The final consultancy report presents the baseline and diagnostic findings for the "Rural Women's Enterprises in Ayabaca Province, Piura" project, targeting five districts prioritized for their high poverty levels. Conducted between October and November 2023, the study utilized surveys, interviews, workshops, and focus groups, engaging primarily women involved in agro-production and crafts. Key findings reveal significant challenges, including low educational attainment, limited access to financial resources, inadequate basic services, and underrepresentation of women in leadership roles. Most women finance their ventures through personal savings, with minimal access to financial systems and markets, constraining their entrepreneurial growth. Despite these barriers, women play a vital role in the province’s agro-economic activities and crafts, yet face high rates of gender-based violence. The report emphasizes the urgent need to strengthen women’s participation in economic development, improve access to training and markets, and address systemic inequalities to enhance income generation and community resilience.
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Total Page Count: 71
Gender Equity and Resilience in Malawi: Insights from Titukulane RFSA Outcome Harvesting
Titukulane aims to build resilience and improve food security in rural Malawi through approaches that advance gender equality by addressing key constraints for women and girls. These constraints include the gender division of labor, intra-household decision-making, and access to productive resources. Gender equality is critical to achieving the broader objectives of Titukulane, as it directly affects agricultural productivity, economic empowerment, and the resilience of households and communities. By promoting women's and youth's active participation in leadership roles and community decision making processes, Titukulane seeks to ensure more sustainable and equitable outcomes in resilience building activities.
Building off the earlier Gender Outcome Mapping, the 2024 Outcome Harvest evaluated Titukulane’s impact on five gender equality interventions, which included:
- More women are now asking men for help with household chores, freeing up time for rest and family care.
- Men are becoming active in tasks traditionally viewed as women’s work, including child feeding and housekeeping.
- Women have greater influence over nutritional choices, especially in food purchasing and household meal distribution, though cultural norms still limit their authority over assets like land and livestock.
- More women are stepping into community leadership roles, though these roles are typically less influential than men’s.
- Community attitudes towards GBV are shifting, with more cases reported and discussed openly. Men and youth are increasingly vocal against GBV, fostering greater awareness. Read More...
Building off the earlier Gender Outcome Mapping, the 2024 Outcome Harvest evaluated Titukulane’s impact on five gender equality interventions, which included:
- More women are now asking men for help with household chores, freeing up time for rest and family care.
- Men are becoming active in tasks traditionally viewed as women’s work, including child feeding and housekeeping.
- Women have greater influence over nutritional choices, especially in food purchasing and household meal distribution, though cultural norms still limit their authority over assets like land and livestock.
- More women are stepping into community leadership roles, though these roles are typically less influential than men’s.
- Community attitudes towards GBV are shifting, with more cases reported and discussed openly. Men and youth are increasingly vocal against GBV, fostering greater awareness. Read More...
Systems-Level Impact through the 2018 U.S. Farm Bill
In a global context of rising numbers of people affected by increasingly frequent and severe food security crises, CARE advocated for essential amendments in the 2018 Farm Bill to strengthen critical international food aid programs. CARE's advocacy for the 2018 Farm Bill was rooted in its focus on gender equality and systems change, which in this case meant advocating for a shift away from monetization in support of CARE’s long-term goals for transforming food aid from a commodity-centric model to one that enhances effectiveness, efficiency, and focus on systems change.
Central to CARE’s asks in the 2018 Farm Bill were efforts to end the mandate of monetization and provide greater certainty in the use of the Community Development Funds. Both of these asks would strengthen Food for Peace, a program authorized in the Farm Bill that provides in-kind food aid directly to communities and supports community self-sufficiency. CARE recognized the 2018 Farm Bill reforms, including ending mandatory monetization and expanding Community Development Funds, could strengthen local food systems, empower farmers, and build community resilience by prioritizing sustainable and effective food aid delivery. Read More...
Central to CARE’s asks in the 2018 Farm Bill were efforts to end the mandate of monetization and provide greater certainty in the use of the Community Development Funds. Both of these asks would strengthen Food for Peace, a program authorized in the Farm Bill that provides in-kind food aid directly to communities and supports community self-sufficiency. CARE recognized the 2018 Farm Bill reforms, including ending mandatory monetization and expanding Community Development Funds, could strengthen local food systems, empower farmers, and build community resilience by prioritizing sustainable and effective food aid delivery. Read More...
