Context et Analyse Politique, Action, et Strategie de Plaidoyer
La présente étude se situe dans le cadre de l’élaboration d’une stratégie de plaidoyer qui vise à mener une analyse complète des politiques existantes favorables ou non aux femmes entrepreneurs, du contexte et des acteurs de leur mise en oeuvre en Côte d’ivoire afin d’orienter la conception d’une stratégie de plaidoyer au niveau nationale pour le Programme « Femmes en Entreprise », en mettant l’accent sur le plaidoyer en faveur du développement des femmes entrepreneurs. Une collecte des données a été effectuée à Abidjan et dans les régions du TONKPI et du GBEKE auprès des acteurs impliqués dans la problématique de l’autonomisation des femmes, de l’inclusion financière et de l’entreprenariat féminin.
A l’issue des analyses, des obstacles au développement de l’entreprenariat ont été identifiés ; il s’agit notamment du faible niveau d’instruction des femmes, de l’accès limité au crédit, à la terre et à l’information relatives aux activités entrepreneuriales et au manque de culture entrepreneuriale. Read More...
A l’issue des analyses, des obstacles au développement de l’entreprenariat ont été identifiés ; il s’agit notamment du faible niveau d’instruction des femmes, de l’accès limité au crédit, à la terre et à l’information relatives aux activités entrepreneuriales et au manque de culture entrepreneuriale. Read More...
Evaluation Initiale du projet de renforcement de la résilience des communautés les plus vulnérables par l’intermédiaire d’actions de réduction de risques de catastrophes inclusives à Madagascar
Du fait de sa situation géographique dans le sud-ouest de l'océan Indien, Madagascar est le deuxième pays d'Afrique le plus exposé à de multiples risques de catastrophe. Entre 2000 et 2017, Madagascar a enregistré 19 catastrophes majeures déclenchées par l'environnement nécessitant une assistance internationale, ce qui le place bien devant tout autre pays en Afrique australe au cours de la même période. Parmi les divers aléas auxquels le pays est exposé, les tempêtes tropicales et les inondations sont ceux qui causent le plus de dommages socio-économiques et de pertes de vies humaines.
Les districts de Mahajanga I, Mahajanga II et Marovoay qui sont localisés sur la côte Ouest Malgache font partie des districts à risques en cas de catastrophes naturelles en particulier les cyclones et les inondations. Compte tenu de l’historique et de la probabilité que d’autres catastrophes naturelles se produisent au niveau de la zone dans le futur, CARE avec le financement d’ECHO met en oeuvre un projet d’amélioration de la résilience des populations et des institutions pour faire face aux risques de catastrophes d’une durée de 21 mois dans la Région Boeny sur la côte ouest de Madagascar.
A cet effet, CARE a procédé à un appel à consultance pour la réalisation d’une évaluation de référence incluant une enquête sur les connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des communautés cibles du projet qui utilisera des méthodes qualitatives et quantitatives et dont le but est de collecter des données de référence qui aideront éventuellement les parties prenantes du projet à tirer des conclusions rigoureuses sur la performance du projet (pertinence, efficience, efficacité, impact, durabilité) à la fin du projet. Read More...
Les districts de Mahajanga I, Mahajanga II et Marovoay qui sont localisés sur la côte Ouest Malgache font partie des districts à risques en cas de catastrophes naturelles en particulier les cyclones et les inondations. Compte tenu de l’historique et de la probabilité que d’autres catastrophes naturelles se produisent au niveau de la zone dans le futur, CARE avec le financement d’ECHO met en oeuvre un projet d’amélioration de la résilience des populations et des institutions pour faire face aux risques de catastrophes d’une durée de 21 mois dans la Région Boeny sur la côte ouest de Madagascar.
A cet effet, CARE a procédé à un appel à consultance pour la réalisation d’une évaluation de référence incluant une enquête sur les connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des communautés cibles du projet qui utilisera des méthodes qualitatives et quantitatives et dont le but est de collecter des données de référence qui aideront éventuellement les parties prenantes du projet à tirer des conclusions rigoureuses sur la performance du projet (pertinence, efficience, efficacité, impact, durabilité) à la fin du projet. Read More...
