South Sudan
No Simple Solutions: Women, displacement and durable solutions in South Sudan
Conversations surrounding returns and relocations in South Sudan and the future of the POC sites are often framed around clear-cut distinctions between single push and pull factors. This framing – often based on the perceptions of international actors of what internally displaced people (IDPs) or refugees do or should think – ignores the fact that decisions to stay or to move are made based on complex motivations in contexts of high uncertainty and, especially for women, limited information. This report seeks to bring the perceptions and experiences of displaced and returned South Sudanese women to the forefront of conversations around durable solutions, and further convey the complexities of the current context. Read More...
CARE South Sudan has been operating in the former Eastern Equatoria State (now Imotong State) since 2015. Since fiscal year to 2017 to 2018, CARE South Sudan, received funds from SDC to support improve the resilience capacity of food insecure and conflict affected communities of Torit County and Pageri Administrative Area of Imotong State, South Sudan. The project was aimed to improve the food security, livelihoods, gender relations at household level and peaceful coexistence among 2,900 households (approximately 17,400 individuals). The target Bomas of the project Fodofodo, Ifuanyak, Nyong and Ilangi in Nyong Payam; Moti/Enyif in Ifwotu Payam in Torit County. Abila, Anzara and Rei in Nimule Payam and Avumadria, Masindi, Bilinya and Gandzi in Mugali Payam of Pageri County. Read More...
Enhancing holistic emergency GBV prevention, response and mitigation intervention in conflict affected communities in South Sudan
This report provides an independent evaluation of the project on Enhancing Holistic Emergency GBV Prevention, Response and Mitigation Interventions in Conflict Affected Communities of South Sudan. A UNICEF supported Gender and Protection Project in Twic East and Duk Counties of Jonglie State. The overall objective of the project was to ensure that vulnerable women and girls have increased access to life saving multi-sectoral GBV response and prevention services. The project was implemented by Care in South Sudan with funding from UNICEF. This was an emergency response project with a specific focus on GBV case management and psychosocial support. The project had a survivors’ centered approach as an integral part of the response to GBV incidents. The gender progress assessment focused on the effectiveness including Knowledge Attitudes and Practices (KAP) towards GBV, efficiency, the potential impact and sustainability and lessons learnt from the GBV and protection program in Jonglei.
The evaluation used both quantitative and qualitative methods. The primary data collection methods included: (i) Questionnaire administered to 150 households in Panyogor, Kongor Nyuak, Pakeer in Twic East and Ageer in Duk. (ii) Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with key stakeholders such as: the Department Relief and Rehabilitation commissioner, health, justice, protection, women leaders and Care Staff. (iii) Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) were conducted with project beneficiaries (women, men, boys and girls). FGDs with 12 participants each were conducted in each of the five sites - two FGDs for girls, two for women, one for boys and also for men; (iv) relevant documents were reviewed for triangulation purposes. In total, 531 respondents participated in the GBV assessment including 21 key informants, 360 FGD participants and 150 household heads. Read More...
The evaluation used both quantitative and qualitative methods. The primary data collection methods included: (i) Questionnaire administered to 150 households in Panyogor, Kongor Nyuak, Pakeer in Twic East and Ageer in Duk. (ii) Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with key stakeholders such as: the Department Relief and Rehabilitation commissioner, health, justice, protection, women leaders and Care Staff. (iii) Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) were conducted with project beneficiaries (women, men, boys and girls). FGDs with 12 participants each were conducted in each of the five sites - two FGDs for girls, two for women, one for boys and also for men; (iv) relevant documents were reviewed for triangulation purposes. In total, 531 respondents participated in the GBV assessment including 21 key informants, 360 FGD participants and 150 household heads. Read More...
Addressing Root Causes Project in South Sudan
The Addressing Root Causes (ARC) project that started in September 2016, aims at tackling the root causes of armed conflict, instability and irregular migration in South Sudan by increasing community resilience to conflict-related and economically-induced shocks in 19 payams in Jonglei state in the counties of Pibor, Twic East, Duk and Bor. The project has distinguished three outcomes areas: Economic Resilience, Peaceful Conflict Resolution and Social Cohesion which are expected to be mutually reinforcing and when all are combined and stregthened together, the beneficial effects will contribute to more resilience and a culture of peace.
