Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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Drought Assessment Report – CARE Morocco

This report will study the overall situation in Morocco and the drought’s negative effects on agriculture, the economy, food security, etc., with gender lenses considering how different gender groups are affected differently on household and community levels. Additionally, the report will provide suggestions and information for the way forward at the local level and per gender group.
Key findings:
• Male community members in the rural areas who used to consider agriculture as their main income source decided to migrate to urban communities seeking temporary or permanent jobs.
• Women are the most affected during the drought season for several reasons:
▪ Women are primarily responsible for fetching water and with the drought, access to water is more challenging.
▪ When the male HHs members migrate to urban areas, female members step forward to take additional responsibilities on top of their existing daily tasks which put them in very overwhelming circumstances.
It is observed that over the past few years, farmers have progressively stopped using local seeds/seedlings/crops aiming for a higher yield using foreign inputs that showed low resilience to Moroccan climate and weather. Similarly, few profitable crops were cultivated in areas that suffer from water scarcity such as watermelon, avocado, and few other crops which led the government to intervene and restrict these crops in certain locations.
• It was reported that veterinary service expenses, which were already high, have increased even more due to inputs and fuel costs which pushed herders to reduce the frequency of veterinary
• Drought can have a significant impact on the macro economy, but through this study, it was confirmed that the most affected sector was the agricultural production and yields, and thus people’s livelihoods such as small farmers and rural workers with specific challenges women and girls were going through due to water and income shortage.
• water consumption was reduced despite the implications on the amount of yield they will harvest later but considering that irrigation expenses won’t be recovered by selling their crops later considering the high production cost and limited purchasing power. Read More...

Disaster READY Project Phase Two – CARE Baseline Report (English)

The Disaster READY Project (DRP) is a five-year initiative (2022-2026), funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) of the Australian Government, aimed at strengthening the capacity of communities, local civil society organizations, and government entities in Timor-Leste to effectively prepare for and respond to disasters while addressing climate change challenges. Implemented by five Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) INGOs, including CARE, the project targets 20,729 individuals, with CARE focusing on 7,575 community members in Viqueque Municipality across several administrative posts. The baseline survey conducted in late 2022 involved 141 community members, including individuals with disabilities, and aimed to assess knowledge of disaster preparedness plans, local civil society capacity, and government effectiveness in disaster response. Key findings highlighted the need for improved awareness of early warning systems, the establishment of active disaster management committees, and enhanced capacity among local civil society to manage disaster preparedness efforts. The report emphasizes the importance of inclusive planning processes, particularly regarding gender and disability considerations, and suggests integrating disaster risk reduction into broader community and climate adaptation strategies to foster resilience against natural disasters and climate change impacts.

Donor: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Australian Government
Total Page Count: 39


Borno state in Northeast Nigeria is experiencing a complex humanitarian crisis due to the activities of Organized Armed Groups (OAG), and natural disasters (such as floods, and desertification), resulting in displacement, an increased level of food insecurity, and malnutrition among the populace, and deaths. Thousands of pastoralists and farmers are left without their livelihood sources resulting in extreme poverty. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has compounded the problems faced by locals due to several restrictions resulting in the disruption of many economic and social activities. More so, is the general inflation in the prices of commodities and services. Read More...

MIDLINE EVALUATION OF PROSPER II (Supporting Cocoa Farming Communities)


EVALUATION FINALE DU VOLET – Mission d’Action de proximité via des ONGs

Amélioration de la situation sanitaire de la CUA et la réduction des problèmes d’inondations liés au réseau d’assainissement pluvial. Read More...


Financé par UE et AFD, d’un montant de 750 000 Euros, opérationnalisé par un consortium d’ONG à vocation humanitaire, le Projet « Riposte à la crise sanitaire COVID-19 à Madagascar », intégra la Stratégie de riposte nationale, en réponse à la découverte des trois premiers cas importés malagasy le 20 mars 2020, suivie de l’annonce de l’instauration de l’état d’urgence sanitaire dans tout le pays par le Président de la République de Madagascar. Ce consortium est formé de trois ONG internationales et d’une ONG nationale, notamment ACF-CARE-MDM et ASOS. Ce projet ambitionnait de contribuer à la réduction de la morbi-mortalité due à l’épidémie de coronavirus, ainsi que des impacts sociaux des mesures prises pour éviter sa propagation à Madagascar.

La présente évaluation a pour objectifs de mesurer l’impact de cette riposte sur une crise inédite à travers la recherche de réponses aux questions d’évaluation liées à des critères d’évaluation ci-après : (i) impacts ou effets larges du projet au niveau individuel, communautaire , et institutionnel ; (ii) son adéquation aux besoins des bénéficiaires, à la stratégie nationale, (iii) sa gouvernance, pointant la qualité des structures et mécanismes de coordination intra-consortium, et envers les autres intervenants et cibles bénéficiaires ; l’optimisation des ressources à travers des réponses à des questions d’économie, d’efficience, d’efficacité, d’équité ; (v) l’analyse de sa durabilité à travers quelques domaines clés : renforcement des capacités (formations, dotations, infrastructures) et l'approche au niveau communautaire, etc. Read More...

