
Calidad y equidad en la educación intercultural en Puno KAWSAY II segunda fase

El proyecto “Calidad y equidad en la educación intercultural en Puno - KAWSAY II segunda fase”, ha sido ha sido propuesto y ejecutado por CARE Perú de la región Puno, gracias al financiamiento otorgado por la Douglas B. Marchall, Jr. Family Foundation, habiendo iniciado sus actividades en el segundo semestre de 2014 y, tras una ampliación, culminó sus actividades en mayo de 2016. [73 pages] Read More...

Integrated Community Development Project Endline Evaluation

The main conclusion of this evaluation is that ICDP is making a significant and tangible contribution to improving the well-being of disadvantaged communities living in remote areas of PNG. Communities, Ward Development Committee (WDC) members, LLGs and District authorities are, in general, highly appreciative of the work that ICDP is supporting. It is a highly valued investment, is achieving tangible results, and the work should continue to be supported (taking into account lessons learned so far, including the recommendations contained in this evaluation report). Addressing disadvantage and poverty in remote rural areas requires a long-term and sustained commitment. [131 pages] Read More...

Rapport de l’Evaluation de Base EGRA

Cette évaluation de ligne de base du projet a été conduite entre mai et juin 2017 par le personnel de suivi et évaluation du projet avant le démarrage des activités à fort impact sur les bénéficiaires. Cette évaluation s’est donnée pour but de prendre un instantané de la situation dans les écoles partenaires avant le début réel des activités. Cet instantané s’est focalisé sur la capacité des enfants à lire et à écrire et sur l’offre scolaire au niveau des écoles partenaires.
De ce fait, 4 types d’enquêtes ont été réalisées :

- Une évaluation EGRA pour mesurer la capacité des enfants à lire et à écrire. Cette évaluation a été conduite auprès de 1337 élèves (49% de garçons et 51% de filles) choisis aléatoirement dont 649 élèves du Nord venant de 19 écoles et 688 élèves du Sud’Est venant de 20 écoles.
- Une enquête auprès des professeurs avec un guide d’observation en salle de classe (Stallings Classroom Snapshot Observation System) et un questionnaire pour interviewer les
- Une enquête au niveau des écoles visitées avec un guide d’observation de l’état infrastructurel de l’école et un guide d’interview pour le directeur.
- Une enquête auprès des inspecteurs à travers un guide d’interview. [50 pages] Read More...

Refugee Assistant Initiative in Liberia (RAIL) End of Project Impact Survey

The RAIL project designed to help the UNHCR to provide basic assistance to refugees by strengthening their existing capacity, while promoting self-reliance and livelihoods, is a multi-sector project.

The project was looking at water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), livelihood with focus on Village Saving and Loan Associations (VSLA) and support to the education of the refugee children, through Early Childhood Education, meant to help develop and mold the minds of the children in their early years while their brains are still pliable.

This multi-faceted approach enhances the protection of the rights of refugees in order to maintain a favorable environment and sustained local integration for those wanting to stay in Liberia. [11 pages] Read More...

Enterprise Development for Out of School Adolescent Girls (EDOAG) Project Baseline Survey Report

The Enterprise Development for Out of School Adolescent Girls (EDOAG) is a CARE International in Rwanda project designed to benefit 10,000 girls who were enrolled in the FINAG project, in Huye Town and Nyamagabe Districts. The project is expected to lead to the following outcomes: 80% of the 10,000 girls manage their enterprises; 25% of the 10,000 girls are expected to get a loan from formal financial institutions in order to sustain or increase their business revenue; 5% of the 10,000 girl entrepreneurs are expected to create jobs for themselves and for others through the growth of their businesses.
CARE International Rwanda contracted PwC Rwanda Ltd to carry out the baseline survey for the EDOAG Project. The baseline survey was carried out with the aim of generating benchmarks for project indicators against which future progress, effectiveness and impact would be measured. The baseline survey reached 755 out of school girls, conducted 8 FGD and 9 KII. Read More...

