Emergency|Humanitarian Aid

Integrated Shelter Improvements for Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Tripoli, Lebanon: Phase II

Final program narrative report for Integrated Shelter Improvements for Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Tripoli, Lebanon: Phase II. [25 pages] Read More...

Evaluation of Lifesaving Shelter, Protection, and Health Support for South Sudanese Refugees

This evaluation was designed using a mixed method approach, employing systematic review of documents and Most Significant Change (MSC) technique, adapted from Davies and Dart’s most significant change guide to collect change stories at individual, family and community level from 24 project beneficiaries (8 women on SRMCH; 2 males, 6 female PSNs on Shelter; 1 male, 7 females on GBV). The MSC interviews focused on documenting change. Eight (8) Key Informant Interviews were also conducted with the CARE Program, MEAL, and UNHCR OPM staff. Read More...

Integrated Emergency Response Program Baseline

The CARE International in Uganda is implementing three projects through funding from the Australian Development Agency (ADA), Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NMFA) and Global Affairs Canada (GAC). The NMFA and GAC are being implemented in Rhino Extension, Omugo Settlement while ADA is operating in Imvepi settlement. The projects are designed to address core protection pillars in the refugee programing and emergency response that are in tandem with part of CARE’s priority interventions areas that targets reduction in vulnerability of refugees and host communities, through the promotion of human dignity, increased resilience, and improved protection. [57 pages] Read More...

Evaluation finale du projet RESPECT

Le présent document représente l’évaluation finale du projet RESPECT (« réduire la souffrance des personnes affectées par le conflit transfrontalier dans la région de Diffa »). Dans le chapitre qui suit, il sera question d’une présentation sommaire du contexte et du projet à évaluer, du rappel des objectifs et des questions de l’évaluation, et du plan du présent rapport. [59 pages] Read More...

Post Distribution Monitoring Report: Cash for Non-Food Item Distribution to IDPs

This Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM) assessment was carried out by CARE ENSAF project staff on 14 –Sep -2107 in Kabul province. The distribution of Cash for NFI to 28 displaced households was carried out in Aug, 2017 by CARE ENSAF project. The purpose of the PDM was (1) to evaluate the appropriateness, effectiveness and targeting of the distribution to households affected by the displacements form unsecure province , and (2) to provide recommendations for future Cash for NFI response or kind NFI response to humanitarian program management inside CARE. [4 pages] Read More...

Afghanistan Joint Response (AFJR) Project -Post-Assessment Report

The Afghanistan Joint Response “AFJR” project Post-Assessment report is declared to analyze, measure and understand that, how beneficiaries care for their health and have they received any hygiene message from CARE and From which tactics they use to hide the waste from their environment. This assessment revealed the project beneficiaries have benefited from Cash for Work, Unconditional Cash & Winterization Package intervention received from CARE. In addition, the assessment will elaborated the assistance causes positive changes and have impact in lives of the affected people, to know that have they taken any step take care of diseases or not, do they have information about health related issues or not? Read More...

Quenching the Thirst Baseline

CARE and its principal partner, the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) in Somaliland, have just concluded implementation of a 30-month project titled Haraad Reeb, which was funded by BMZ – Germany Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development. The thrust of the project was to build the resilience of target communities against drought-related shocks. The project focused on rural semi-sedentary populations living in small village-towns and spread across the eastern regions – Togdheer, Sool and Sanaag. Some activities were also implemented in Sahil, Hargeisa and Awdal regions.
The project performance against set indicators was excellent; indictors were met or surpassed. Implementation effectiveness was evident in the wide coverage, beneficiary participation, gender considerations, coordination mechanism, and in monitoring and evaluation strategies. CARE-MoWR had a robust working relationship, outlined in a joint MoU and applied at all levels – national, regional, districts and village. CARE had sufficient, qualified and motivated project staff while MoWR attached an engineer to the project.
Backed by evidence, the project designers realized that insufficiency of investments is not the core problem facing the rural water supply subsector. The core problem was identified as poor strategies to support operation and maintenance of the established systems. Due to this problem, there has been little to show for millions of dollars that the INGOs and UN agencies have invested in the subsector over the last two decades (1995-2015).
At the policy level, the project addressed the institutional lacuna that has existed regarding community management of water systems. This was done by supporting the MoWR to develop the community water management manual. The evaluation found that the manual is a great step forward. However, it also found that the manual requires review, consensus, reediting and advocacy with a view to giving it a national appeal, acceptance and application. In particular, the proposed 3-person management unit is too restrictive and not adequate for inclusive and participatory regime. Read More...