2023 Participant Based Survey: Titukulane Project – PaBS Outcome Report
Despite decades of robust government and donor investments in livelihoods, food security, nutrition, and resilience, over 50% of the population lives below the poverty line. Previous activities have not sufficiently reduced the number of chronically food and nutrition insecure households nor effectively enhanced the capacity of local and government structures to implement resilience focused policies and actions. To address these issues, the Government of Malawi developed a National Resilience Strategy 2018-2030 (NRS) to guide investments in agriculture, reduce impacts and improve recovery from shocks, promote household resilience, strengthen the management of Malawi’s natural resources, and facilitate effective coordination between government institutions, civil society organizations and development partners. CARE and consortium partners designed the Titukulane Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) which means “let us work together for development” in the local Chichewa language—to support pilot implementation of NRS in Zomba and mangochi districts. The Titukulane RFSA, implemented by CARE International in Malawi (CIM), aims to achieve sustainable, equitable, and resilient food and nutrition security for ultra-poor and chronically vulnerable households. Specifically, Titukulane is designed to increase households’ abilities to deal with shocks without experiencing food insecurity following a three-purpose approach:
1. Increased diversified, sustainable, and equitable incomes for ultra-poor, chronically vulnerable households, women, and youth.
2. Improved nutritional status among children under 5 years of age, adolescent girls, and women of reproductive age.
3. Increased institutional and local capacities to reduce risk and increase resilience among poor and very poor households in alignment with the Malawi NRS.
To meet these three purposes, the Titukulane RFSA provides households with a package of interventions, including: Care Groups with Nutritional Cash Transfers (NCT), Farmer Field Business Schools and crop marketing support, Village Savings and Loan Associations, Adolescent nutrition, Irrigation farming, Youth vocational training including start-up capital and Gender dialogues. Read More...
1. Increased diversified, sustainable, and equitable incomes for ultra-poor, chronically vulnerable households, women, and youth.
2. Improved nutritional status among children under 5 years of age, adolescent girls, and women of reproductive age.
3. Increased institutional and local capacities to reduce risk and increase resilience among poor and very poor households in alignment with the Malawi NRS.
To meet these three purposes, the Titukulane RFSA provides households with a package of interventions, including: Care Groups with Nutritional Cash Transfers (NCT), Farmer Field Business Schools and crop marketing support, Village Savings and Loan Associations, Adolescent nutrition, Irrigation farming, Youth vocational training including start-up capital and Gender dialogues. Read More...
Qualitative Monitoring Improvement Initiative Pilot for the SHOUHARDO III Program in Bangladesh
Strengthening Household Abilities to Respond to Development Opportunities (SHOUHARDO) III was a five-year multisectoral and integrated program implemented by CARE Bangladesh between 2015 and 2020 and funded by USAID and the Government of Bangladesh. The objective of the program was to improve the lives and livelihoods of 549,000 people living in poor and extreme poor communities in eight districts in the Deep Haor and Remote Char region of northern Bangladesh. The program focused on community-based asset development and women’s empowerment, building the capacity of local government and community-service organizations, increasing resilience to frequent shocks and stressors, and improving nutrition and health outcomes for mothers and children under two-years of age. SHOUHARDO III was extended for two years (2020 to 2022) and a second extension phase (SHOUHARDO III Plus) was funded for an additional two years (2022 to 2024). During this period the program will focus on engaging with and linking local service providers with the government and the private sector. Read More...
Ghana: Inequalities in Food Insecurity
Food insecurity is a global health challenge, especially among low- and middle-income countries. The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2.1 targets to: “End hunger and ensure access by all people, in particular the poor and vulnerable people, including infants, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round by 2030.” In Ghana, the situation worsened in 2022. The number of individuals in food crisis surged from 560,000 in 2021 to 823,000 in 2022, marking a 47% increase in individuals suffering from lack of food access, availability, and utilization. As per the Food and Agricultural Organization, in terms of the prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity in Ghana, 12.9 million people, or 39.4% of the total population, were affected in 2022. Read More...
Promoción del desarrollo económico rural en mujeres y jóvenes de la region Lempa (PROLEMPA)
El proyecto evaluado “Promoción del Desarrollo Económico Rural de la Mujer y la Juventud de la Región Lempa de Honduras – PROLEMPA, fue financiado por Asuntos Mundiales de Canadá – AMC; e implementado por un consorcio conformado por CARE Internacional (líder), CESO-SACO, SAJE Montreal Center, SOCODEVI y TechnoServe. Tuvo una duración de 5.5 años, de julio de 2017 a abril de 2023. El presupuesto asignado para la intervención fue $13.019.834; y se llevó a cabo en el Corredor Seco de Honduras, de manera específica en los departamentos de Intibucá, La Paz y Lempira, con cobertura de 25 municipios en total.
