
Social and Economic Transformation of the Ultra-Poor (SETU)

This 59 page documents highlights evaluation findings on the SETU project in Bangladesh Read More...

N@C Nutrition at the Center midterm review report – zambia

The Midterm Review (MTR) is an assessment of the progress made in implementing N@C activities to dat... Read More...

Endline umugore arumvwa – a woman is listened to

This 88 page report highlights findings from the EU-funded CARE Rwanda project focusing on gender ba... Read More...

Power africa burundi 2015 Midterm

19 page rolling baseline report on the POWER Africa project, funded by Mastercard Read More...

Youth savings and lending associations-banking on change

This 58 page document highlights endline impacts of CARE's Banking on Change program in partnership ... Read More...

Ghana final report

This 78 page document presents the findings on the Ghana specific Banking on Change impact assessmen... Read More...

Ghana final youth jmk

This 73 page document presents the findings from the endline assessment of socio-economic impacts on... Read More...

Kenya final report

This 34 page document assessed the results of the endline evaluation for Banking on Change carryover... Read More...

Kenya final report nysl

This 52 page document assesses the Banking on Change in Kenya endline evaluation of impacts in youth... Read More...

Final ecrp flood study report

This 46 page documents highlights families' resilience to flooding crises in th 2014 floods in Malaw... Read More...

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