Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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If you have an evaluation or study to share, please e-mail the document to for posting.

Care haiyan mid term evaluation report sep15

This 103 page document highlights the impact, effectiveness, and sustainability of CARE's response t... Read More...

Hc nepal-report-final apr2016

This 33 page report looks as results from the entire humanitarian cluster's interventions after the ... Read More...

“improving syrian and egyptian children’s access to formal and informal education” (access)

This 39 page report from an external evaluator highlights ways to strengthen Syrian refugee and Egyp... Read More...

Emergency cash-first response evaluation

This 161 page document highlights findings from the mobile case transfers project from August 2015 ... Read More...

Philippines-haiyan-care baseline study

This 110 page study reflects the baseline findings of the Typhoon Haiyan Reconstruction Assistance p... Read More...

Madagascar – apinga – rapport d’évaluation finale care mdg (version définitive)

This 74 page report highlights the results of the APINGA project financed by BMZ Read More...

Final abiemnom smart survey report 2017

This 50 page report details a SMART Nutrition Survey undertaken in Abiemnom County, South Sudan in ... Read More...

Typhoon haiyan reconstruction assistance project midterm

This 97 page document highlights mid-term findings from Project, “Typhoon Haiyan Reconstruction Assi... Read More...

Zimbabwe ‘cash first’ humanitarian response 2015–2017

This 107 page final evaluation of the DFIF-funded Cash First Humanitarian response was written by Ox... Read More...

Informe Evaluacion Final: Mejorando la capacidad de resiliencia y la respuesta a desastres de poblaciones expuestas a multi-amenazas, de los municipios de San Pedro Jocopilas y San Bartolomé Jocotenango, departamento de Quiché

Esté proyecto buscó reducir las vulnerabilidades institucionales, educativas y sociales y mejorar la capacidad de resiliencia ante escenarios de multi-amenaza de las comunidades de los municipios de San Pedro Jocopilas y San Bartolomé Jocotenango, del departamento de Quiché, fortalecer las capacidades de las comunidades y de las estructuras de la COMRED en los municipios mencionados para proteger sus medios de vida y responder eficaz y oportunamente con enfoque de ciudadanía inclusiva a situaciones de emergencias y/o desastres, ante escenarios de multi-amenaza. [33 paginas] Read More...

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