Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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The PROMESA Project Narrative Quarterly Report

During this quarter, the focus was on continuing and supporting some of the activities initiated and achievements of the first phase of PROMESA. Thus we held a number of support meetings with the COPROAGRO Network, their logo was designed, they attended two local fairs and a representative attended an international training and business event. In addition, the cocoa exports to Germany and the local sale of other fruit products continued. Support was given in order to complete the processing equipment of one of the main associations. Read More...

Grad ir assessment report (2013) – final

First year assessment report of USAID-funded GRAD program for livelihoods, safety nets, and resilien... Read More...

Grad 2014 ir assessment report

This 71 page report reviews the second year results of the USAID-funded GRAD program for livelihoods... Read More...

Alp 2014 report

This 98 page report highlights progress from CARE's DFID-funded Adaptation and Learning Program Read More...

Grad ir assessment report 2015

This 73 page report covers the 3rd year assessment for the USAID-funded GRAD program for livelihoods... Read More...

BRUP Annual Progress Report (Year One)

Generously funded by the C&A Foundation, the BRUP (Building Resilience of the Urban Poor) initiative... Read More...

Ghana’s Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms (GSAM) Project Quarterly Report

The Ghana’s Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms (GSAM) Project seeks to strengthen citizens’ oversight of capital projects to improve local government transparency, accountability and performance in 100 districts of Ghana. CARE International in Ghana, IBIS in Ghana and Integrated Social Development Centre (ISODEC) are implementing the project in collaboration with twenty-seven Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and other stakeholders.

This report highlights activities carried out in Quarter Two (January-March, 2017) of Year 3 of the project’s implementation. It presents information relating to administration and project infrastructure, programme activities, as well as monitoring and evaluation. Information on project implementation challenges, lessons learnt for the period, conclusions and recommendations are also presented as part of the report. Read More...

Ghana’s Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms (GSAM) Project First Quarterly Report

The Ghana Strengthening Accountability Mechanism (GSAM) project is a five (5) year USAIDfunded project, which focuses on strengthening citizens’ oversight of capital development projects to improve local government transparency, accountability and performance in 100 districts of Ghana. GSAM is designed to strengthen social accountability by improving availability of District Assembly capital project information to citizens to enhance their capacity to demand accountability. The GSAM project interventions directly contribute to the attainment of USAID/Ghana Country Development Cooperation Strategy, - Strengthened Responsive, Democratic Governance under intermediate results; IR 1.2.1 “increased capacity of CSOs to advocate on behalf of citizens for improved government services’’; and sub IR 1.2.2 ‘‘strengthened CSO and National Audit Authority oversight of government services’’. Read More...

Ghana’s Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms (GSAM) Project Third Quarterly Report

The Third Quarter of the USAID-funded Ghana’s Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms (GSAM) project spanned the period April-June, 2017. CARE, IBIS and ISODEC supported 26 CSO partners to complete a number of citizen monitoring and dissemination activities started in previous quarters in the 50 SA districts and to commence another round of citizen monitoring of capital projects. As at the end of June, 88 capital projects had been selected from the 2016/2017 Annual Action Plans (AAPs) in 43 of the 50 social accountability (SA) districts for citizen monitoring, majority of which are education (42%) and health-related (36%) projects. Below is a summary of the key activities implemented during the quarter and the results thereof.

LFSP APN Rural Finance Technical Assistance Facility Phase 2

The quarter under review witnessed an exponential growth of MicroPlan’s portfolio under the Rural Finance Project. The total number of clients almost doubled from an annual 2016 cumulative figure of 982 in December 2016 to 1786 clients by March 2017 representing an 81% client growth (804 clients) across the five branches within three months. The total rural finance loan portfolio grew by 55% from annual cumulative total of USD 629, 726 in December 2016 to USD 975,947.75 in March 2017. This growth demonstrates the financial institution’s ability to create business and claim a significant market share in the rural areas and move the rural branches towards sustainability and profitability for long term operation in rural areas. [16 pages] Read More...

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