
Mid-term Evaluation for GAC-Funded Education Projects

Mid-term Evaluation of three GAC-funded Education projects implemented by Save the Children Canada, CARE Canada, and Plan Canada in Egypt. CARE Canada-managed project was titled: Improving Syrian and Egyptian Children’s Access to Formal and Informal Education (ACCESS). Read More...

ACCESS Baseline Final Report – Improving Syrian and Egyptian Children’s Access to Formal and Informal Education

Report on the Baseline Assessment carried out for the CARE Egypt ACCESS project (Improving Syrian and Egyptian Children’s Access to Formal and Informal Education). [39 pages] Read More...

Empowering Women to Claim Inheritance Rights WIN Project

Women’s lack of access to and control over property and women’s inheritance rights are global issues. Women’s lack of control over land and property places them at a significant disadvantage in terms of securing a place to live, maintaining a means for survival and accessing economic opportunities. Inheritance law is one of the few areas of law that is largely derived from the Quran. As such, it’s been subject to minimal contestation by legal reformers. Egypt complex inheritance rules are mainly expounded in Law no.77 of 19431. The Constitution of 1971 protects women’s rights to own property and inheritance and this is detailed in the Civil Code which govern property ownership and which affirms the right to own. However, the reasons why women do not inherit are complicated. Inheritance is a fundamental issue with regard to how wealth is transferred within a society, and it directly relates to the protection of a woman’s housing and land. In other words, it is not only an issue of establishing the necessary legal frameworks that allow women to own and inherit property, although this element is certainly crucial. Gender-biased policies, customary law, traditions, social norms and attitudes that women cannot and should not own housing, land and property independently from a man, all serve to prevent women from realizing their rights to inherit. With the overall objective of achieving gender equality, CARE is launching in Assiut and Sohag governorates, Upper Egypt “Empowering Women to Claim Inheritance
Rights” (WIN), a three years project co-funded with the European Union and the Austrian Development Cooperation. Goal of the project is to provide local women with greater access to and control over economic rights, resources and opportunities. The proposed action to contribute to this long term goal is the involvement and the empowerment of actors at community and governorate levels to work coherently through an integrated approach to facilitate women's access to inheritance rights and to enable them to better manage their property and assets in Assiut and Sohag Governorates. The current study conducted by Beit Al Karma Consulting is intended to provide the baseline information to contribute to WIN project’s implementation, determine the awareness messages to be sent out and set the ground to measure project future impact and outcomes. [35 pages] Read More...

Improving Syrian and Egyptian Children’s Access to Formal and Informal Education

The project was part of the inclusive response of Canada to the regional impact of the Syrian crisis. The three-years project aimed at improving the lives of vulnerable Egyptian and Syrian children in Greater Cairo by fulfilling their urgent needs to education and child protection, enhancing social coherence in refugees hosting communities. Certainly, children are the most vulnerable category in refugees and hosting communities. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education (MoE) exerts all possible efforts to fulfill all requests. [36 pages] Read More...


The Youth Employment Project (YEP) is a project funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The project started in September 2014 with a 3-year plan aiming at providing job creation and income increase opportunities to the youth in Aswan, in the agricultural sector. Aswan, in particular, has suffered economically since 2011, with a continuation of slowdown in tourism. While the majority of employment percentage in Aswan comes from agriculture, the economy as a whole is largely tourism based. The agricultural sector is an economic opportunity in Aswan, with potential of employment and increased income to the rural communities, and the economy at large. The project is designed to serve the agricultural sector in Aswan, which is heavily based on smallholder agriculture. Young people from the rural areas of Aswan have no option other than to work in the agricultural sector or to commute or migrate to the capital or to other urban centers across Upper Egypt in search of employment and better prospects. With this opportunity in the plan, the project was designed based on two outcomes (1) Increased production or revenue and profits for farmers, fishermen, traders and processors in the horticulture, livestock, aquaculture and fisheries value chains; and (2) Enabling environment improved for the development of new and existing horticulture, livestock, aquaculture and fisheries businesses in Aswan. Seven value chains were identified to be the focus of the project: Dairy, Poultry, Sheep/Goat, Fisheries/Aquaculture, Date Palm, Tomato, and Aromatic/Medicinal Plants. Interventions in each value chain were addressed through the micro financing, zero interest loans, capacity building and technical assistance. The project worked closely with local CDAs and Coops to build their capacities and encourage these associations to work with business models that are sustainable and income generating, aiming at providing job opportunities to the youth in the agricultural sector. The project faced several challenges in kicking off the activities, while establishing the Agriculture Services & Development Foundation (ASDF), in parallel, as a main project outcome. The findings of the evaluation resulted in seizing the project and its activities, as the project had not achieve the expected targets. Nevertheless, there were lessons learnt and best practices, along the way, in the value chains, processes, and community engagement that need to be documented, as references, for future projects. This is a documentation report, developed by Outreach Egypt Consultancy for Development, to record thoroughly the project design, targets, logical framework, activities, and achievements. The report also documents each value chain and the interventions related to each, while documenting lessons learnt, challenges and best practices. [140 pages] Read More...

