
Evaluation de Base “Dans Les Zones De Feed the Future” Nutrition et Hygiene

La présente étude restitue les résultats de l’évaluation de base dans les zones de Feed the Future nouvellement attribuées au projet USAID/Nutrition et Hygiène de CARE International au Mali dans les districts d’intervention de Mopti, Bandiagara, Bankass et Koro, région de Mopti. Un échantillonnage représentatif de 707 enfants de 0 à 59 mois, 480 femmes et 273 chefs de ménage, a été interviewé et mesuré sur les domaines suivants : l’agriculture, la santé, la nutrition et le WASH. Read More...

Pathways- Global Baseline Report

CARE’s Pathways program focuses on improving poor women farmers’ productivity by empowering them to more fully engage in equitable agriculture systems. The program is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and implemented in Bangladesh, Ghana, India, Malawi, Mali, and Tanzania. Aligned with other CARE initiatives, such as CARE Australia’s WE-RISE program, Pathways is designed to overcome the constraints to women’s productive and equitable engagement in agriculture. Utilizing a strong gender focus, the program’s Theory of Change posits that marginalized, poor women farmers will be more productive, and their families more food secure when:
 women have increased capacity (skills, knowledge, resources), capabilities (confidence, bargaining power, collective voice), and support
 local governance and institutions have/implement gender-sensitive policies and programming that are responsive to the rights and needs of poor women farmers
 agricultural service, value chain, and market environments of relevance to women are more competitive, gender-inclusive, and environmentally sustainable. [104 pages] Read More...

ECOFERME Final Evaluation

This 28 page document details the results of the ECOFERME project, including a 100% yield increase in a very bad agricultural season and a 154% achievement of farmers adopting conservation agriculture techniques Read More...

Rapport Etude Prospective Des Sites de Bassins Versants a Douentza et Bandiagra

En vue de préparer la mise en œuvre par USAID-Harande Programme de l’approche watershed management pour FY2018, des actions préparations sont en train d’être mise en œuvre. C’est dans ce cadre que, une équipe technique du programme a mené une mission d’identification des bassins versants dans les cercles de Bandiagara et Douentza. La mission a porté sur les communes Pignari, Lowol Gueou dans le cercle de Bandiagara et Dangol Boré et Koubewel Koundia dans le cercle de Douentza pour un durée 5 jours à compter du 04 au 8 juillet 2018. La mission a permis de faire un état de lieu des bassins identifiés et proposé les actions d’aménagement intégré des terroirs concernés. Read More...

Bringing Agroforestry to Scale for Improved Livelihood in Care-Harande resilience zones (BrASIL)

The BrASIL project is a collaboration between the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) and CARE Mali (HARANDE Program) for maximizing synergies. The Goal of the Harande program, which means ‘food security’ in Peulh, is “Sustainable food, nutrition and income security for vulnerable household members in Youwarou, Tenenkou, Bandiagara and Douentza in Mopti region. The collaboration under BrASIL aim at ensuring a better intervention that takes full account of adaptation to climate change, optimal natural resource management and reduction of target communities’ vulnerability to climate change. This partnership will put high emphasis on the bottom up and community led, cascading training of trainers and farmer-to-farmers learning approaches. [19 pages] Read More...

Cash Assistance to Households Affected by Food Insecurity in Goundam and Niafunke Districts

This 25 page report highlights the final results of an Emergency Cash Transfer project in Northern Mali with funding from USAID's Food for Peace. Read More...

Projet Education Pour le Changement Rapport de l’Etude de Base

En juillet 2015, CARE Mali à travers le Programme Education a bénéficié du financement Patsy Collins Trust Funds Initiative (PCTFI) à travers CARE USA pour la mise en œuvre du projet novateur dénommé « Education For Change » (appelé Education Pour le Changement en Français et Jannde Yiriwere en langue locale Fulfulde). Education For Change (EFC) est partie intégrante d'un financement global accordé par CARE USA à sept pays dont le Mali pour les cinq prochaines années.En l'occurrence il s’agit du Zimbabwe, du Cambodge, du Kenya, du Rwanda, de l'Inde et du Népal.
Ce projet d'une durée de cinq ans sera mis en œuvre dans six communes des cercles de Bandiagara et Mopti de la région de Mopti (deux communes urbaines et quatre communes rurales). Les bénéficiaires sont estimés à 90.000 filles et garçons âgés de 10 à 18 ans, femmes et hommes. Les adolescents et adolescentes sont des non scolaires et scolaires au niveau de 50 écoles (primaires, fondamentales, secondaires, techniques et professionnelles). Les cibles sont les populations fortement affectées par les effets du changement climatique (sécheresse et inondation) et la crise socio-politique et sécuritaire survenue au Mali en 2012. Read More...

Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP) for Africa Narrative Report

This 103 page report for the Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP) covers an extension period from July 2015 to June 2017. The extension period was funded by UKAid at the Department for International Development and Denmark’s Fund for Climate and Environment for NGOs managed by Civil Society in Development, as well as funds from the Australian Development Agency. The original ALP goal was maintained in the extension period: ‘to increase the capacity of vulnerable households in sub-Saharan Africa to adapt to climate variability and change,’ while the purpose was slightly modified: ‘Community-based adaptation (CBA) approached for vulnerable communities incorporated into development policies and programmes in Ghana, Kenya, and Niger, and replication ongoing in other countries in Africa.’ Read More...

Education pour le changement

89 page baseline evaluation of the education for change project with PCTFI funding in Mali Read More...

Wash Plus- Supportive Environments for Healthy Communities Endline Report

The WASHplus project supports healthy households and communities by creating and delivering interventions that lead to improvements in WASH and household air pollution (HAP). This fiveyear project (2010-2015), funded through USAID’s Bureau for Global Health and led by FHI 360 in partnership with CARE and Winrock International, uses at-scale programming approaches to reduce diarrheal diseases and acute respiratory infections, the two top killers of children under age 5 globally. [30 pages] Read More...

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