
Humanitarian Aid and Resilience Building in Refugee and Host Communities in Lake Chad (PARELAC)

This is the final internal evaluation of the project PARELAC in Chad from 2016 to 2017 (37 pages). This humanitarian assistance project to reinforce of the resilience of the population displaced and the host communities. The project was in partnership with Action Against Hunger and funded by ECHO. Read More...

Journey for the Advancement of Transparency, Representation, and Accountability (JATRA)

This 39 page report highlights the final evaluation findings from the Journey for Advancement for Transparency, Representation and Accountability (JATRA) project, which aimed to strengthen participatory governance processes in the public finance management systems of 15 Union Parishads in Nilphamari and Gaibandha districts of Northwest Bangladesh so that they are more transparent and accountable. This project was funded through the Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA), established by the World Bank. Read More...

FSDU Final Project Report

CARE International in Uganda with funding from FSDU implemented a twenty months digitalized financial service project targeting 12,350 youth in Kibaale/Kagadi district. The project end date was 31/12/2016. The project had an extension of three months, 1stJanuary to 31stMarch 2017 at IPO level and 28th/04/2017 at CARE level respectively. The project goal was that “Rural and peri-urban youth aged (15-30yrs) in Kibaale/Kagadi district have increased access to financial services and engage meaningfully with the financial market
actors for sustainable financial inclusion”. The project had four specific objectives that focused on; strengthening the organizational capacity of youth through Youth Savings and Loans Associations (YSLAs) as the first step towards inclusion in the financial sector; ensuring establishment of structures that enable the youth to access formal financial services; provision of technical support that builds the financial industry’s knowledge base that heightens youth financial inclusion and establishment of a structure that supports the formal financial institutions’ and telecom companies to outgrow the “sub-scale trap” and reach a critical mass of youth customers. [42 pages] Read More...

Empowering Men to Engage and Redefine Gender Equality (EMERGE) Final Evaluation

CARE International Sri Lanka’s ‘Empowering Men to Engage and Redefine Gender Equality’ (EMERGE) project was implemented across 30 villages and 5 plantations in the districts of Batticaloa, Polonnaruwa, Nuwara Eliya (2010-2014) and Hambantota and Moneragala (2010-2013). The project attempted to address persistent issues of gender inequality and GBV through the engagement of men and from a perspective that challenged hegemonic masculinities. The emphasis of this project was on transforming attitudes, perceptions and practice of gender inequality in various forms, working with men, boys and women to this end. The project worked at multiple levels - household, community, divisional, district and at national level where it engaged in advocacy efforts around the issues of gender equality and GBV. For CARE Sri Lanka, engaging men has been acknowledged as an important component of gender programming, as it is seen as widening the scope of its work to address GBV, by working with both men and women to challenge dominant masculinities. [42 pages] Read More...

Financial Literacy and Linkage Banking Project (FLIP) Northern Uganda Agricultural Livelihoods Recovery Programme

This is the final report of Financial Literacy and Linkage Banking Project (FLIP) implemented by CARE International in Uganda from 15th August 2012 to 12th November 2013 with funding from European Union through the Northern Uganda Agriculture Recovery Programme (ALREP). The project purpose was to achieve result area 4 of ALREP i.e. “Availability of agricultural finance to producers, traders and processors increased”. The project had three main result areas: 1) Increase financial literacy of small and medium scale actors (individuals and groups) in the agricultural sector in Northern Uganda increased; 2) Small and medium scale actors (individuals and groups) that save with and acquire loans from formal financial institutions for agricultural and agribusiness purposes increased; and 3) Formal financial institutions’ procedures and products are more geared towards the needs of small and medium scale actors in the agricultural sector. [43 pages] Read More...

Umodzi Project: Men, Women, Boys and Girls in Alliance to Achieve Gender Equality Endline Report

Umodzi Project: Men, Women, Boys and Girls in Alliance to Achieve Gender Equality, was a research project, whose aim was to test the effectiveness of adding gender conscious practice curriculum (GCP) and intergenerational dialogues on existing Auntie Stella life skills curriculum to accelerate and enhance adolescent life skills and sexual reproductive health programming. The project was implemented in Suza Zone. CARE Malawi, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) at district level, had already been working in Suza and Linyangwa Zones to implement an enhanced life skills curriculum that was being implemented by public school teachers in two zones in Kasungu District. The initiative was supported by PCTFI under the CARE Malawi Adolescent Girls’ Empowerment (AGE) program.