Rano WASH Baseline
CARE, in partnership with Catholic Relief Services (CRS), WaterAid, and local partners Bushproof and Sandandrano, presented an innovative approach under the Rural Access to New Opportunities in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (RANO WASH). The consortium capitalized on strong existing relationships with the Ministry of Water, Energy and Hydrocarbons (MEEH), municipalities and key stakeholders, and worked in close coordination with other USAID programs to address critical gaps in the WASH sector.
According to the MEEH’s Water and Sanitation Sector 2013 Yearbook, water and sanitation statistics in Madagascar are among the worst in the world and the country is far from achieving universal access to WASH services in 2030. The challenges to accelerate and expand the use of improved, sustainably managed WASH services are three-fold: Weak WASH governance, monitoring, and management capacities; Weak private sector/WASH supply; and Unhealthy behaviors/low demand for WASH. RANO WASH aims to increase equitable and sustainable access to WASH services to maximize the impact on human health and nutrition and preserve the environment in 250 rural communes in Vatovavy Fitovinany, Atsinanana, Amoron’i Mania, Haute Matsiatra, Vakinankaratra, and Alaotro Mangoro. Read More...
According to the MEEH’s Water and Sanitation Sector 2013 Yearbook, water and sanitation statistics in Madagascar are among the worst in the world and the country is far from achieving universal access to WASH services in 2030. The challenges to accelerate and expand the use of improved, sustainably managed WASH services are three-fold: Weak WASH governance, monitoring, and management capacities; Weak private sector/WASH supply; and Unhealthy behaviors/low demand for WASH. RANO WASH aims to increase equitable and sustainable access to WASH services to maximize the impact on human health and nutrition and preserve the environment in 250 rural communes in Vatovavy Fitovinany, Atsinanana, Amoron’i Mania, Haute Matsiatra, Vakinankaratra, and Alaotro Mangoro. Read More...
As a result of the combined effects of the El Niño phenomenon and prolonged drought in southern Madagascar, this part of the island faces severe food insecurity and economic vulnerability hampering its capacity to cope with shocks. According to the recent update of FEWS NET1 (April 2018), Madagascar is considered as in crisis for the period running from October 2017 to June 2018 because of poor rainfall forecasts, resulting in below-average harvests and limited food access. The latest monitoring report of the food security cluster2 (April 2018) shows that 820,299 people are in need of food assistance, including 586,076 people considered as in “crisis” and 234,223 who have reached the “emergency level” as regards exposure to food insecurity in southern Madagascar. Irregular, uneven and insufficient rain during the farming season (December 2017 to March 2018) raised concerns about the population's ability to store food and survive until next harvest. Despite food distributions (mainly school meals provided by WFP) and food production interventions (conducted by FAO and other agencies), drought has put extreme pressure on local communities and has led to an increase in the number of people suffering from food insecurity.
The disruption of work and income opportunities and livelihoods has also caused serious gaps in income generation, loss of productive assets and adoption of harmful coping mechanisms. The recent WFP/FAO Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM, December 2017) showed that loss of productive assets, such as the sale of production means, equipment and tools, has prevented people from producing food and generating income. In the absence of targeted assistance due lack of funding, people with moderate malnutrition may face severe malnutrition during the dry season. Vulnerable groups need immediate assistance in addition to an intervention aiming at increasing their resilience to shocks over the long term.
CARE is proposing, through the OFDA South project, a specific humanitarian intervention in the Ambovombe district for a period of 12 months in 6 communes in the Ambovombe district, including: Imanombo, Ambanisarika, Tsimananada, Marovato-Befeno, Ampamata, and Jafaro to save lives among the most vulnerable groups, prevent an aggravation of food insecurity and promote resilience building measures in parallel to the humanitarian response. The overall outcome of the project is to alleviate the drought-affected populations’ suffering in southern Madagascar through food production restoration, improved livelihoods and improved access to water. Read More...
