Special Evaluation/Report
Recherche formative sur les services liés à l’avortement dans le Nord-Kivu, RDC : conclusions tirées des résultats des structures soutenues et zones desservies par CARE dans les zones de santé de Kayna et Lubero
En collaboration avec l’Initiative RAISE, CARE a commencé à soutenir le Ministère de la Santé Publique (MSP) de la RDC, en 2009, pour fournir des services de contraception dans l'aire de santé de Kasongo dans la province du Maniema. Le programme Supporting Access to Family Planning and Post-Abortion Care in Emergencies [Soutenir l’accès à la planification familiale et aux soins après avortements dans les situations d’urgence] (SAFPAC) a appuyé 19 structures sanitaires dans les aires de santé de Lubero, Kayna et Kasongo (provinces du Nord-Kivu et du Maniema) dans un secteur couvrant environ 320 000 personnes sur la période 2011 – 2015. Le programme soutient actuellement 48 structures sanitaires dans les aires de santé de Lubero, Kayna et Butembo dans le Nord-Kivu et dessert une population d'environ de 915 538. Cet appui inclut le renforcement des capacités et la supervision facilitante des prestataires de service, grâce à la mise à disposition d'équipements et de fournitures pour les structures, à la sensibilisation et la mobilisation communautaire, et à terme, la prestation de services de contraception et de soins après avortement par le personnel formé dans les structures relevant du MSP. (60 pages) Read More...
Working for impact in Papua New Guinea: CARE International’s portfolio review
This review focuses on CARE International’s program portfolio in Papua New Guinea (PNG) over the past five years (2013-2018). CARE’s goal in PNG is to achieve significant, positive and lasting impact on poverty and social injustice in remote, marginalised rural areas through the empowerment of women and their communities and through effective partnerships. CARE has worked in PNG since 1989 and now has offices in Goroka in Eastern Highlands Province, Mt Hagen in Western Highlands Province, Buka in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (ARB) and an office in Port Moresby.
Over the past five years, CARE’s program in PNG has worked in multiple areas: sexual, reproductive and maternal health, community health promotion, awareness and behaviour change; inclusive governance; women’s economic empowerment; climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction; and emergency response. These programs have been implemented in PNG’s particularly challenging operating environment. Read More...
Over the past five years, CARE’s program in PNG has worked in multiple areas: sexual, reproductive and maternal health, community health promotion, awareness and behaviour change; inclusive governance; women’s economic empowerment; climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction; and emergency response. These programs have been implemented in PNG’s particularly challenging operating environment. Read More...
Standing Up for Girls: Girls from Arab States Share the Stories of Their Lives
Protecting girls and supporting fulfilment of their rights and potential lies at the heart of the mandate of the United Nations Population Fund’s Arab States Regional Office (UNFPA-ASRO) and CARE’s regional office for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Both UNFPA and CARE regional offices have embarked on this report with the aim of identifying, documenting and disseminating the impact of programmes that have targeted adolescent girls and that have successfully resulted in delaying child marriage, preventing teenage pregnancies and combating FGM in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), Iraq, and Sudan. More specifically, the report zooms in on the daily lives of girls that have been positively impacted by approaches and practices in reducing GBV and in improving their access to SRH awareness and the accompanying services they need. The report captures the stories told by girls themselves, by their mothers, by community leaders and by aid workers on the risks and unmet needs in refugee and host communities and on how holistic, inclusive and evidence-based programming has mitigated the risks and met these needs. [52 pages] Read More...
Wild Edible Plants (WEP) Study in South Gondar
The principal objective of this study was to investigate the contemporary role and importance of WEPs in the diets of PLWs & under two children and to Collect, document, prioritize and publicize the nutrition contribution of selected WEPs in CARE Ethiopia project areas of South Gondar. [105 pages] Read More...
