Youth Employment Project in Aswan (YEP) Midterm Evaluation
118-page midterm report on the “Youth employment in Aswan project” (YEP) which was funded by Swiss program under domain 2 was proposed by CARE and WorldFish (WF) in response to a call for proposal. According to the approved proposal, CARE and WF believed that despite the moment of transition and crisis in Egypt, during the post-2011 revolution period, there are also tremendous opportunities for increased income and employment for youth in the agricultural sector (defined in its broadest sense to encompass farming, animal production and fisheries). Accordingly, the goal of the program was that there will be increased and sustainable income and employment for disadvantaged youth, women and men in Aswan. The project aims to provide increased and sustainable income for 2,500 disadvantaged youth and employment for a further 4,000 youth. Read More...
Supporting Participation and Accountability for Communities’ Education (SPACE) Mid-term Evaluation
The objective of this 78-page consultancy report is to conduct the midterm evaluation for the SPACE project, based on the indicators set in the M&E system, and in reference to available project documents and progress reports. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were conducted in order to highlight implementation challenges, lessons learned and recommendations for the project's upcoming period. As such, this mid-term evaluation report includes an analysis of the project's relevance, efficiency and effectiveness and aims at displaying a snapshot of where the project is standing at the time of the report vis-à-vis implementation and actual/prospective results. The objective of this report is to aid in improving project implementation in the remaining phase of its lifetime and also to provide an overview of expected impact and sustainability, wherever applicable. Read More...
Mainstreaming Social Accountability into the Emerging Labor Intensive Investment (ELIIP) Baseline Survey
This 120-page report is assessing the level of awareness and satisfaction of local communities on ELIIP and its accountability and responsiveness. It also tackles the perception of the local communities, partner organizations & SFD implementing partners on SFD’s accountability & responsiveness. It is based on two phases; a qualitative phase and a quantitative one. Read More...
Midline SBGV Focus Group Assessment
In order to determine whether beneficiaries reported a change in knowledge towards SGBV, we conducted a midline assessment in terms of focus groups. Five focus groups were held in Cairo and Alexandria during October 2016 to a total of 29 Syrian and 20 Sudanese women, 8 Syrian men, and 14 Syrian children (7 girls and 7 boys). In Cairo, 15 Syrian and 20 Sudanese women were interviewed in two focus groups, and a third mixed-gender focus group was conducted with 14 children aged between 8 and 12. In Alexandria, one focus group was conducted to 14 Syrian women and another to 8 Syrian men. Interviewees were a randomly picked sample of beneficiaries who attended the project’s activities throughout the first year. [2 pages] Read More...
Livelihoods for Resilience Activity Gender Analysis
This 71 page report shows findings from the gender analysis and outcome mapping activity in the USAID-funded Feed the Future program Livelihoods for Resilience. The projects aims to reduce food insecurity and help people graduate from the Productive Safety Net Program. It is a follow on to the GRAD project. Read More...
The Power to Lead Alliance (PTLA): Empowering Girls to Learn and Lead Final Evaluation
This 73-page final report on the Power to Lead Alliance (PTLA) was funded by USAID for implementation in six countries: Egypt, Honduras, India, Malawi, Tanzania, and Yemen over the course of three years. The project, which began in September 2008 and ended in September 2011, focused on 10- to 14-year-old girls as the target population. The primary goal of PTLA was to promote girl leaders in vulnerable communities. Three objectives were formulated to address this goal:
Objective 1: Cultivate opportunities for girls to practice their leadership skills
Objective 2: Create partnerships to promote girls’ leadership
Objective 3: Enhance knowledge to implement and promote girls’ leadership programs
Objective 1: Cultivate opportunities for girls to practice their leadership skills
Objective 2: Create partnerships to promote girls’ leadership
Objective 3: Enhance knowledge to implement and promote girls’ leadership programs
New Schools Program Final Evaluation
178-page final report of the New Schools Program (NSP) was a school-based reform project implemented by CARE International in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Education directorates in the governorates of Beni Suef, Fayoum and Minia. NSP was charged with increasing school access and enrollment of girls in underserved communities in Minia, Beni Suef, and Fayoum Governorates. The focus on access and enrollment of girls was enhanced through efforts to improve the teaching and learning, mobilize the local community around the importance of education (i.e., particularly that of girls), innovative and deliberative school construction (primary, preparatory, and community multi-grade schools) processes, and adult literacy initiatives. NSP had an extensive partnership that included both Egyptian government agencies, the private sector, Egyptian NGOs and international NGOs. Read More...
Local Partnership for Accountability Final Evaluation
86-page final evaluation of the LPA project is implemented by CARE International - Egypt, governance and civic engagement program in partnership with CARE England, It is funded by Arab Partnership Fund - Commonwealth Office in England. Project Duration: From May 2013 - until March 2015 and aims to increase the responsiveness of service providers to accountability through the establishment of mechanisms of social accountability and provide an opportunity for mutual dialogue between citizens and service providers. The project is implemented in five communities in three governorates (BeniSuef - Qena, Luxor), in cooperation with a partner association in each governorate (Better Life Association in Beni Suef, Ana Masry in Qena and Luxor) Read More...
HAQI and GYOB Projects Final Evaluations
31-page final evaluation on CARE Egypt’s governance program works to enhance good governance at the local and national level. Apart of the governance program, CARE implemented two projects: How to Access Quality Initiative (HAQI) and Get Youth on Board project (GYOB). HAGI adopted the rights based approach to access quality services while GYOB aims to empower youth to be part of decision making in local communities. The final evaluation will assess to what extent the two project were able to achieve their targets indicators and effectiveness of their implementation modality to impact the targeted communities. Read More...
New Schools Program Final Evaluation
In this 79-page report, CID Consulting was commissioned by CARE to explore impact of the multigrade schools and the elements which had contributed to that impact on the girls who had enrolled, and to develop a set of lessons and recommendations for donors, policy makers and education specialists Read More...