Rapport d’évaluation à mi parcours du projet RAN-AINA
Le projet RAN-AINA arrive à mi- terme aussi il est nécessaire d’évaluer les progrès réalisés dans l’atteinte des résultats prévus et la manière dont les activités ont été réalisées, en vue d’en tirer des leçons pour améliorer les interventions au cours de la seconde moitié de la vie du Programme. L’évaluation apprécie la pertinence, l’efficacité, l’efficience, les effets des interventions, et surtout la durabilité des résultats au niveau des communautés.
Par ailleurs, CARE Madagascar s’aligne avec les objectifs CARE 2020 au niveau international, aussi l’évaluation apportera un regard spécifique sur les indicateurs relatifs aux thématiques suivantes : i) Aide humanitaire, ii) Sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition et la résilience au changement climatique, iii) L'approche de CARE (genre – gouvernance – Résilience). Read More...
Par ailleurs, CARE Madagascar s’aligne avec les objectifs CARE 2020 au niveau international, aussi l’évaluation apportera un regard spécifique sur les indicateurs relatifs aux thématiques suivantes : i) Aide humanitaire, ii) Sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition et la résilience au changement climatique, iii) L'approche de CARE (genre – gouvernance – Résilience). Read More...
Projet Velontegna Rapport Intermediaire
Le projet VELONTEGNA, financé par la Coopération Allemande intervient dans le domaine de la sécurité alimentaire et couvre 6 communes des deux Districts de la Région Atsinanana, à savoir Brickaville et Toamasina II. Mis en œuvre par les deux partenaires CARE International et l’ONG SAF FJKM, il a débuté ses activités proprement dites depuis son lancement officiel au mois de septembre 2015 et a entamé actuellement les 53% de sa période de mise en œuvre. Malgré les efforts de l’Etat actuel, les impacts de la longue crise politique de 2009 à 2013 se font sentir à travers la vie sociale et surtout économique du pays et continuent à sévir dans tous les aspects de la vie des citoyens. Selon le groupe de la Banque Mondiale dans le rapport « Madagascar Vue d’ensemble » Madagascar affiche des résultats en matière d’éducation, de santé, de nutrition et d’accès à l’eau parmi les plus faibles du monde, 90 % de la population vit dans la pauvreté, le PIB par habitant s’élève à 420 dollars, un enfant sur deux (de moins de cinq ans) souffre de malnutrition chronique ; et le pays est classé au 154e rang sur 187 pays de l’indice de développement humain réalisé en 2015. Read More...
Projet Velontegna Evaluation à mi-parcours
L’évaluation analyse la pertinence, l’efficacité, l’efficience, les effets des interventions, et surtout la durabilité des résultats au niveau des communautés. Par ailleurs, CARE Madagascar s’aligne avec les objectifs CARE 2020 au niveau international, aussi l’évaluation apportera un regard spécifique sur les indicateurs relatifs aux thématiques suivantes : i) Aide humanitaire, ii) Sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition et la résilience au changement climatique, iii) L'approche de CARE (genre – gouvernance – Résilience). Read More...
Réponse d’urgence pour soutenir les personnes vulnérables victimes d’El Niño Rapport Intermédiaire
Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du projet « réponse d’urgence pour soutenir les personnes vulnérables victimes d’El Nino dans le Grand Sud de Madagascar » financé par l’ECHO et mis en œuvre par CARE Madagascar dans 7 Communes du District d’Ambovombe. La sècheresse pendant ces 3 dernières années suivie par le phénomène EL NINO a provoqué la situation d’insécurité alimentaire actuelle surtout pour les couches très vulnérables de la population. Notre intervention répond d’abord à l’accessibilité et à la disponibilité des besoins essentiels de nourriture et d’eau, puis à l’amélioration de la résilience de la population cible face à la situation de sécheresse cyclique dans cette partie de Madagascar. 3 secteurs d’activité sont développés pendant les 15 mois d’intervention du projet : l’assistance financière en espèce sous forme d’Argent contre travail, de transfert monétaire inconditionnel et les renforcements des comités de suivi et d’entretien, la distribution des intrants agricoles et appuis techniques aux groupements de producteurs et le renforcement de l’approvisionnement en sources d’eau améliorée. Read More...
