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Post Distribution Monitoring study in selected union councils of district Pishin with the beneficiaries of food package & hygiene kit during COVID-19

CARE international in Pakistan conducted post distribution monitoring study in selected union councils of district Pishin with the beneficiaries of food package& hygiene kit. The study was conducted to get beneficiary’s feedback on utilization of food package & hygiene kit, distribution process, beneficiaries’ selection criteria, relevance, satisfaction about quality and quantity of kit items, feedback and complaint response mechanism, and COVID-19 information/risk communication.
CIP provided support to the vulnerable community of district Pishin, who were affected due to lock down and spread of COVID-19 pandemic. The support was focused to provide immediate needs such as food package and hygiene kits to reduce the financial burden on the selected beneficiaries and to increase their resilience to prevent COVID-19.
PDM Study was conducted with beneficiaries of eleven (11) villages of Union Council (UC) Bostan, UC Walma, UC Ghaizh. Total 60 recipients of food package & hygiene kit were interviewed considering 5% as a sample out of the total distribution. [20 pages] Read More...

Heatwave Response Sibi District

CARE international in Pakistan implemented heatwave response project in district Sibi. The project aimed to protected the vulnerable community from heatwave by provision of protection kit, cooling stations, information though IEC material displayed at various parts of the districts. provided heatwave protection. In district Sibi 250 individuals were provided with heatwave protection kits. [15 pages] Read More...

Strengthening government sector health system and providing immediate emergency response to curtail outbreak of COVID-19 across Pakistan in Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces

CARE international in Pakistan implementing project “Strengthening government sector health system and providing immediate emergency response to curtail outbreak of COVID-19 across Pakistan in Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces” in five district of Pakistan. The project aimed to Reduction of the primary and secondary impacts of COVID-19 through access to WASH facilities and health for 1,235,394 vulnerable people in 14 districts across Pakistan (Sindh, Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan provinces). Another objective of the project was to improve access of soap to meet hygienic needs of community households. In this regard a package of hand washing soap and detergent powder was provided to 3011 households in five districts of Pakistan. [21 pages] Read More...


CIP provided response to vulnerable community effected by COVID and lockdown by the government. The project response was targeted to provide emergency food security assistance such as Goat package, Poultry Packages, Kitchen Gardening and Mott grass packages and hygiene kits to reduce the financial burden on the selected beneficiaries as well as also help to accomplish the daily needs from provided packages which lead to increase their resilience to prevent COVID-19. CARE international in Pakistan conducted Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) study in selected union councils of district Pishin with beneficiaries of goat, poultry, kitchen gardening and Mott grass package. The study was conducted to get beneficiaries feedback about the utilization of goat, poultry, kitchen gardening and Mott grass package, distribution process, beneficiaries’ selection criteria, relevance, satisfaction about quality and quantity of Packages items, feedback and complaint response mechanism, and COVID-19 information/risk communication. PDM Study was conducted in Ten (10) villages of UC Walma, UC Ghaizh to cover maximum number of project beneficiaries. Total 75 recipients of Goat package, Poultry Packages, Kitchen Gardening and Mott grass were interviewed taking 5% as sample of the total distribution.

A Baseline Study and Social Norms Analysis using SNAP for the project BERHAN: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Initiative in Amhara Region, Ethiopia

Background: BERHAN – Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights initiative in Amhara region of Ethiopia seeks to support women and girls in Fogera and Estie woredas to safely exercise their sexual and reproductive health rights, leading to improved wellbeing (impact).

Objective: The purpose of this study was to understand the social norms that are associated with the practices of female genital cutting (FGC) and early marriage (EM), and to establish a baseline for all project indicators.

The quantitative survey was conducted on a randomly selected sample of 375 respondents comprising of men, women, girls, and boys (adults and adolescents). Quantitative data were collected using an interviewer administered structured questionnaire. Qualitative data were collected by masters and PhD degree holders, and quantitative data were collected by trained and experienced BSC level data collectors.

Results: The results revealed that FGC and EM were common practices in the community with a prevalence of 85.0% and 64.0% respectively. The community held the practices because of various reasons among which are cultural preservation and lack of knowledge. The community members were highly influenced by the sanctions that made them change their initial positions. Generally, women could not use contraceptive methods without permission from their partners or family members and this applies to all modern contraceptive methods.Only 3.7% of girls and women in the age group of 15-49 were able to use a modern contraceptive of their choice and, only 30.5% were able to decide on their own reproductive health care use. Read More...

Programme de Renforcement des Capacites D’Action des Femmes (RECAFEM)

The Capacity Building Program for Women's Action (RECAFEM), also known as “Swiss Support for the Empowerment of Women (ASAF)” of the Swiss Cooperation in Benin, started in 2003, aims to support national efforts to reduce gender inequalities at the social, cultural, legal and economic levels. This program, which ended in 2019, has been carried out for 16 years, in 4 successive phases and without interruption. The 4th and final phase, hereinafter referred to as RECAFEM 4, runs from June 1, 2015 to December 31, 2019. This program supported the development of the legislative, regulatory and institutional frameworks of Benin with regard to the promotion of women and gender equality. Apart from the education and health sectors, where the implementation of these national policies and strategies relating to the reduction of discrimination and gender inequalities has led to significant changes and impacts, the acceleration of the implementation is a high necessity in other sectors of socio-economic development. Read More...