Emergency Wash NFI & Shelter and Livelihood assistance for Disaster and Conflict Affected Household

Emergency Wash NFI & Shelter and Livelihood assistance for Disaster and Conflict Affected Household 2016-CA354 have implemented in seven targeted (Balkh, Ghazni, Paktya, Parwan, Kapisa, Khost and Kabul) provinces from the 16 March, 2016 to 30 April, 2018. The project have provide emergency assistance in mentioned provinces; but Cash and hygiene awareness interventions were implemented in Kabul and Balkh provinces according to the proposal. The project Post- Assessment report is revealed the impact of implemented five type interventions including CfW, UCG, Emergency shelter “Tent”, Hygiene awareness and Winterization during the second phase of project. The post assessment is done to analyze, measure and understand impact of assistance o livelihood status and health and hygiene conditions of IDPs, returnees, and vulnerable residents who affected by insurgency and natural disaster. The post- assessment aims to study appropriateness, effectiveness and coverage of provided assistances and explore respondents’ needs and requirement which are not considered yet. Findings of this assessment will be used to improve on the future planning of similar project to meet the needs of the most vulnerable population. Read More...

Afghanistan Joint Response 2 post-project

The Afghanistan Joint Response 2 Project 2017 is implemented in Nangrahar and Laghman Provinces funded by DRA and implemented by CARE/ Development & Humanitarian Services for Afghanistan-DHSA in order to provide emergency response to the needy and most vulnerable IDPs and returnees as undocumented for the year 2017 including the most affected children and women to be covered under UCG and CFW. This Post Assessment report is drafted to state to analyze, measure and understand the impacts of the project over IDPs, Returnees and female headed households, who were identified by meeting the set criteria’s Care/DHSA in coordination with DoRR & CARE Kabul as approved. This assessment also revealed the project beneficiaries benefited from Cash for Work and unconditional cash. In addition, the assessment intended to measure the achievements of the project according the planned objectives and the impacts after implementing the above mentioned two interventions. Read More...

ECHO Sud Baseline

Le projet CARE / Echo Sud est un projet de redressement et de renforcement de la capacité de résilience des communautés les plus vulnérables affectées par le choc climatique dans le District d’Ambovombe Androy. Ce district se trouve dans la région Sud de Madagascar qui a été, depuis 2014, terriblement touchée par les sécheresses. Ces sécheresses ont drainé un impact négatif sur les communautés locales en affectant leurs moyens de subsistance, leur sécurité alimentaire et leur santé.
Dans son intervention, le projet soutiendra les communautés les plus affectées et fournira des réponses à leurs besoins essentiels de nourriture et d’eau. Il vise 18.500 bénéficiaires directs dont 11.100 femmes et 7.400 hommes. En tout, ce projet atteindra environ 10,36 % de la population totale affectée dans la région d’Androy. Les femmes, et les femmes célibataires cheffes de familles seront potentiellement les principales cibles de cette action.
Ce projet est une approche intégrée basée sur l’assistance financière en espèces (Cash-forwork et transferts monétaires inconditionnels), la distribution de semences certifiées adaptées au changement climatique, des petits outils agricoles, de stockages de semences, ainsi que l’amélioration de l’accès à l’eau grâce à la construction d’infrastructures d’approvisionnement en eau. Il sera mis en oeuvre dans sept Communes les plus affectées dans le district d’Ambovombe, notamment les Communes rurales d’Ambazoa, d’Ambanisarika, d’Ambonaivo, d’Ambondro, d’Analamary, d’Erada, et de Tsimananada.

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