
Gender and Power Analysis: Mudansa Klimatika iha Ambiente Seguru (MAKA’AS) Project

CARE’s Mudansa Kilimatica iha Ambiente Seguru (MAKA’AS) project aims to build the adaptive capacity of women and men in vulnerable households living in seven sukos in Liquiça District on two highly degraded watersheds. The project goal is to increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change through improved water management and water resource protection, improved land management and agricultural practices and micro-to-meso level processes that support natural resource management at the watershed level. The project will be implemented by a consortium led by CARE with WaterAid and four local partners; Centro do Desenvolvimento da Economia Popular (CDEP), Naroman Timor Foun (NTF), Malaidoi, and Hafoun Timor Lorosae (HTL).

The Gender Analysis found that men and women often shared productive workload, although there were some gender specific activities such as fishing for men and seed storage for women. Men and women share the burden of agricultural work, coffee harvesting and caring for home gardens. However, in terms of the domestic or reproductive sphere there is generally little change from traditional gender roles where women care for children, cook and clean and pay attention to household food security. Men are starting to undertake some household tasks such minding children and collecting water but addressing the burden of work shouldered by women within the household is essential in order to enable them to participate in other community activities. Women’s and men’s roles mean they will be affected differently by climate change with women likely to be more concerned with the health and household food security impacts. Read More...

Icr cambodia ngo ca 10 dec 2010 – main document


Partnership Program for Democracy and Governance Final Evaluation

For over six years, Partnership Program for Democracy and Governance has worked in four target distr... Read More...

Kirumara final evaluation

Kirumara II project is funded by the Austrian Government (ADA) and CARE International Austria. This ... Read More...

Final report for the external review of the care Österreich ada framework programme cÖafp 2010-2012

External review multi-country women’s empowerment programme

Innovation through Sport: Promoting Leaders, Empowering Youth (ITSPLEY) Strategic Objective 2

Innovation Through Sport: Promoting Leaders, Empowering Youth (ITSPLEY), was a four-year project (2... Read More...

Towards self reliance final

The Towards Self-Reliance (TSR) project is part of a larger programme targeting vulnerable rural wom... Read More...

Gwi east africa five years later

This 25 page report highlights a final evaluation 5 years after the program started to see what impa... Read More...

Bangladesh akhoni shomay final eval report dec 31 2012

Thi 98 page document highlights the findings of the final evaluation of the Windows of opportunity p... Read More...

Effects of Cash and Food Transfer Schemes on HIV Patients Initiating Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)

A study to compare the effects of cash and food transfer schemes on HIV patients initiating Antretro... Read More...

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