Financé par la Société Générale et mis en œuvre par CARE International à Madagascar, le projet OMBONA est un projet pilote qui a pour but de « contribuer à l’ancrage des associations villageoises d’épargne et de crédit dans le paysage financier de Madagascar pour un accès des plus vulnérables aux services des banques par le biais du mobile banking et de l’inclusion financière , et ainsi contribuer à la réduction de la pauvreté dans la zone d’intervention ». Il s’inscrit donc dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la Stratégie Nationale de la Finance Inclusive de Madagascar 2013-2017 et de croissance économique inclusive dans le PND.

La présente évaluation finale a pour but de collecter les informations pertinentes et indispensables et de connaitre la situation finale par rapport aux indicateurs du projet sur l’influence de l’inclusion financière sur la réduction de la pauvreté, et donc sur les conditions de vie des ménages dans les 8 communes du district de Vatomandry, afin de mesurer les changements induits tout au long de la mise en œuvre du projet. L’étude servira également à déterminer les indicateurs d’amélioration des conditions de vie des femmes à travers la prise de décision financière au niveau du ménage. Read More...

Go Green Project in Tanzania: Access To Sustainable Energy Solutions in Moshi, Hai and Same Districts in Kilimanjaro Region

The Go Green was a three-year project (2017-2019) seeking to increase the number of women in Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania, who adopt and directly benefit from clean energy products through an innovative market-based approach. The objective of this evaluation was to assess the efficiency, effectiveness, relevance, and sustainability (evaluation criteria) of project implementation and, in particular, to document the results of the project in relation to its overall objective and expected results as defined in the project document. Additionally, the evaluation identified good practices and lessons learned which can be used when designing similar interventions in the future.

This project is working in three districts of Moshi, Hai and Same. The Kilimanjaro Region is one of the worst affected in
Tanzania by the impacts of climate change and variability with observed increase in temperature, decrease in precipitation levels, floods and droughts. Go Green is directly links with the private sector to improve last mile distribution at district and village level, thereby increasing disposable household income for women entrepreneurs. Read More...

Evaluación final del proyecto “Escalando el desarrollo empresarial para el empoderamiento de mujeres”

Llevar el desarrollo empresarial para el empoderamiento de las mujeres a escala es el desafío principal de la segunda fase de intervención en el Perú en el marco de una asociación global entre la Fundación H&M y CARE Holanda. Es así que, uno de los objetivos de esta segunda fase es tener una mejor comprensión del potencial y las necesidades específicas y diversas de la iniciativa empresarial liderada por mujeres en grupos o asociaciones.

Para medir el logro de esta segunda fase, CARE Perú llevó a cabo un proceso de generación de información, a través de un servicio de consultoría, que sirviera de Línea de Base del proyecto. El recojo de información se llevó a cabo entre los meses de febrero y marzo 2017, a través de la aplicación de encuestas a beneficiarias del proyecto en las regiones de Piura, Junín y Huancavelica.

Con los resultados obtenidos de la Línea de Base 2017, CARE Perú procedió a generar la información cuantitativa de la Línea Final del proyecto, cuyo trabajo de campo de aplicación de encuestas se desarrolló en el mes de noviembre 2019 (2 años y 8 meses después de la Línea de Base), a través del presente servicio de consultoría. El objetivo central de la evaluación es comparar los resultados de ambos procesos de recojo de información, a fin de verificar si han ocurrido mejoras en indicadores líderes del proyecto a favor de las beneficiarias. A ello se suma una comparación de resultados contra un grupo de emprendedoras no beneficiarias, cuya información también fue recogida en el trabajo de campo de noviembre 2019. El trabajo se complementó con un análisis cualitativo basado en el recojo de información a través de entrevistas en profundidad a actores claves del proyecto. Read More...


El Análisis Rápido de Género que presentamos da cuenta de los hallazgos encontrados en la identificación de los impactos diferenciados de género de la crisis migratoria en las vidas de los hombres, mujeres, niños, y niñas refugiados y migrantes, de procedencia venezolana en el Perú, y busca informar sobre las condiciones de vulnerabilidad que impactan en las mujeres adultas y adolescentes, en relación con temas de protección, violencia basada en género, salud sexual y reproductiva, medios de vida, y acceso a servicios básicos en el contexto de movilidad humana que enfrentan.

El proceso de análisis explora como los impactos diferenciados de género de la crisis migratoria sobre las personas, contribuyen a las desigualdades de género, particularmente cuando se superponen otras áreas de marginalización debido a la clase social, edad, situación de discapacidad, preferencia sexual, entre otras.

Identificadas estas diferencias de género, hemos desarrollado una selección de recomendaciones, con la aspiración de que puedan ser incluidas en las estrategias e intervenciones humanitarias de las organizaciones públicas y de la sociedad civil que están buscan responder a la situación que enfrenta la población refugiada y migrante en el Perú. Read More...

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