Report on the Focus Groups with the BPRM’s beneficiaries

In order to determine whether beneficiaries reported a change in knowledge towards SGBV, a midline assessment was conducted via focus groups. Five focus groups were held in Cairo and Alexandria during October 2016 to a total of 29 Syrian and 20 Sudanese women, 8 Syrian men, and 14 Syrian children (7 girls and 7 boys). In Cairo, 15 Syrian and 20 Sudanese women were interviewed in two focus groups, and a third mixed-gender focus group was conducted with 14 children aged between 8 and 12. In Alexandria, one focus group was conducted to 14 Syrian women and another to 8 Syrian men. Interviewees were a randomly picked sample of beneficiaries who attended the project’s activities throughout the first year. Groups focused on beneficiaries’ knowledge on SGBV with specific regards to three aspects: violence within the household, violence on the streets, and violence at the workplace for adults and at school for children. [3 pages] Read More...

NEW SCHOOLS PROGRAM: a final evaluation

The New Schools Program (NSP) was a school-based reform project implemented by CARE International in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Education directorates in the governorates of Beni Suef, Fayoum and Minia. NSP was charged with increasing school access and enrollment of girls in underserved communities in Minia, Beni Suef, and Fayoum Governorates. The focus on access and enrollment of girls was enhanced through efforts to improve the teaching and learning, mobilize the local community around the importance of education (i.e., particularly that of girls), innovative and deliberative school construction (primary, preparatory, and community multi-grade schools) processes, and adult literacy initiatives. NSP had an extensive partnership that included both Egyptian government agencies, the private sector, Egyptian NGOs and international NGOs.
The purpose of this evaluation was to examine and report on NSP’s effectiveness in addressing the following Intermediate Results: IR 1-- Access to education increased for girls in targeted areas; IR 2: Improved teaching and learning practices in USAID-supported schools; and IR 3: Increased community participation in girls’ education. [178 pages] Read More...

Local Partnership for Accountability (LPA): Final Evaluation Report

LPA project is implemented by CARE International - Egypt, governance and civic engagement program in partnership with CARE England, It is funded by Arab Partnership Fund - Commonwealth Office in England. Project Duration: From May 2013 - until March 2015 and aims to increase the responsiveness of service providers to accountability through the establishment of mechanisms of social accountability and provide an opportunity for mutual dialogue between citizens and service providers. The project is implemented in five communities in three governorates (BeniSuef - Qena, Luxor), in cooperation with a partner association in each governorate (Better Life Association in Beni Suef, Ana Masry in Qena and Luxor) [86 pages] Read More...

Origination and Development of the Soy bean small holder farmers in Egypt”

This 46 page final evaluation on CARE Egypt, with the support of Cargill Inc. and Cargill Egypt, implementation of the “Origination and Development of the Soy bean small holder farmers” project in the governorates of Minia, Benisuef and Beheira. The purpose of the 3-year project was to support the communities through increasing agricultural linkages by working to improve socioeconomic conditions for rural communities by increasing local production of Soy beans to reach 6000 metric tons of Soy beans throughout the project life. The project cooperated with the government through Extension Officers, farmers through their cooperatives and professional think tanks through the Agricultural Research Centers. Read More...

Youth Employment Project in Aswan (YEP) Midterm Evaluation

118-page midterm report on the “Youth employment in Aswan project” (YEP) which was funded by Swiss program under domain 2 was proposed by CARE and WorldFish (WF) in response to a call for proposal. According to the approved proposal, CARE and WF believed that despite the moment of transition and crisis in Egypt, during the post-2011 revolution period, there are also tremendous opportunities for increased income and employment for youth in the agricultural sector (defined in its broadest sense to encompass farming, animal production and fisheries). Accordingly, the goal of the program was that there will be increased and sustainable income and employment for disadvantaged youth, women and men in Aswan. The project aims to provide increased and sustainable income for 2,500 disadvantaged youth and employment for a further 4,000 youth. Read More...

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