rural development
RESI Final Evaluation
The Rural Economic Sustainability Initiative (RESI) aimed to support inclusive and sustainable rural economic
development in four target municipalities in Kosovo: Prishtinë/Priština, Novo Brdo/Novobrdë, Kamenicë/a and
Ranil(l)ug. The approach utilised built on a very successful previous project and featured grants to MSME in agriculture,
capacity development of municipality agriculture departments and a special focus on empowerment of women and
socio-economically vulnerable groups.
Relevance. RESI was found to be highly relevant to the four chosen municipalities and filled critical gaps that were
impeding rural economic development at farmer, processor and local government levels.
Effectiveness. RESI has delivered its outputs which is a massive achievement in such a short 3 year period. The
project met or exceeded each of its targets as per the output indicators. In terms of outcomes, specific targets were
not set but increased income and job creation has occurred and can be linked to RESI.
Efficiency. RESI was highly efficient. As compared to the previous (IRDS) project the RESI team scaled up all aspects
of the project across 4 municipalities and dispersed twice as many grants in only 3 year (as compared with 5).
Impact. Data gathered by the RESI team shows that 285 new full-time jobs and 490 seasonal jobs have been created
so far. Income of grant recipients has increased by 53% on average.
Sustainability. Overall signs are good, but it is too soon to concretely assess sustainability.
development in four target municipalities in Kosovo: Prishtinë/Priština, Novo Brdo/Novobrdë, Kamenicë/a and
Ranil(l)ug. The approach utilised built on a very successful previous project and featured grants to MSME in agriculture,
capacity development of municipality agriculture departments and a special focus on empowerment of women and
socio-economically vulnerable groups.
Relevance. RESI was found to be highly relevant to the four chosen municipalities and filled critical gaps that were
impeding rural economic development at farmer, processor and local government levels.
Effectiveness. RESI has delivered its outputs which is a massive achievement in such a short 3 year period. The
project met or exceeded each of its targets as per the output indicators. In terms of outcomes, specific targets were
not set but increased income and job creation has occurred and can be linked to RESI.
Efficiency. RESI was highly efficient. As compared to the previous (IRDS) project the RESI team scaled up all aspects
of the project across 4 municipalities and dispersed twice as many grants in only 3 year (as compared with 5).
Impact. Data gathered by the RESI team shows that 285 new full-time jobs and 490 seasonal jobs have been created
so far. Income of grant recipients has increased by 53% on average.
Sustainability. Overall signs are good, but it is too soon to concretely assess sustainability.
Strengthening Rural Development Models in Georgia ENPARD II Final Evaluation
The final evaluation for the EU Project - ‘Strengthening Rural Development Models in Georgia’ was conducted in September-October 2019, in Georgia. By this time the Project was on the completion stage into its two-year duration: November 1st 2017 - October 31st 2019. Mercy Corps, along with three other LEADER implementing agencies within the European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD Phase II) has contributed to the reduction of poverty through integrated, sustainable and participatory rural development in Georgia.
The aim of the final evaluation is to assess the Project outcomes in order to better understand Project successes and challenges and provide recommendations for the design of future Project of a similar scale and direction. Read More...
The aim of the final evaluation is to assess the Project outcomes in order to better understand Project successes and challenges and provide recommendations for the design of future Project of a similar scale and direction. Read More...
Aprendemos +, Crecemos y Emprendemos Siempre
El presente documento describe los resultados de la evaluación final de la propuesta de Implementación del Servicio Educativo en IIEE multigrado de Amazonas y Cajamarca realizado por encargo de CARE Perú con el propósito de medir el impacto y resultados del proyecto; así como los efectos logrados en los escenarios donde se implementó la intervención.
Este proyecto ha sido ejecutado por CARE Perú y el Ministerio de Educación -MINEDU a través de un acuerdo que busca desarrollar una propuesta para mejorar el servicio educativo rural, con el fin de contribuir al logro de los aprendizajes a través de la innovación educativa. El periodo de ejecución del proyecto ha sido entre los meses de agosto a diciembre del 2019 en 59 IIEE focalizadas por el MINEDU, en el ámbito de 5 UGEL, localizadas en las regiones de Amazonas y Cajamarca, y dirigida a 1215 estudiantes, 96 docentes y 59 directivos. La propuesta basa su intervención en tres componentes: Pedagógico, de gestión y soporte. Read More...
Este proyecto ha sido ejecutado por CARE Perú y el Ministerio de Educación -MINEDU a través de un acuerdo que busca desarrollar una propuesta para mejorar el servicio educativo rural, con el fin de contribuir al logro de los aprendizajes a través de la innovación educativa. El periodo de ejecución del proyecto ha sido entre los meses de agosto a diciembre del 2019 en 59 IIEE focalizadas por el MINEDU, en el ámbito de 5 UGEL, localizadas en las regiones de Amazonas y Cajamarca, y dirigida a 1215 estudiantes, 96 docentes y 59 directivos. La propuesta basa su intervención en tres componentes: Pedagógico, de gestión y soporte. Read More...
Strengthening Rural Development Models in Georgia (ENPARD II) Midterm Evaluation
Strengthening Rural Development Models in Georgia seeks to build on the success found by Mercy Corps, CARE and People in Need as they introduced the LEADER model for rural development to the municipalities of Borjomi, Lagodekhi and Kazbegi. In addition to continuing to implement this community-led local development approach, they were tasked with providing more national-level support for other Georgian LEADER implementations with the support of ELARD, a Europe-based not for profit organisation.
A series of interviews and focus groups held with beneficiaries, implementing agencies and other stakeholders provided a very positive picture of the impact being delivered by the LEADER model in these three municipalities, particularly in terms of increased engagement with local governance, community cohesion and economic participation.
Results further suggested that the growing presence LEADER in Georgia’s rural municipalities was positively moving Georgian rural governance in the direction envisioned by the Georgian Government and the Delegation of the European Union, that is, towards a state of alignment with the European Common Agricultural Policy.
The main difficulty identified is that Georgian Government policy looking forward appears to be wavering with regards to its commitment to the LEADER model, despite the levels of investment provided by the EU. Read More...
A series of interviews and focus groups held with beneficiaries, implementing agencies and other stakeholders provided a very positive picture of the impact being delivered by the LEADER model in these three municipalities, particularly in terms of increased engagement with local governance, community cohesion and economic participation.
Results further suggested that the growing presence LEADER in Georgia’s rural municipalities was positively moving Georgian rural governance in the direction envisioned by the Georgian Government and the Delegation of the European Union, that is, towards a state of alignment with the European Common Agricultural Policy.
The main difficulty identified is that Georgian Government policy looking forward appears to be wavering with regards to its commitment to the LEADER model, despite the levels of investment provided by the EU. Read More...