The disruption of work and income opportunities and livelihoods has also caused serious gaps in income generation, loss of productive assets and adoption of harmful coping mechanisms. The recent WFP/FAO Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM, December 2017) showed that loss of productive assets, such as the sale of production means, equipment and tools, has prevented people from producing food and generating income. In the absence of targeted assistance due lack of funding, people with moderate malnutrition may face severe malnutrition during the dry season. Vulnerable groups need immediate assistance in addition to an intervention aiming at increasing their resilience to shocks over the long term.
CARE is proposing, through the OFDA South project, a specific humanitarian intervention in the Ambovombe district for a period of 12 months in 6 communes in the Ambovombe district, including: Imanombo, Ambanisarika, Tsimananada, Marovato-Befeno, Ampamata, and Jafaro to save lives among the most vulnerable groups, prevent an aggravation of food insecurity and promote resilience building measures in parallel to the humanitarian response. The overall outcome of the project is to alleviate the drought-affected populations’ suffering in southern Madagascar through food production restoration, improved livelihoods and improved access to water. Read More...
WASH Knowledge Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Baseline
CARE Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) Base-line Survey Report is part of the Global Affairs Canada 2017-2019 Project on WASH. CARE’s proposed three-year WASH program will provide critical water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services to IDPs and host communities in Duhok and Ninawa governorates; improve overall WASH services for women, men, boys and girls; and reduce tensions between the host community and IDPs.
In collaboration with local authorities and communities, CARE and its partners will undertake WASH activities including repair and maintenance of latrines and water supply systems, water quality testing, improved waste management and establishment or support to existing WASH Committees and authorities to operate, repair and manage WASH facilities. The proposed activities will complement CARE’s existing GAC-funded WASH programs, and expand our reach within Duhok and into Ninawa. CARE’s programming choices also reflect the increased burden of host communities in the Iraqi crisis. Read More...
In collaboration with local authorities and communities, CARE and its partners will undertake WASH activities including repair and maintenance of latrines and water supply systems, water quality testing, improved waste management and establishment or support to existing WASH Committees and authorities to operate, repair and manage WASH facilities. The proposed activities will complement CARE’s existing GAC-funded WASH programs, and expand our reach within Duhok and into Ninawa. CARE’s programming choices also reflect the increased burden of host communities in the Iraqi crisis. Read More...
Secure Farming for Rural Smallholder Farmers An Initiative on Non-traditional Financing Services
Krishi Utsho is a successfully proven supply chain model which has improved the food security situation of vulnerable farmers and their families. As part of the KU initiative, the idea of MEDA (Non-traditional financing initiative) project is to mitigate the financial predicaments of vulnerable farmers, through introducing financial institutions to provide benefits to the farmers and bring banks and financial services closer to them. The plan is to create a linkage with bank and insurance company to secure financial offers
by becoming a guarantor where farmers’ loan will be secured by the insurance services. The project is being piloted in Bogura and Jashore. As the starting point, a baseline study has been commissioned to assess the current situation and circumstances of the target beneficiaries. This report is a reflection of the findings of the baseline survey.
To capture the information to fulfill the objectives of the study, mixed methodology was used – wherein 100 KU beneficiaries (randomly selected) participated in the quantitative survey, while six FGDs (target beneficiaries), two IDIs (KU franchisee shop owners) and two KIIs (representatives from insurance company and commercial bank) were conducted to supplement the qualitative information to support the quantitative data.
by becoming a guarantor where farmers’ loan will be secured by the insurance services. The project is being piloted in Bogura and Jashore. As the starting point, a baseline study has been commissioned to assess the current situation and circumstances of the target beneficiaries. This report is a reflection of the findings of the baseline survey.
To capture the information to fulfill the objectives of the study, mixed methodology was used – wherein 100 KU beneficiaries (randomly selected) participated in the quantitative survey, while six FGDs (target beneficiaries), two IDIs (KU franchisee shop owners) and two KIIs (representatives from insurance company and commercial bank) were conducted to supplement the qualitative information to support the quantitative data.