This mid-term review was conducted to assess the progress of project implementation since September 2016, and document best practices and lessons learned to inform key stakeholders on future activity design, programming, and implementation. Primary data was collected using household survey, key Informant Interviews and Focus Group Discussions with the targeted communities. Combined with the FGD, a Social Norm Analysis Plot (SNAP) framework was applied as it was considered best suited to measure changes in social (gender) norms.
Key findings from review indicate access to loans and training of VSLA groups is empowering women and youth in the targeted communities to engage in IGAs and micro-enterprises, thereby broadening their livelihood and resilience options and creating market linkages with traders across different ethnic communities. Further, more women and youth reported being confident to participate in economic opportunities and possess relevant tools and skills; and the role of women and youth is being appreciated in contributing to meeting household needs, thereby reflecting the conflict and gender transformation in the targeted communities. It should however be noted that more VSLAs have been formed and are engaged in IGAs and micro-enterprises in Duk and Twic East compared to Bor and Pibor.
Also, peace committees are appreciated and recognized by the targeted communities for facilitating and using peaceful mechanisms to mitigate and resolve intra and – inter community conflict and reconcile past grievances. Most project beneficiaries also reported increased collaboration with each other, and feel have more positive relationships and trust within and beyond their community. Read More...
This mid-term review was conducted to assess the progress of project implementation since September 2016, and document best practices and lessons learned to inform key stakeholders on future activity design, programming, and implementation. Primary data was collected using household survey, key Informant Interviews and Focus Group Discussions with the targeted communities. Combined with the FGD, a Social Norm Analysis Plot (SNAP) framework was applied as it was considered best suited to measure changes in social (gender) norms.
Key findings from review indicate access to loans and training of VSLA groups is empowering women and youth in the targeted communities to engage in IGAs and micro-enterprises, thereby broadening their livelihood and resilience options and creating market linkages with traders across different ethnic communities. Further, more women and youth reported being confident to participate in economic opportunities and possess relevant tools and skills; and the role of women and youth is being appreciated in contributing to meeting household needs, thereby reflecting the conflict and gender transformation in the targeted communities. It should however be noted that more VSLAs have been formed and are engaged in IGAs and micro-enterprises in Duk and Twic East compared to Bor and Pibor.
Also, peace committees are appreciated and recognized by the targeted communities for facilitating and using peaceful mechanisms to mitigate and resolve intra and – inter community conflict and reconcile past grievances. Most project beneficiaries also reported increased collaboration with each other, and feel have more positive relationships and trust within and beyond their community. Read More...
Baseline Survey Report Fortifying Equality and Economic Diversification
Baseline Report for the FEED project (Fortifying Equality and Economic Diversification) implemented in Consortium with World Vision Canada and Oxfam Canada and funded by Global Affairs Canada. [47 pages] Read More...
Smart Nutrition Survey Panrieng County
Global Acute Malnutrition rate is at 24.2% which is above the WHO threshold of 15% for critical. Severe & Moderate Acute Malnutrition was 6.1% & 18.1% respectively. The prevalence of Acute Malnutrition is the same in both boys and girls. IYCF indicators are depressing with poor nutritional status. Similarly poor access to latrines, with Prevalent open defecation in Panrieng at 70% which complementarily affects child health. {55 pages} Read More...
Report of Integrated Nutrition SMART Survey
Emergency Nutrition Assessment (ENA) for Standardized Monitoring of Relief and Transition (SMART) was used to calculate Anthropometry and mortality samples. The calculated sample size for anthropometry was 519 children in 502 households while that of mortality was 2765 persons and 462 households. The anthropometry sample of 502 HHs was the overall sample size for the survey. Each survey team of 4 individuals was estimated to cover 13 households each day and this translated into 39x13 cluster design. The 39 clusters were selected randomly using PPS. In the second stage, selection of 13 HHs to be surveyed was done by simple random sampling from a list of all households in the sampled village/cluster.
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