Baseline Data Collection Report: CARE Rwanda Safe School for Girls and A Better Environment for Girls (BEE) Projects

This baseline study was commissioned by CARE International under the CARE Rwanda Patsy Collins Trust Fund Initiative (PCTFI) Cohort 3 Safe School for Girls and A Better Environment for Girls (BEE) Projects. Cohort 3 of the PCTFI started in 2015 and is expected to end in 2020. This initiative is designed to take an innovative and multi-faceted approach to understanding barriers to acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary for survival and continued human development faced by adolescent boys in girls during and beyond their formative years. This study provides and in-depth perspective on the demographics, living conditions, gender beliefs, sexual reproductive health beliefs and practices, and financial literacy of adolescent boys and girls in selected areas Rwanda, as well as information on household attitudes and beliefs, teaching attitudes, and the school environment in general. This study is based on information gathered from 1,291 adolescents, triangulated with data obtained from 1,192 adolescent heads of households, and 134 teachers from adolescent’s schools. The analyses in this study establish a baseline by which to benchmark the success of the PCTFI over the study period. Read More...

Udaan: Catching the Missed Opportunity Project Baseline Report

The Udaan: Catching the Missed Opportunity Project has been developed for 3 years focusing on developing and delivering an accelerated learning approach for girls between the age of 10 to 14 years who are from marginalized and socially excluded communities and have never been to school or have dropped out in their early grades. This project wants to give out-of-school girls a second chance by providing a catch-up course that is appropriate to their needs and that equips them with the necessary skills to lead a self-determined life. Through this project, CARE directly contributes to Nepal’s efforts towards achieving MDG-2. The goal of the project is that the participating adolescents together with their families become aware on their rights, educated, conscious on their roles, economically productive and empowered to fight against their social taboo and become less vulnerable for trafficking. Main objective of the project is to empower approximately 360 girls of poor, vulnerable and socially excluded families of Kapilvastu District, who dropped out from school to complete their primary and/or secondary education. Read More...

Udaan: Catching the Missed Opportunity Project Endline Survey Report

The objective of this evaluation was to conduct End Line Survey/final evaluation of Udaan: Catching the Missed Opportunity Project Access to Quality Education for Economically and Socially Vulnerable Girls in Kapilbastu district. The project tenure was from November 2013 to April 2017. The project has applied people centered approach to address ‘Out of School Children’ especially poor vulnerable socially excluded (PVSC) girls. The aim of the end line survey is to measure progress against the outcome and impact level indicators achieved during the project implementation phase.

Hausala: Empowering Adolescent Girls Baseline Report

Care Nepal, an International non‐Government organization, is implementing Hausala; project that is  designed to empower the girls from Dalit and marginalized communities in the two districts (Rupandehi  and Kapilvastu) of western terai of Nepal. The project goal is to ensure that Adolescent Girls in Nepal  have Better Life Opportunities. The project aims to create an environment in which marginalized  adolescent girls can build their capabilities to pursue opportunities & realize their aspirations. The  project aims to achieve its objectives by providing access to accelerated learning programs for  marginalized & socially excluded adolescent girls (especially those from Dalit, Muslim and other  marginalized communities in the project area) who have either dropped‐out or never been to school.  Nepal Evaluation and Assessment Team (NEAT) supported CARE Nepal to conduct the baseline study.  Read More...

ECD Program Baseline Report Summary

The CARE ECD Program is being implemented in two districts in the Inhambane Province. Homoine is a small, densely populated district with 107 475 inhabitants as of 2007. Consumption poverty rates are around 51% with the majority of the population living along the coastline and along transit routes with access to some good farmland relative to the rest of the province.

Funhalouro is a large, sparsely populated district with 44 320 inhabitants as of 2007. The area is prone to food insecurity and drought. With a consumption poverty rate above 69%, Funhalouro is one of the most vulnerable and impoverished areas of Inhambane. Because it is remote and the population dispersed there are few development interventions in Funhalouro.

The ECD program is an implementation science project because we are finding out how best to implement a home-based Early Childhood Development (ECD) intervention in these two different sites. This focus on implementation science means that a large part of the evaluation of the ECD project will include on-going qualitative research on which implementation strategies work best where and why. Read More...

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