
Case studies – the community score card in tanzania – process, success, challenges and lessons learned

Under the Health Equity Project (HEqP) and the Governance and Accountability Project (GAP), CARE Tan... Read More...

Gbv assessment after floods – final july 22 2011

The assessment on violence against women and girls was undertaken to better understand the gender-ba... Read More...

SAFE Project Final Evaluation

This report is the End of Term Evaluation of SAFE Project implemented in Kasungu. The overall object... Read More...

ASAZA Final Report

A Safer Zambia Program Final Evaluation Report. This is a report on findings of the ASAZA program Read More...

Laos reducing uxo risk and livlihoods midterm review 2011

The project had two main components: i) reduced vulnerability to UXO and ii) improvement in rural li... Read More...

SHOUHARDO II Program Baseline Report

The SHOUHARDO II Program builds on the successful predecessor SHOUHARDO which ended in May 2010. Read More...

Reasp ii evaluation final report ( 01 march 2010 final copy)

To reduce the impact of emergencies on vulnerable populations, particularly women and children. The ... Read More...

PAGE Project Final Evaluation

The PAGE project was implemented with funding from CIDA through CARE Canada’s program agreement. Read More...

Final report be evaluation benson final draft 22mar


Countryreport-bending bamboofinal2jan


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