

El presenta texto constituye el Informe final de consultoría Estudio cualitativo de percepción de niños, niñas y adolescentes en el marco del Proyecto Niñas Con Oportunidades (NCO).
Es necesario aclarar que, aunque el título del Estudio mencione únicamente a niños, niñas y adolescentes, el pedido expreso de CARE Perú fue que se recogiera la percepción acerca del proyecto y de sus diversos ejes también entre docentes, padres de familia y directivos de las Instituciones educativas (IIEE) seleccionadas para el caso.
En esa ruta, el documento presenta los resultados del estudio diferenciando a cada uno de los actores (o usuarios) y toda la información que sustenta su análisis y sus hallazgos, tanto de orden narrativo (grupos focales y entrevistas) como de orden visual (dibujos y tarjetas significativas). Read More...

Resultados a dos años del Proyecto ”Niñas con Oportunidades”

El proyecto aborda la problemática de la falta de oportunidades de las niñas y adolescentes en situación de pobreza debido a la no culminación oportuna de la educación secundaria, particularmente las de zonas rurales y urbanas marginales. (18 pgs) Read More...

Assistance d’urgence aux personnes vulnérables affectées par l’ouragan Matthew dans la Grand ‘Anse

Pour appuyer les ménages de la commune de Jérémie touchés par l’ouragan dévastateur Matthew, CARE, avec un financement de la DG ECHO, a mis en place le projet d’Assistance d'urgence en sécurité alimentaire, éducation et abris aux personnes vulnérables affectées par l'ouragan Matthew dans la Grand ‘Anse. Ce projet de 20 mois (décembre 2016 à Juillet 2018) a soutenu 2 305 ménages à travers une multitude d’activités utilisant une approche intégrée. Ce rapport présente un état des lieux de la mise en oeuvre du projet ECHO au niveau de la commune de Jérémie. Il relate les points forts ainsi que les points à améliorer servant de leçons apprises pour tout projet d’assistance d’urgence dans un contexte semblable. (42 pages) Read More...

LINKAGES Final Evaluation Report – Advisem

Final evaluation conducted for the multi-country LINKAGES program (Bolivia, Ghana, Mali and Ethiopia) funded by Global Affairs Canada and implemented by CARE Canada and CARE offices in the 4 countries. Evaluation was conducted by external Canadian consultant firm Advisem. This report combines findings from the 4 independent final evaluations, which took place in-country as well as reports on findings from independent surveys and interviews conducted by the firm. [117 pages] Read More...

Mid-term Evaluation for GAC-Funded Education Projects

Mid-term Evaluation of three GAC-funded Education projects implemented by Save the Children Canada, CARE Canada, and Plan Canada in Egypt. CARE Canada-managed project was titled: Improving Syrian and Egyptian Children’s Access to Formal and Informal Education (ACCESS). Read More...

ACCESS Baseline Final Report – Improving Syrian and Egyptian Children’s Access to Formal and Informal Education

Report on the Baseline Assessment carried out for the CARE Egypt ACCESS project (Improving Syrian and Egyptian Children’s Access to Formal and Informal Education). [39 pages] Read More...

Standing Up for Girls: Girls from Arab States Share the Stories of Their Lives

Protecting girls and supporting fulfilment of their rights and potential lies at the heart of the mandate of the United Nations Population Fund’s Arab States Regional Office (UNFPA-ASRO) and CARE’s regional office for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Both UNFPA and CARE regional offices have embarked on this report with the aim of identifying, documenting and disseminating the impact of programmes that have targeted adolescent girls and that have successfully resulted in delaying child marriage, preventing teenage pregnancies and combating FGM in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), Iraq, and Sudan. More specifically, the report zooms in on the daily lives of girls that have been positively impacted by approaches and practices in reducing GBV and in improving their access to SRH awareness and the accompanying services they need. The report captures the stories told by girls themselves, by their mothers, by community leaders and by aid workers on the risks and unmet needs in refugee and host communities and on how holistic, inclusive and evidence-based programming has mitigated the risks and met these needs. [52 pages] Read More...

Umodzi – Men, Women, Boys and Girls in Alliance to Achieve Gender Equality Final Narrative

Umodzi was a two-year action research project to test the effectiveness and scalability of a gender-synchronized, transformational approach that is integrated into existing school-based life skills (LS) and sexuality education programs for 10- to 19-year-old adolescent boys and girls. The purpose of Umodzi was to enhance the sustained empowerment of adolescent girls in rural communities in Central Malawi to exercise their sexual and reproductive health (SRH) rights and ultimately achieve better life outcomes. The project used a comparative study to demonstrate evidence-based impact and also used a proof-of-concept component to inform process in real time. [20 [pages] Read More...

Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Endline Report

CARE has mainly been involved in initiating interventions in the field of health, education and livelihood to improve life opportunities for women and children. Their past interventions have focused on maternal health and strengthening preschool education to improve children’s school readiness. Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) is the oldest and largest programme of the Government of India which aims to build holistic development of children ages below six years of age. It mainly focuses on health and nutrition needs and has a component of pre-school education for children aged 3-6 years.

CARE-India fulfilled this need of the ICDS programme in their project “Early Childhood Care and Development Project’ (ECCD). This project implemented in Chhattisgarh focuses towards strengthening five domains – Health, Nutrition, Care & Development, Rights & Protection and Economic strengthening and works with 5 levels – Child, Anganwadi Centre, Caregiver, Community and National. [153 pages] Read More...

Kutch Livelihood and Education Advancement Project (KLEAP) Endline Report

This endline study was an attempt for measuring the extent to which the stated goals and objectives of the K-LEAP had met and contributed towards increasing the income of the families, thereby resulting in improving the quality of the life. As highlighted across various sections of the report, it was observed that involvement in K-LEAP positively impacted the life of participants and also increased their household income. Various initiatives undertaken as a part of K-LEAP are sustainable and have the potential to be replicated in future. [65 pages] Read More...

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