
SHABGE-CHOLEN Pilot Initiative Evaluation

The SHABGE project was initiated in July, 2002 in 16 different sites of three thanas in Banderban district of Bangladesh. There is a commitment in the SHABGE- DFID project memorandum to pilot support for homestead Gardening Extension in CHT. This research has been conducted with the objective to evaluate the impact of SHABGE project in four intervened areas (communities). Read More...

Strengthening advocacy for Indigenous People and Rural Farmers in Bolivia

Strengthening of the participation of organizations of farmers and indigenous people of Chuquisaca, ... Read More...

Proyecto Supervivencia Materna

objetivo general del proyecto fue contribuir a la reducción de la mortalidad materna por complicacio... Read More...

Evaluation Report For Safe Agriculture for Farmers in EGYPT- SAFE

CARE Egypt adopted the principal of agro-ecological agriculture as the base of concept and managemen... Read More...

Proyecto FEMME Evaluación


Rapport d’Evaluation du Projet Fanohitra

The goal of the project is to change attitudes about HIV/AIDS. Read More...

Child Survival Project Final Evaluation

Goal: improve the health and nutritional status of children under five and women of reproductive age... Read More...

Viable Initiatives for the Development of Agriculture in Nampula Provice- Phase II (VIDA II)

The purpose of the final survey is to measure project indicators in the final year of project implem... Read More...

Emergency Food Support Programme For Children Of Internally Displaced Kayah Ethnics In Kayah State

Emergency Food Support Programmed for Children of Internally Displaced Kayah Ethics “Project of Phas... Read More...

Ete – tumauma and kemp final eval report aug 2006

Sustainably improved food security, economic livelihood and social status of farmers in five village... Read More...

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