Women's Economic Empowerment

Rwa – ecocomf – midterm – fy 06

Le but final du projet est d’apporter un soutien institutionnel et technique aux intergroupements à ... Read More...

Nkundabana Initiative for Psychosocial Support (NIPS) Presentation of Final Report


Viable Initiatives for the Development of Agriculture in Nampula Provice- Phase II (VIDA II)

The purpose of the final survey is to measure project indicators in the final year of project implem... Read More...

Proyecto Ciudades Fronterizas Midterm


Title II Development Assistance Program Midterm Evaluation

CARE Madagascar’s current Title II DAP began in 2004. It consists of three sub-programs implemented ... Read More...

Evaluation à mi-parcours du projet ECOCOMF

Le but final du projet est d’apporter un soutien institutionnel et technique aux intergroupements à ... Read More...

CLASSE-B: Community Learning and Action for Savings Stimulation and Enhancement of Business

Le projet avait pour but de contribuer à la réduction de la pauvreté des communautés rurales à trave... Read More...

Nkundabana Initiative for Psychosocial Support (NIPS) Final Narrative Report

Nkundabana Initiative for Psychosocial Support (NIPS) project takes an innovative approach to addres... Read More...

Evaluation du projet MOASAVAS

To allow a better regional economic development while meeting in a perennial way the priority needs ... Read More...

Reducing Village Vulnerability in Ethiopia (REVIVE)

REVIVE project was designed using participatory approach to help reduce the vulnerability to food a... Read More...

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