Youth Employment Project in Aswan (YEP) Midterm Evaluation
118-page midterm report on the “Youth employment in Aswan project” (YEP) which was funded by Swiss program under domain 2 was proposed by CARE and WorldFish (WF) in response to a call for proposal. According to the approved proposal, CARE and WF believed that despite the moment of transition and crisis in Egypt, during the post-2011 revolution period, there are also tremendous opportunities for increased income and employment for youth in the agricultural sector (defined in its broadest sense to encompass farming, animal production and fisheries). Accordingly, the goal of the program was that there will be increased and sustainable income and employment for disadvantaged youth, women and men in Aswan. The project aims to provide increased and sustainable income for 2,500 disadvantaged youth and employment for a further 4,000 youth. Read More...
Supporting Participation and Accountability for Communities’ Education (SPACE) Mid-term Evaluation
The objective of this 78-page consultancy report is to conduct the midterm evaluation for the SPACE project, based on the indicators set in the M&E system, and in reference to available project documents and progress reports. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were conducted in order to highlight implementation challenges, lessons learned and recommendations for the project's upcoming period. As such, this mid-term evaluation report includes an analysis of the project's relevance, efficiency and effectiveness and aims at displaying a snapshot of where the project is standing at the time of the report vis-à-vis implementation and actual/prospective results. The objective of this report is to aid in improving project implementation in the remaining phase of its lifetime and also to provide an overview of expected impact and sustainability, wherever applicable. Read More...
Midline SBGV Focus Group Assessment
In order to determine whether beneficiaries reported a change in knowledge towards SGBV, we conducted a midline assessment in terms of focus groups. Five focus groups were held in Cairo and Alexandria during October 2016 to a total of 29 Syrian and 20 Sudanese women, 8 Syrian men, and 14 Syrian children (7 girls and 7 boys). In Cairo, 15 Syrian and 20 Sudanese women were interviewed in two focus groups, and a third mixed-gender focus group was conducted with 14 children aged between 8 and 12. In Alexandria, one focus group was conducted to 14 Syrian women and another to 8 Syrian men. Interviewees were a randomly picked sample of beneficiaries who attended the project’s activities throughout the first year. [2 pages] Read More...
Empowerment of Egypt’s Children to Take Actions in Schools and Communities Midterm Evaluation
This is the 56-page report of the Mid-term Evaluation of the "Empowerment of Egypt's Children to take actions in Schools and Communities", funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented with co-fund from CARE Deutschland-Luxemburg in partnership with Save the Children UK (SCUK); the Jesuit Brothers Association (JBA); and the Youth Association for Environment and Development (YADE). According to the agreement with the EU, the project started in January 2011 and will last for 36 months. It is expected to get a no cost extension for six months to compensate the delay that took place at the beginning of the project due to the 25th of January Revolution events. Read More...
Midterm Performance Evaluation of the Bangladesh NGO Health Service Delivery Project (NHSDP)
This 159-page midterm performance evaluation of the Bangladesh Non-governmental Organizations (NGO) Health Service Delivery Project (NHSDP) examines the project’s progress toward meeting its goal and objectives. NHSDP is the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Bangladesh’s largest health initiative; this flagship project is the latest in a series of programs going back to at least 1998 that have sought to improve the ability of local NGOs to provide basic health services to the poor. NHSDP was designed in 2012, when USAID was implementing significant procurement reforms and emphasizing the need to work more directly with local organizations. In 2013, USAID received gift funds from the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID) to co-fund NHSDP, which expanded the scope considerably. The DFID supplementary fund has supported the current NHSDP activities and strengthened its focus on family planning (FP) and maternal health outcomes, with a specific focus on improved service delivery for the urban poor. Read More...
Mid-term Performance Evaluation of the “Continuum of Prevention, Care and Treatment (CoPCT) of HIV/AIDS with Most at-Risk Populations in Cameroon (CHAMP)” Project
The USAID/West Africa, Cameroon field office requested a mid-term performance evaluation in 2017 to determine which approaches are best contributing towards the USAID-funded “Continuum of Prevention, Care and Treatment (CoPCT) of HIV/AIDS with Most at-Risk Populations in Cameroon (CHAMP)” program’s purpose to “improve the Government’s and civil society technical capacity to implement evidence-based prevention, care and treatment services to key populations (KPs) in Cameroon,” and the extent to which this program purpose will likely be achieved at the end of the program in 2019. This Executive Summary presents highlights of the evaluation findings and summarized recommendations, followed by the full report which includes further detail.
