Special Evaluation/Report

Projet Win Win Etude Qualitative Genre

CARE Burundi et ses partenaires mettent en œuvre le projet "gagnant-gagnant pour le genre, l'agriculture et la nutrition: testant une approche de genre transformatrice d'Asie en Afrique". Il s'agit d'un projet de recherche de quatre ans, mis en œuvre dans six communes des deux provinces de Kirundo et Gitega au Burundi, pour tester une approche novatrice et transformatrice de genre pour le secteur agricole qui commence par développer une conscience critique et défier les croyances discriminatoires et les normes sociales à travers un modèle de réflexion, un dialogue communautaire et une action collective. CARE et ses partenaires sont en train de tester la manière dont cette approche pourra améliorer l’égalité des genres et la façon dont l'accent mis sur les relations de pouvoir et comment la prise de conscience peut également produire des effets durables sur la sécurité alimentaire, la nutrition et le bien-être économique. [57 pages] Read More...

Metas de Fase y Resultados para la Transferencia del Proyecto SABA

Índice :
Metas de fase 2015-2017 y POA 2015-2016
Resultados 2015 a junio 2016 sobre Meta de Fase
Gráficos Resultados sobre Metas de Fase por Actividades
Gráficos Resultados sobre Metas de Fase por Regiones
[35 slides]

Vertical Expansion of Social Protection Program

For the last nine years, Malawi has been supporting on average 1.73 million people each year with emergency food assistance, i.e. about 10% of its population. With widespread chronic poverty and high vulnerabilities, even predictable, recurrent lean seasons and minor weather variations develop into emergencies. Humanitarian actors including UN agencies and NGOs, repeatedly step-in to cover needs.

Poor households are often some of the most vulnerable to disasters. Poor people are among the groups most exposed to and suffering from shocks, including drought or floods: Limited livelihood options, resources, and access to services, mean that these households are often the least able to withstand shocks, and therefore prone to food insecurity, especially without resorting to negative coping mechanisms.

New and more sustainable ways of preventing and addressing recurrent food crises have to be found. An international humanitarian system, which is under strain by ever longer lasting crises, affecting more people, cannot sustainably respond to needs that largely result from chronic poverty. It is designed to support countries overwhelmed by a shock, to save lives, alleviate suffering and maintain human dignity during and in the aftermath of disasters. It also aims at preventing and supporting preparedness for the occurrence of such situations, through Disaster Risk Reduction measures.[24 page case study] Read More...

Situation Analysis to understand the needs and challenges of the urban migrant women at Gazipur of P.A.C.E at Community Project

CARE Bangladesh has been implementing Personal Advancement and Career Enhancement (P.A.C.E) at Community Project since April 2014 to till now funded by Gap Inc. The overall objective of the project is to have a positive impact in the lives of marginalized urban female migrant workers.
As a part of the activity, P.A.C.E at Community Project is working to test/pilot three core P.A.C.E modules in a community setting, thus improving living and working conditions of women in urban areas of Gazipur. Through the 20 learning centers urban migrant women are receiving the P.A.C.E session. P.A.C.E at Community project also set its activities for create an enabling environment for improving living and working conditions of urban migrant women. [15 pages] Read More...

Urban Socio-Economic and Vulnerability Study of Gazipur City Corporation

Between March 2014 and June 2014, CARE Bangladesh undertook a qualitative study to understand the risks and vulnerabilities for residents of two unplanned settlements or slums1 within the newly formed Gazipur City Corporation. The exercise mapped risks, identified areas of vulnerability, and worked to understand mechanisms being used by communities to cope with adverse events. A survey was also designed for the two studied communities, identifying service shortfalls that reduced resilience to cope with both seasonal and unexpected manmade and natural disasters. [49 pages]

Strengthening the Dairy Value Chain Project: Stories of Impact

This 26 page document shared stories of impact from CARE Bangladesh's project "Strengthening the Dairy Value Chain," which was the first dairy project in CARE Bangladesh to embrace a value chain approach, which observed the entire dairy sector for sustainable pro-poor growth. Read More...

‘We Pledge to Improve the Health of Our Entire Community’

Motivation is critical to health worker performance and work quality. In Bihar, India, frontline health workers provide essential health services for the state’s poorest citizens. Yet, there is a shortfall of motivated and skilled providers and a lack of coordination between two cadres of frontline health workers and their supervisors. CARE India developed an approach aimed at improving health workers’ performance by shifting work culture and strengthening teamwork and motivation. The intervention—“Team-Based Goals and Incentives”—supported health workers to work as teams towards collective goals and rewarded success with public recognition and non-financial incentives. [19 pages] Read More...

Schools Promoting Learning Achievement through Sanitation and Hygiene (SPLASH)

SPLASH is a five-year USAID-funded project that is targeting to reach over 240,000 primary school pupils in four districts of Eastern Province, Zambia, (Mambwe, Chipata, Lundazi, and Chadiza). This 5-year project (2011-2015), funded through USAID’s Bureau for Global Health and led by FHI 360 in partnership with CARE and Winrock International, uses at-scale programming approaches to reduce diarrheal diseases and acute respiratory infections, the two top killers of children under age five globally. The project works with the Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training, and Early Education (MESVTEE) and other line ministries such as the Ministry of Local Government and Housing (MLGH) and the Ministry of Health (MOH). SPLASH’s overall objective is to sustainably improve access to safe water, adequate sanitation, hygiene information, and health practices to improve learning environments and educational performance in primary schools. You can also find the final technical report: https://www.fhi360.org/sites/default/files/media/documents/resource-splash-endofproject-report-2016.pdf Read More...

Scale Project Impact Study Project Brief

Strengthening Cash transfers for Access to finance, Livelihood and Entrepreneurship (SCALE) is a three-year (2013- 2016) project funded by the European Union which CARE International in Zambia, in collaboration with the Ministry ofCommunityDevelopmentandSocialWelfare(MCDSW),isimplementing. Itisapracticalandscalablemodelfor social and economic empowerment that brings tangible benefits to communities and contributes to poverty reduction.
The SCALE Project is premised on the idea that combining social cash transfers (SCT) with Village Savings and Loans (VSL), which are enriched with business skills using a Selection, Planning and Management (SPM) approach, will enable beneficiaries to graduate to sustainable livelihoods beyond SCT.
The complementary model of VSL and SPM builds on the existing Government SCT programme. The project has organised beneficiaries of SCT into Village Saving and Loans Associations (VSLAs) and trained them in VSL and SPM methodologies. Read More...

A Safer Zambia (ASAZA)

CARE led a consortium of local organizations, Zambian government institutions, and international partners in A Safer Zambia (ASAZA) program to provide a multi-pronged approach to the issue of gender-based violence (GBV) in Zambia. First, CARE sought to strengthen vulnerable populations’ access to GBV services and their utilization of these services through the creation of eight Coordinated Response Centers (CRCs). Second, ASAZA increased the response capacity of local institutions through collaboration with local NGOs and various Zambian government agencies, culminating in the eventual handover of the CRCs to the Ministry of Health (MoH). Finally, ASAZA worked with traditional community leaders to conduct a coordinated outreach and behavioral change campaign to improve GBV prevention strategies. Taken together, these activities comprised a twofold approach to tackling the problem of GBV. While the CRCs represented a restorative approach, the array of informational, educational and behavior change communications represented a preventative approach. [14 pages] Read More...

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