
Mangrove project evaluation

This 72 page project describes the approaches of community-based adaptation of mangroves, DRR, and c... Read More...


This 72 page document highlights the activities and impact of the Mangrove management, DRR program i... Read More...

Ieideas final evalution report

This 53 page document focuss on the production and retailing work that CARE and WorldFish worked on ... Read More...

Rapport final evaluation alp niger

This 60 page report details the findings of the final evaluation of ALP in Niger Read More...

Grad 2014 ir assessment report

This 71 page report reviews the second year results of the USAID-funded GRAD program for livelihoods... Read More...

An impact assessment of the pathways-sammow project on women agriculture day laborers, their household and communities

This 44 page report highlights the findings of how collective negotiation narrowed the gap between m... Read More...

Unnati midterm evaluation

This 55 page report covers impacts at the mid-term of CARE Nepals UNNATI project focusing on improve... Read More...

L’epargne feminine au service de la resilience-fatma

This 30 page document highlights how Village Savings and Loan programming and Community Based Adapta... Read More...

Ensure gender analysis

This 74 page report highlights barriers that women face in the USAID-funded ENSURE project Read More...

Evaluation of fisheries project

This 12 page document highlights the gender-focused findings of an external evalation of the women's... Read More...

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