
Moz – vida phase 2 – final – nov 04

The project strategic objective is ‘to increase household food and economic security through increas... Read More...

Bulgaria – fe – trafficking

To counter the phenomena of trafficking through community based preventive information campaigns aim... Read More...

Support to Vulnerable Households through Cash For Work in Sool / Sanaag Regions Final Evaluation Report

CFW project had been identified as an appropriate intervention following a worsening humanitarian si... Read More...

Peri-Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Programme Quarterly Report

The specific objective is to improve access to sustainable WATSAN services by households in selected... Read More...

Assessment of CRC Pilot Project

The pilot collaborative initiative on CRC is conceived to develop a strategy to provide primary educ... Read More...

School Effectiveness Through Union Parishad (SETUP) Pilot Project

The goal of the SETUP project was to enhance the efficacy of public primary schools systems to ensur... Read More...

Palestinian Community Health Workers Capacity Building Project

Participatory Evaluation

YIELD Project Baseline Report

Youth Initiative to Enhance out-of-school Learning for Development, focusing on improving access to ... Read More...

Misali Island Conservation and Development Project (MICODEP) Annual Report

Fishing families of 34 villages of Pemba improve their income and food security while the biodiversi... Read More...

Moz – child survival – en – midterm – july 04

Child Survival XVII Project (FY 2002-FY2006) is implemented in two districts of Nampula Province in ... Read More...

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