysis, hazards and risk profiles, capac... Read More...

ECRAS Enhancing Community Resilience and Sustainability Annual Report 2016/2017

The CARE led consortium has been one of the three consortiums implementing partners for the Zimbabwe Resilience Building Fund (ZRBF) UNDP and government of Zimbabwe programme for the July 2016 to June 2017 year. The consortium has been implementing the Enhancing Community Resilience and Sustainability (ECRAS) project in Chiredzi and Mwenezi districts of Masvingo province. The most common hazards for the two districts have been observed to be droughts and mid-season dry spells, crop and livestock pests and diseases resulting poor maize harvests, high cattle poverty death in the province and smallholder farmers getting very low prices for their cattle. Low lying wards in the two districts are prone to flooding. The 2016/17 agricultural season has been an exception. It was characterized by excessive rains which resulted in water logging, leaching and flooding. Potential crop yield was also negatively affected by breaks of armored cricket and fall armyworm. Flooding due to the effects of Tropical Cyclone Dineo resulted in loss of both human and livestock, washing away of some crop fields and damage to property such as houses, school and clinic buildings and destruction of bridges and roads. The cash crisis affecting the country has adversely affected some project interventions especially Village Savings and Lending (VSL). Some groups especially in Chiredzi have embraced use of Ecocash, in their savings and lending, in respond to the cash crisis. [62 pages] Read More...

Integrated Shelter Improvements for Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Tripoli, Lebanon: Phase II

Final program narrative report for Integrated Shelter Improvements for Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Tripoli, Lebanon: Phase II. [25 pages] Read More...

PROSADE Post-Project Improved bean varieties increase yields by 250%

This research report on the action research of conservation agriculture practices whos how every $1 ... Read More...

Male Engagement Initiative (MEI) of CARE’s NUWEP Northern Ugandan Women Empowerment Program Impact Report

The goal of this program is to achieve a peaceful society where women and men are equally empowered to enjoy their human rights. Under this domain which will focus on this issue in Northern Uganda is WEP. Northern Uganda has been engulfed in a protracted conflict for over 20 years and is in a recovery period. Women are usually the most affected and vulnerable sect in this context. Therefore many developmental organizations targeted women as their main beneficiaries to curtail large percentage of those being vulnerable. In the process, they neglected men who are the main bread winners. [29 pages] Read More...

TEMPS Early Marriage Travaillons Ensemble contre les Mariages Précoces Baseline

Baseline Study report for the TEMPS project (Travaillons Ensemble contre les Mariages Précoces) implemented IN BENIN with funds from Global Affairs Canada by CARE Canada/CARE Benin/CARE Mali. CEFM project. Official title with Donor: «Initiative conjointe de prévention et d’atténuation des effets du mariage précoce forcé dans les zones à fortes prévalences au Bénin et au Mali » [67 pages] Read More...

Banking on Change Phase II Final Report

This 83 page document highlights the outcomes from the second phase of the Banking on Change project... Read More...

PROSADE Final evaluation report

This 46 page report highlights the findings from CARE's PROSADE project financed by the Canadian Go... Read More...

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