Under the Umodzi project, the idea was to test the effectiveness of adding a gender conscious practice curriculum to the existing life skills curriculum. Therefore, the main activity that was implemented under the project was the delivery of a gender synchronized intervention through the Gender Conscious Practice (GCP) curriculum to the supplementary life skills curriculum that was delivered after school by trained teachers in Suza and Linyangwa Zones in Kasungu District. To enhance adoption of GCP, the project promoted intergenerational discussions through the Working with Men and Boys to Advance Gender Equality and SRH (WMB/SRH) manual targeting mostly older men, commonly called ‘Male Champions of gender’ that were recruited through the Pathways program.

This document is a report of findings of an end line evaluation of the Umodzi Project implemented in Suza Education Zone in Kasungu District in the Central Region of Malawi. Data collection and analysis for the end line evaluation took place in February 2018 while the report was compiled in March 2018. The end line evaluation was part of evaluation activities for the project, which were subcontracted to CDM to support learning. Read More...

Community Support System (CmSS) Evaluation Report

Reduction of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality is a priority area in the Health Nutrition and Population Section Program (HNSP) of the Government of Bangladesh. To address huge unmet needs for maternal and neonatal health (MNH) services, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) with support from JICA launched the Safe Motherhood Promotion Project (SMPP) in Narsingdi district in 2006. The purposed of the SMPP project is to improve health status of pregnant and postpartum women and neonates in the project area. [78 pages] Read More...

Calidad y equidad en la educación intercultural en Puno KAWSAY II segunda fase

El proyecto “Calidad y equidad en la educación intercultural en Puno - KAWSAY II segunda fase”, ha sido ha sido propuesto y ejecutado por CARE Perú de la región Puno, gracias al financiamiento otorgado por la Douglas B. Marchall, Jr. Family Foundation, habiendo iniciado sus actividades en el segundo semestre de 2014 y, tras una ampliación, culminó sus actividades en mayo de 2016. [73 pages] Read More...

Inclusión Económica y Financiera de Mujeres Rurales Pobres en El Departamento De Junín

Por encargo de CARE Perú se realizó la evaluación del proyecto INCLUSIÓN ECONÓMICA Y FINANCIERA DE MUJERES RURALES POBRES EN EL DEPARTAMENTO DE JUNÍN, el mismo que tuvo una duración de un año y contó con el apoyo financiero de Generall Mills. La finalidad del proyecto fue incrementar los ingresos económicos de mujeres participantes al tiempo de fortalecer su empoderamiento económico; para ello se planteó como estrategia principal el fortalecimiento de sus capacidades en las dimensiones de gestión, financiera y productiva.
La evaluación tuvo una metodología cualitativa y cuantitativa, utilizando tanto información d e fuente directa como indirecta. Se reconstruyó la línea de base del proyecto para varios de los indicadores cuya medición
inicial no se disponía. Como técnica cualitativa se priorizó los grupos focales y para la cuantitativa se aplicó una encuesta con un cuestionario cerrado. Este trabajo se realizó durante los meses de julio y agosto del 2016. [71 pages] Read More...

Evaluación del Proyecto “Promoviendo el Fortalecimiento de Pueblos Indígenas para la Gestión de Recursos Naturales en Perú , Ecuador y Bolivia”

La presente evaluación del Proyecto “Promoviendo el Fortalecimiento de Pueblos Indígenas para la Gestión de Recursos Naturales en Perú, Ecuador y Bolivia” – PIAR, se efectuó en torno a la dinámica de los procesos que se ejecutaron, a la forma en que las variables interactuaron entre sí y al modo en que influenciaron los factores internos y externos. Estos elementos fueron interpretados y evaluados, de donde se extrajeron las conclusiones, las lecciones aprendidas y recomendaciones de esta experiencia en torno a el análisis del proyecto – PIAR, como una experiencia singular en la región de América Latina.

El eje de análisis de la evaluación fue el impacto del proyecto PIAR. Impacto entendido en tres sentidos como:1) cambios cualitativos y cuantitativos producidos directamente por la acción del proyecto, 2) las incidencias de la acción, sobre los medios físicos y humanos circundantes. Es decir, los efectos que devienen de la conjugación de los resultados directos de la acción, más otras dinámicas o limitaciones del medio en que se desarrolla la acción y 3) los cambios en la calidad y modo de vida de las personas, de los grupos sociales, de las comunidades. [83 pages] Read More...

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