Promoting inclusive governance and gender equality in Papua New Guinea
CARE’s focus on improved governance and gender equality in Papua New Guinea is transforming women’s lives and their communities. CARE believes that one of the most effective ways for remote communities to thrive is to ensure governance systems function well at a local level and include the voices of all members of a community, particularly women. Our experience has shown that it is a slow but worthwhile process to support inclusive governance and gender equality within households, communities, and all levels of government in Papua New Guinea.
CARE répond à la crise du Bassin du Lac Tchad (BLT) depuis 2014 au Niger et 2015 au Tchad et au Cameroun
Le con it armé au Nord Nigéria étendue au Cameroun, Niger et Tchad a créé une crise humanitaire qui a entrainé le déplacement de 4.025.486 personnes (OIM DTM, Avril 2018). Ce e crise a révélé une dimension protection cruciale avec en particulier des violences multiformes à l’encontre des femmes et de filles et la dislocation des familles qui a laissé des centaines de milliers de femmes et des enfants avec la responsabilité de se prendre en charge et de prendre en charge leurs familles. CARE répond à ce e crise depuis 2014 au Niger et 2015 au Tchad et au Cameroun avec une approche centrée sur le genre. Une analyse d’impact genre, financée par le Global Affairs Canada a été menée en Août 2018 dans les trois pays en vue d’apprécier l’efficacité de l’approche d’intégra on du genre utilisée et son impact sur la vie des hommes, des femmes, des filles et des garçons affectés et formuler des recommanda ons d’améliora on. Les points ci-dessous synthétisent certains parmi les résultats de ce e analyse. Read More...
CARE responds to the crisis of the Lake Chad Basin (LCB) since 2014 in Niger and 2015 in Chad and Cameroon
The armed conflict in northern Nigeria extended to Cameroon, Niger and Chad created a humanitarian crisis that displaced 4,025,486 people (IOM DTM, April 2018). This crisis revealed a crucial protection dimension with, in particular, multifaceted violence against women and girls and the dislocation of families that left hundreds of thousands of women and children with the responsibility of caring for themselves and their families. CARE has responded to this crisis since 2014 in Niger and 2015 in Chad and Cameroon with a gender-focused approach. A gender impact analysis, funded by Global A airs Canada, was conducted in August 2018 in all three countries to assess the effectiveness of the gender mainstreaming approach used and its impact on men's lives, affected women, girls and boys and make recommendations for improvement. Read More...
Creating spaces for dialogue: a cluster-randomized evaluation of CARE’s Community Score Card on health governance outcomes
Social accountability interventions such as CARE’s Community Score Card© show promise for improving sexual, reproductive, and maternal health outcomes. A key component of the intervention is creation of spaces where community members, healthcare workers, and district officials can safely interact and collaborate to improve health-related outcomes. Here, we evaluate the intervention’s effect on governance constructs such as power sharing and equity that are central to our theory of change. Read More...
Enterprise Development for Out of School Adolescent Girls (EDOAG) Infographic Report
This evaluation report covers the end of project evaluation of the Enterprise Development for Out of School Adolescent Girls (EDOAG) project, which was launched in 2015; a brainchild of CARE International in Rwanda which was conceived after consideration of lessons learnt, best practices and recommendations of the end-line evaluation of FINAG project (2014). The EDOAG project was then launched to build on success registered with a blended approach focusing more on entrepreneurship development. [11 pages] Read More...
Women and Girls Participation in Decision Making for Imihigo and GBV issues
Care International Rwanda has contracted “A & G Services Ltd.” to conduct the study on “Women and Girls Participation in Decision Making for Imihigo and GBV issues”. The objective of this initiative was two-fold: The research firstly aimed at understanding which profiles of women and how these women have generally been participating and influencing decisions taken at both national and grassroots level in relation to GBV prevention and response. Secondly, the research additionally sought to analyze gaps and opportunities for Women and girls participation in planning and budgeting of the Imihigo process. [156 pages] Read More...