
We-rise global endline

This 82 page report highlights the global findings of the WE Rise project funded by Australia Africa... Read More...

Haraad reeb (quenching the thirst) ii final report

This 74 page report highlights the impacts of the German-government funded Haraad Reeb project. CARE and its principal partner, the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) in Somaliland, have just concluded implementation of a 30-month project titled Haraad Reeb, which was funded by BMZ – Germany Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development. The thrust of the project was to build the resilience of target communities against drought-related shocks. The project focused on rural semi-sedentary populations living in small village-towns and spread across the eastern regions – Togdheer, Sool and Sanaag. Some activities were also implemented in Sahil, Hargeisa and Awdal regions.
The project performance against set indicators was excellent; indictors were met or surpassed. Implementation effectiveness was evident in the wide coverage, beneficiary participation, gender considerations, coordination mechanism, and in monitoring and evaluation strategies. CARE-MoWR had a robust working relationship, outlined in a joint MoU and applied at all levels – national, regional, districts and village. CARE had sufficient, qualified and motivated project staff while MoWR attached an engineer to the project.
Backed by evidence, the project designers realized that insufficiency of investments is not the core problem facing the rural water supply subsector. The core problem was identified as poor strategies to support operation and maintenance of the established systems. Due to this problem, there has been little to show for millions of dollars that the INGOs and UN agencies have invested in the subsector over the last two decades (1995-2015).
At the policy level, the project addressed the institutional lacuna that has existed regarding community management of water systems. This was done by supporting the MoWR to develop the community water management manual. The evaluation found that the manual is a great step forward. However, it also found that the manual requires review, consensus, reediting and advocacy with a view to giving it a national appeal, acceptance and application. In particular, the proposed 3-person management unit is too restrictive and not adequate for inclusive and participatory regime. Read More...

Renew 2016 learning paper

This 34 page paper highlights findings from The Redefining Norms to Empower Women (ReNEW) project in... Read More...

Ifons linkages evaluation final

This 75 page external evaluation shows results from the Internal CARE report on the IFONS/LINKAGES p... Read More...

Abdishe project final external evaluation

This document highlights external evaluators findings on the CARE Ethiopia Abdishe/LINKAGES program ... Read More...

Hc nepal-report-final apr2016

This 33 page report looks as results from the entire humanitarian cluster's interventions after the ... Read More...

Évaluation des violences basées sur le genre au sein des refugiés centrafricains et leurs populations hôtes dans les départements de la Kadey et du Mbéré (Régions de l’Est et l’Adamaoua- Cameroun)

Depuis le début de la crise en République Centrafricaine (RCA) en 2013, le Cameroun a enregistré un afflux massif des refugiés centrafricains. En février 2016, ils sont estimés à environ 259 145 réfugiés accueillis dans 7 sites aménagés et les villages des Régions de l’Est, de l’Adamaoua et du Nord. Les régions de L’Est et L’Adamaoua seules abritent 97% des refugiés (voir ci-contre).

Une analyse Genre conduite par CARE en septembre 2014 et l’expérience sur le terrain ont fait ressortir une situation préoccupante en termes de protection notamment pour les femmes et les filles refugiées ainsi qu’une augmentation de l’incidence des cas d’agressions physiques et sexuelles envers les femmes, perpétrées par des membres de la communauté hôte ainsi que par les réfugiés eux- mêmes.

PROSADE Final evaluation report

This 46 page report highlights the findings from CARE's PROSADE project financed by the Canadian Go... Read More...

Project Femme Eau Terre a Biltine (FET) Rapport Final

This 39 page document highlights the results of the FET project funded by the European Union Read More...

Madagascar – evaluation DIPECHO IV rapport final

This 154 page report details the final evaluation of the DIsaster Preparedness European Commission H... Read More...

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