La evaluación final de PROLEMPA se realizó con base en los criterios de evaluación relevancia, eficiencia, efectividad, impacto y sostenibilidad; el análisis de los enfoques de género y empoderamiento de mujeres, y sostenibilidad ambiental; y la identificación de aprendizajes y buenas prácticas, dando respuesta a las preguntas de evaluación que guiaron el análisis, interpretación y emisión de juicios de valor. Se utilizó una metodología mixta (cualitativa y cuantitativa) con un abordaje participativo que ubicó a las personas en el centro del análisis y la reflexión sobre la gestión y agencia de su desarrollo. Se utilizaron fuentes primarias (productores y productoras de café, liderazgo de las organizaciones de productores, representantes de empresas exportadoras de café, Redes Municipales De Mujeres, Red Regional De Mujeres Lencas, representantes de Oficinas Municipales De La Mujer, Oficinas Municipales De Juventud, emprendedores y emprendedoras, empresas y actores del sector turismo, equipos técnicos de las organizaciones socias del consorcio y socias locales, entre otras. Read More...
La evaluación final de PROLEMPA se realizó con base en los criterios de evaluación relevancia, eficiencia, efectividad, impacto y sostenibilidad; el análisis de los enfoques de género y empoderamiento de mujeres, y sostenibilidad ambiental; y la identificación de aprendizajes y buenas prácticas, dando respuesta a las preguntas de evaluación que guiaron el análisis, interpretación y emisión de juicios de valor. Se utilizó una metodología mixta (cualitativa y cuantitativa) con un abordaje participativo que ubicó a las personas en el centro del análisis y la reflexión sobre la gestión y agencia de su desarrollo. Se utilizaron fuentes primarias (productores y productoras de café, liderazgo de las organizaciones de productores, representantes de empresas exportadoras de café, Redes Municipales De Mujeres, Red Regional De Mujeres Lencas, representantes de Oficinas Municipales De La Mujer, Oficinas Municipales De Juventud, emprendedores y emprendedoras, empresas y actores del sector turismo, equipos técnicos de las organizaciones socias del consorcio y socias locales, entre otras. Read More...
Uganda: Food insecurity a pressing concern
The Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) was a 38-month long project (January 2020 to February 2023) with an aim to improve food security, maternal and child nutrition, and household incomes for smallholder farmers in 11 districts of Uganda. The project has three major outcomes: increased production of diversified food by both men and women smallholder farmers, enhanced market accessibility for these farmers, and improved nutrition and family planning services through gender responsive community-based approaches. As a result, here was a significant 16.3% increase in adoption and production of diverse food crops and animal products, as well as 23.8% increase in the adoption of climate-smart technologies among the project participants. Read More...
She Feeds the World Peru Final Evaluation
From April 2019 to December 2022, CARE PERU implements the project "She Feeds the World" - SFtW (SFtW - She Feeds the World), a program launched by the PepsiCo Foundation through CARE USA in several countries. The purpose of the project has been to reduce chronic malnutrition and anemia in children under 5 years old and increase the income of 4,000 poor families residing in 4 prioritized districts, corresponding to the provinces of Lima, Ica and Sullana with a gender approach. The target group are children under 5 years old and pregnant women.
The project considered as areas of change, to achieve its results, to work on the economic empowerment of women, improvement of nutrition and feeding practices, increase in access and control of productive resources, and increase in access to market opportunities. The project was organized into three components; Promotion of healthy practices and environments for maternal and child care in prioritized districts of the regions of Lima, Ica and Piura, Increased income of 4,000 households (16,000 beneficiaries) in poor communities in prioritized districts of the regions of Lima, Ica and Piura in a sustainable and inclusive manner, and Development of Strategic Alliances and Political Advocacy to improve maternal and child nutrition and local economic development with a gender approach. It should be noted that the project had a goal at the end of the action (December 2022) of directly reaching 54,000 women, men and children and indirectly benefiting 358,450 people, in this case through advocacy and scaling strategies, with a full scope estimated of 412,450 people.
At the end of the implementation, CARE PERÚ entrusts ESTRATEGIA, a consulting company, to conduct the final evaluation assessment of the project "She Feeds the World - Peru", to measure the level of achievement of the planned objectives and implemented strategies; as well as the status of the project indicators. Read More...
The project considered as areas of change, to achieve its results, to work on the economic empowerment of women, improvement of nutrition and feeding practices, increase in access and control of productive resources, and increase in access to market opportunities. The project was organized into three components; Promotion of healthy practices and environments for maternal and child care in prioritized districts of the regions of Lima, Ica and Piura, Increased income of 4,000 households (16,000 beneficiaries) in poor communities in prioritized districts of the regions of Lima, Ica and Piura in a sustainable and inclusive manner, and Development of Strategic Alliances and Political Advocacy to improve maternal and child nutrition and local economic development with a gender approach. It should be noted that the project had a goal at the end of the action (December 2022) of directly reaching 54,000 women, men and children and indirectly benefiting 358,450 people, in this case through advocacy and scaling strategies, with a full scope estimated of 412,450 people.
At the end of the implementation, CARE PERÚ entrusts ESTRATEGIA, a consulting company, to conduct the final evaluation assessment of the project "She Feeds the World - Peru", to measure the level of achievement of the planned objectives and implemented strategies; as well as the status of the project indicators. Read More...