Review of findings from this mid-term evaluation show that the USAID and PEPFAR-supported CHAMP program has made significant strides in expanding services to key populations in Cameroon over the life of the project to date, despite significant challenges and violence directed towards KPs. While CHAMP’s predecessor program, the USAID HIV/AIDS Prevention Program (HAPP), focused on the provision of prevention services from 2009-2013, CHAMP has since 2014 expanded services across the full cascade from HIV/AIDS prevention to treatment and retention. While HAPP had a relatively small budget under $1 million a year, CHAMP is an $18.5 million program over 5 years, with concurrent scale-up of key populations reached with prevention, testing, linkage to, and retention in treatment in Yaoundé, Douala, and Bamenda city clusters. The Global Fund and PEPFAR are the major donors for KPs in Cameroon and have worked closely to align and harmonize efforts and monitoring approaches, including a joint PEPFAR/Global Fund KP cascade assessment in 2016 that was organized through the LINKAGES project working through CHAMP.
Particularly notable advancements are the introduction of enhanced peer education and mobilization (EPEM) models for outreach and extensive microplanning used to identify new individuals and new networks beyond traditional peer to peer contacts for intensified case finding, and key populations living with HIV (KPLHIV) receive extensive support from peer navigators, counselors and linkage and retention agents in both community-based drop-in-centers (DICs) and in linked referral health facilities providing ART initiation and tertiary care. The drop-in center “one-stop shop” model now has added community based ART dispensation at the DIC, and there has been systematic engagement, collaborative training
and partnership between CHAMP and the Government of the Republic of Cameroon, other PEPFAR agencies including CDC and DOD, and the Global Fund, to reinforce the provision of improved quality services to KPs and to build capacity and coverage and data within the national program. Prevention efforts led by CHAMP and the Global Fund have contributed to a documented decline in HIV prevalence among female sex workers in Cameroon in recent years. Moreover, CHAMP’s research initiatives have produced high-quality data to document the KP epidemics in Cameroon, allowing for far more accurate measurement and tracking of results of prevention, care and treatment approaches. Read More...
Review of findings from this mid-term evaluation show that the USAID and PEPFAR-supported CHAMP program has made significant strides in expanding services to key populations in Cameroon over the life of the project to date, despite significant challenges and violence directed towards KPs. While CHAMP’s predecessor program, the USAID HIV/AIDS Prevention Program (HAPP), focused on the provision of prevention services from 2009-2013, CHAMP has since 2014 expanded services across the full cascade from HIV/AIDS prevention to treatment and retention. While HAPP had a relatively small budget under $1 million a year, CHAMP is an $18.5 million program over 5 years, with concurrent scale-up of key populations reached with prevention, testing, linkage to, and retention in treatment in Yaoundé, Douala, and Bamenda city clusters. The Global Fund and PEPFAR are the major donors for KPs in Cameroon and have worked closely to align and harmonize efforts and monitoring approaches, including a joint PEPFAR/Global Fund KP cascade assessment in 2016 that was organized through the LINKAGES project working through CHAMP.
Particularly notable advancements are the introduction of enhanced peer education and mobilization (EPEM) models for outreach and extensive microplanning used to identify new individuals and new networks beyond traditional peer to peer contacts for intensified case finding, and key populations living with HIV (KPLHIV) receive extensive support from peer navigators, counselors and linkage and retention agents in both community-based drop-in-centers (DICs) and in linked referral health facilities providing ART initiation and tertiary care. The drop-in center “one-stop shop” model now has added community based ART dispensation at the DIC, and there has been systematic engagement, collaborative training
and partnership between CHAMP and the Government of the Republic of Cameroon, other PEPFAR agencies including CDC and DOD, and the Global Fund, to reinforce the provision of improved quality services to KPs and to build capacity and coverage and data within the national program. Prevention efforts led by CHAMP and the Global Fund have contributed to a documented decline in HIV prevalence among female sex workers in Cameroon in recent years. Moreover, CHAMP’s research initiatives have produced high-quality data to document the KP epidemics in Cameroon, allowing for far more accurate measurement and tracking of results of prevention, care and treatment approaches. Read More...