Mawe Tatu II

Mawe Tatu is a Swahili concept that translates to three pebbles. This name was chosen to illustrate the physics of dropping three pebbles into a pond to represent interventions related to women, men and youth as main components of society. As the pebbles fall, they have the immediate effect of moving the water. Each pebble also creates ripples that propagate and interact with those of other pebbles, in space and time. It is a metaphor that expresses, respectively, the short- and medium-term effects of the project as well as the long-term impact that will result in synergistic effects of Mawe Tatu's interventions. Like Mawe Tatu I, the programme works with women and youth and men to improve the socio-economic status of women and youth and their powers to influence decisions at the household and community levels.
The overall objective of this evaluation is to measure the progress and results of the programme based on the Theory of Change, to draw lessons (lessons learned) for future programmes.
To achieve this, the evaluation team used the mixed methodological approach (quantitative and qualitative) to collect data from programme participants, key informants and Mawe Tatu II programme documentation. A range of techniques were associated with this approach including: the document review to understand the logic of the Programme, focus group discussions with the participants of the Programme in the 8 health zones of the evaluated programme (Rutshuru excluded because of the context of the war between the M23 and the FARDC), a household survey which facilitated reaching several households in 9 health zones as well as 2 health zones and two control health zones. In addition, semi-structured interviews with key informants were conducted enriched by direct observations to identify different attitudes related to the evaluation questions.
Overall, this evaluation indicates that the Mawe Tatu II programme has had significant successes in terms of its 3 trajectories linked to the first Outcome, related to access (and control) to capital, knowledge, skills and entrepreneurial mindset, and the commitment of men, and other successes at the level of its other two trajectories (market access and sexual and reproductive health) as we have also noticed in the database of harvested Outcomes shared with us in the Mawe Tatu II programme documentation at the beginning of this final evaluation.
Programme participants testify that thanks to the training and awareness-raising activities in the VSLAs to which they have joined, they have made savings through which they access capital to launch their small to large businesses. Some women and young members of the few VSLAs have accessed loans in some MFIs although for MFIs and banks in general, the services do not yet offer financial services adapted to women and young entrepreneurs who are members of VSLAs and remain indifferent to cooperate and carry out business with VSLAs because they continue to find them less reliable because they lack collateral to give to taking credit. At the same time, mistrust of formal financial institutions, caused by the failures that entrepreneurs have witnessed in the past, has also created a barrier, which was not fully addressed during the programme, in the effective use of services and products. Read More...


El proyecto se ejecutó en un contexto simultáneo de crisis económica y sanitaria provocada por el COVID 19, y de reforma de la Ley de Movilidad Humana propuesta por el gobierno ecuatoriano hacia finales del 2020 y aprobada en febrero de 2021. Las estrategias empleadas para enfrentar la emergencia sanitaria y reducir el retraso de actividades se orientaron a: (a) establecimiento de alianzas y trabajo en asocio con organizaciones sociales locales de las ciudades de Ibarra y Huaquillas con el propósito de dinamizar las entregas de las diferentes modalidades de asistencia (b) organización de brigadas de atención legal y acompañamiento psicosocial y visitas in situ a lugares estratégicos de concentración de población migrante y refugiada (alberges y espacios públicos); (c) fortalecimiento de relaciones con plataformas de coordinación local y nacional y con el Ministerio de Salud Pública para apoyar y complementar acciones desempeñadas por el sistema de salud (CARE, 2021); (d) el abordaje a través de medios digitales y adaptación del SOP a esta modalidad (CARE, 2019). Read More...


The Empowered Women for an Equitable Coffee Value Chain (EW-EVC) project, funded through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) was implemented in Sekong Province from July 2017-June 2022, with a goal of “Reduced poverty and improved access to food for remote ethnic communities through women’s economic empowerment”. This project aligns perfectly with the CARE Laos priority of supporting women and girls through economic empowerment. Read More...

COVID-19 & Women: Saving for Resilience

The COVID-19 pandemic has not had an equal impact on women and men. Through our data we are seeing a significant increase for women in caregiving duties, household chores and gender-based violence, as well as a devastating and worsening impact on livelihood for everyone. Despite this, small glimmers of hope are where women from VSLAs are increasingly taking on leadership roles within their communities and men are beginning to engage more in household chores.

The Women (in VSLAs) Respond data includes the voices of 4,185 Village Savings & Loan Association (VSLA) members (3,266 women and girls) in Burundi, Ethiopia, Mali, Nigeria, Niger, and Uganda. This initiative sought to assess how VSLA members, both as individuals and groups, are affected by the pandemic
and how they responded and adapted to cope with the crisis. The data specifically looks at the impact on individuals and their needs, as well as how groups
have been affected, and how they have adapted.

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