Baseline Survey of Hariyo Ban Program II
Building on the accomplishments and learnings of Hariyo Ban Phase I, the second phase is being implemented in Nepal since July 2016. The objective of phase II is to increase ecological and community resilience in Terai Arc Landscape (TAL) and Chitwan Annapurna Landscape (CHAL) across 15 districts (Figure 1). The program focuses interventions on specific working sites having common issues, threats and opportunities in the biological corridors in TAL while it works in sub-river basin in CHAL. The program is implemented by a consortium of WWF Nepal, Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE), National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC) and the Federation of Community Forestry Users Nepal (FECOFUN), with WWF serving as the managing partner for the program. [55 pages] Read More...
L’Union Européenne finance les Programmes ASARA (Amélioration de la Sécurité Alimentaire et Augmentation des Revenus Agricoles) et AINA (Actions Intégrées en Nutrition et Alimentation) dans le cadre de son initiative visant à accélérer l’atteinte de l’Objectif du Millénaire pour le Développement (OMD) 1c, « réduire de moitié, d’ici 2015, la proportion de la population vivant dans l’extrême pauvreté et souffrant de la faim ».
ASARA et AINA pilotés respectivement par l'USCP (Unité de Suivi et de Coordination du Projet) et la FAO (Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture) visent la réduction de l’insécurité alimentaire des familles vulnérables dans les zones ciblées. Le programme AINA vise en plus l’amélioration de la sécurité nutritionnelle de ces familles. Les Régions Androy, Anosy et Atsimo Atsinanana sont des zones communes aux deux programmes si AINA intervient également dans les Régions Amoron’i Mania, Vatovavy Fitovinany et ASARA dans le District de Fort-Dauphin. Read More...
ASARA et AINA pilotés respectivement par l'USCP (Unité de Suivi et de Coordination du Projet) et la FAO (Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture) visent la réduction de l’insécurité alimentaire des familles vulnérables dans les zones ciblées. Le programme AINA vise en plus l’amélioration de la sécurité nutritionnelle de ces familles. Les Régions Androy, Anosy et Atsimo Atsinanana sont des zones communes aux deux programmes si AINA intervient également dans les Régions Amoron’i Mania, Vatovavy Fitovinany et ASARA dans le District de Fort-Dauphin. Read More...
Women and Youth Entrepreneurs Leading Change (OBADER)
Report on the Baseline Assessment carried out for the CARE West Bank and Gaza (now CARE in the occupied Palestinian territory) project OBADER (Women and Youth Entrepreneurs Leading Change). [102 pages] Read More...
POWER Africa – Baseline Report
Description of the document: POWER Africa aims to increase financial inclusion in Côte d’Ivoire, Burundi, Ethiopia and Rwanda through the VSLA approach while also creating a platform for sharing lessons learned within and between the four target countries. In this context, it is vital to be able to access (and assess) the experience of each country, which can only be achieved by carrying out an in-depth base-lining exercise to identify the current situation in the lives of rural people in the target countries – and then measure progress against that situation. The consulting company has been contracted to design and implement an extensive baseline study, to build local capacity and enabling the tools and database to be used effectively to conduct further studies at mid and end-line points. The study shows that: 1. Proportionally, more VSLA women and saving than non-VSLA women; 2. VSLA women are saving larger sums than VSLA men and non-VSLA women and men; 3. Resorting to loans from the VSLA solidarity fund is reducing the strain on already hard-pressed relatives and neighbors; 4. 87% of VSLA women and one or more IGA (78% for non-VSLA women); 5. VSLA men tend to have just one IGA; 6. VSLA women (42%) are taking out loans to fund their IGAs, as opposed to only 26% non-VSLA women; 7. VSLA men are not using their loans for IGA development; 8. VSLA women are already reporting feeling more positive and confident about expressing their opinions and participating in household decision-making; 9. VSLA men are aware of the benefits of including women in decision-making and say they committed to encouraging it in their households.