Women's Empowerment

Ignite Initiative Final Report

La estimación del valor de los indicadores se ha realizado a partir de los resultados obtenidos de aplicar, de manera telefónica, una Encuesta de Salida en la segunda quincena de abril del 2023 a 370 personas beneficiarias del Proyecto. Estas personas fueron seleccionadas aleatoriamente de las tres Bases de Datos facilitadas por CARE para la presente evaluación: una conformada por participantes que recibieron servicios financieros o servicios no financieros (quienes fueron entrevistados/as en un Estudio de evaluación del Proyecto realizado el año pasado); otra, conformada por participantes que recibieron únicamente servicios no financieros del Proyecto; y una tercera conformada por participantes que recibieron solamente servicios financieros del Proyecto  Read More...

ELLA ALIMENTA AL MUNDO – PERÚ-Informe Final de Evaluación

CARE PERÚ, desde abril 2019 a diciembre 2022 implementa el proyecto “Ella Alimenta al Mundo”- EAM (SFtW - She Feeds the World - por sus siglas en inglés), programa lanzado en varios países por la Fundación PepsiCo a través de CARE USA. El propósito del proyecto ha sido reducir la desnutrición crónica y la anemia en niñas y niños menores de 5 años e incrementar los ingresos de 4,000 familias pobres que residen en 4 distritos priorizados, correspondiente a las provincias de Lima, Ica y Sullana con enfoque de género. El grupo objetivo son niñas y niños menores de 5 años y mujeres gestantes. Read More...

The Vanuatu Pacific Partnerships for Gender Equality Project Baseline Assessment Report

Women’s economic justice is central to gender equality and sustainable development. Across the Pacific, women are fundamental to the subsistence and economies of their communities, however, women’s work in the Pacific is often undervalued, low-paid and insecure. CARE Australia’s Pacific Partnerships for Gender Equality program is a five-year intervention (2022 – 2027) designed to strengthen women’s economic justice and contribute to a resilient civil society in the Pacific. The program is funded by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP). Read More...

The Pacific Partnerships for Gender Equality Project-Solomon Islands Baseline Assessment Report

Women’s economic justice is central to gender equality and sustainable development. Across the Pacific, women are fundamental to the subsistence and economies of their communities, however, women’s work in the Pacific is often undervalued, low-paid and insecure. CARE Australia’s Pacific Partnerships for Gender Equality program is a five-year intervention (2022 – 2027) designed to strengthen women’s economic justice and contribute to a resilient civil society in the Pacific. The program is funded by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP). Read More...

Peru: Female profile, impact, and experience – IGNITE program

CARE International Peru outperforms 60 Decibels’ Latin American Financial Inclusion Benchmarks on metrics related to financial access, client satisfaction, and impact. Read More...

Pakistan: Female profile, impact, and experience – IGNITE program

CARE International Pakistan outperforms 60 Decibels’ Benchmarks on metrics related to client satisfaction and impact. There is an opportunity to reach more female clients. Read More...

Vietnam: Female profile, impact, and experience – IGNITE program

Care International Vietnam outperforms 60 Decibels Benchmarks on female inclusivity and client satisfaction. There may be an opportunity to target more first-time loan clients with unique loan offerings. Read More...

IGNITE Project Mid-Term Lean Impact Report

CARE’s Women’s Entrepreneurship programming aims to reduce barriers that women entrepreneurs face by offering a combination of services – both financial and non-financial – that are essential to creating sustainable growth and empowerment for women entrepreneurs. CARE partnered with 60 Decibels and Mission Measurement - who represented Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth – to perform a specialized lean impact study across Vietnam, Pakistan, and Peru to measure core business themes and capture the impact of the CARE Women’s Entrepreneurship program. Read More...

Exploring the role of boys and men of SHOUHARDO III in catalyzing Women Empowerment (WE) and reducing Gender-Based Violence (GBV) during the extension phase (2020-2022)

Strengthening Household Ability to Respond to Development Opportunities (SHOUHARDO) III is a Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) funded by the United States Government through the United States Agency for International Development/Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA), with complementary funding from the Government of Bangladesh (GoB). SHOUHARDO III works in 947 villages from the Char and Haor regions in northern Bangladesh to improve the lives of 725,611 people from 170,298 households. The program seeks to improve access to public and private services for the rural poor while building their resilience. Read More...

Disaster READY Project Phase Two – CARE Baseline Report (English)

The Disaster READY Project (DRP) is a five-year initiative (2022-2026), funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) of the Australian Government, aimed at strengthening the capacity of communities, local civil society organizations, and government entities in Timor-Leste to effectively prepare for and respond to disasters while addressing climate change challenges. Implemented by five Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) INGOs, including CARE, the project targets 20,729 individuals, with CARE focusing on 7,575 community members in Viqueque Municipality across several administrative posts. The baseline survey conducted in late 2022 involved 141 community members, including individuals with disabilities, and aimed to assess knowledge of disaster preparedness plans, local civil society capacity, and government effectiveness in disaster response. Key findings highlighted the need for improved awareness of early warning systems, the establishment of active disaster management committees, and enhanced capacity among local civil society to manage disaster preparedness efforts. The report emphasizes the importance of inclusive planning processes, particularly regarding gender and disability considerations, and suggests integrating disaster risk reduction into broader community and climate adaptation strategies to foster resilience against natural disasters and climate change impacts.

Donor: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Australian Government
Total Page Count: 39

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