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Search Results for “선학동건마┩macho2、coм✘선학동업소 선학동룸✉선학동키스방 선학동건마 선학동마초의밤” – Page 2 – CARE | Evaluations

Search Results: 선학동건마┩macho2、coм✘선학동업소 선학동룸✉선학동키스방 선학동건마 선학동마초의밤

Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) phase III & Improving Living Condition and Mitigating Monsoon Risk for the Refugees: Endline Study Report

CARE Bangladesh has partnered with IOM since November 2017 as Site Management Support Agency in Camp 16 (Potibunia) and since 01 January 2019 in Camp 13 of Ukhia upazila of Cox’s Bazar District.

A joint End-line assessment was conducted in both camps being site managed and coordinated by CARE Bangladesh (Camps 13 and 16) with the support from IOM and IRW. In addition, Shelter and WASH component were also supported by these two donors for selected HH. The purpose of this end-line study was to provide measurable data against project targets, indicators, outcomes and objectives, as well as to help prioritize activities and focus of work across the two locations.

Overall, the situation seemed improved more in camp 16 than in camp 13 followed by CARE intervention which was at the same level in the baseline. . Participation in decision making process block wise in both camps increased almost by 39%. 95% of respondents said that site development activity was done in last month that indicates the value of work actually ongoing. On the shelter response almost 66% responded they are having good quality shelter. Access to enough water for household need and water treatment stratus before drinking increased simultaneously in a good way. Open defecation is still having a concerning issues in both camp. A variety of factors might explain these differences that explained with deeper analysis in this report. Read More...

FINAL EVALUATION OF THE PROJECT “Sports for Social Change and Inclusion”

The project is implemented from May 2016 until July 2019 by CARE International in partnership with the Association Otaharin from Bijeljina. This report presents the final evaluation of the project.

The overall target of the project was the improvement of the living conditions of Roma children in Bijeljina. The project focused on improvement of the school education of Roma children and their living conditions through sport and art activities, combined with youth and parent group work and school support. The core activity of the project was to organize a football team and football school Otaharin. Playing football should have been the main motive for children (but also parents) to improve their attendance at school, hygiene, increase self-confidence and social behaviour. Beside playing football, the other activities of the project were financing meals for a public kitchen, provision and awarding of school material for poorer children of primary school age, provision of football playground by signing a contract with professional football teams and coaches, awarding of school scholarships for poorer children of primary school age, providing healthy food and drinks at trainings, organizing mandatory workshops for children and parents in order to increase their various social capacities. Read More...

ROM Review: Initiative REVANCHE: Résilience et Adaptation aux Variabilités Climatiques, pour une Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle Durable au Tchad, Régions de Wadi Fira, Guera et Ouadaï.

PERTINENCE. La mise en oeuvre de l’action REVANCHE a confirmé la pertinence de la stratégie PRO-ACT Résilience qui a été à l’origine de sa conception et du choix du mode d’exécution du projet permettant la sortie de l’urgence et l’ancrage d’un développement durable au sein des communautés cible. Les réponses proposées sont appropriées pour satisfaire les besoins des bénéficiaires et soutiennent la Plan nationale de renforcement de la résilience des populations tchadiennes. La pertinence est maintenue tout au long de l’exécution car le projet répond aux besoins des plus vulnérables par des actions à effets immédiats par du cash qui permet l’accès
à l’alimentation et aux soins de santé.

EFFICIENCE. La mise en oeuvre s’est révélée efficiente et propice à une bonne progression vers la réalisation des résultats recherchés. Le projet a connu un retard dans son démarrage mais dont les causes relèvent, pour la plupart d’entre elles, de facteurs externes au projet lui-même.

EFFICACITÉ. Le projet a été efficace à livrer la majeure partie des produits planifiés, notamment ceux consistant en travaux et réalisations d’ouvrages physiques et en appuis méthodologiques et logistiques aux parties étatiques et ONG partenaires.

DURABILITÉ. La problématique de la durabilité se pose encore en termes de capacité des communautés à s’approprier les apports du projet. Quatre ONG nationales ont pris part à l’exécution du projet REVANCHE et ont bénéficié d’un paquet de formations et du coaching progressif de CARE et OXFAM. Mais les organisations communautaires de base (organisations paysannes, groupements féminins, artisans réparateurs de pompes, groupe pour le système d’alerte précoce, GIE d’ouvriers maçons, …) qui constituent le socle de la stratégie de durabilité de l’action sont encore à un stade embryonnaire et requièrent des appuis et une mise en réseau entre eux et avec les services publiques Read More...

Enquête communautaire sur la contraception et les soins après avortement

CARE, en collaboration avec RAISE, avait commencé à appuyer le ministère de la Santé Publique (MSP) de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) pour fournir des services contraceptifs au sein de la zone de santé de Kasongo dans la province du Maniema en 2009. Le programme SAFPAC, L'appui facilitant l’accès à la planification familiale et soins post avortement en situations d’urgence, appuie 19 structures sanitaires dans les zones de santé de Kayna, Lubero, Butembo et Kasongo (Provinces du Nord Kivu et du Maniema) couvrant une population d’à-peu-près 320.000 personnes entre 2011 et 2015. Actuellement, le programme couvre 48 structures sanitaires au sein des zones de santé de Lubero, Kayna et Butembo en province du Nord Kivu, servant une population de 915.538 personnes.

Pour promouvoir la capacité des femmes et adolescentes de prendre conscience de leurs droits d'accès aux services de santé de la reproduction de haute qualité dans cet environnement complexe, la stratégie de CARE porte sur quatre grands domaines d'intervention: 1) formation clinique basée sur les compétences complétée par des suivis et coaching des prestataires ; 2) pourvoie et appui à la chaine d’approvisionnement en contraceptifs et consommables médicaux ; 3) supervision basée sur les données en partenariat avec les autorités sanitaires locales ; 4) engagement des communautés à appuyer l’accès des femmes aux services de santé de la reproduction. Le programme CARE met l’accent sur une gouvernance par la communauté et se focalise sur les adolescents. Ces importantes approches transversales sont reflétées dans ce travail de santé de la reproduction par le biais d’une intensification de la mobilisation sociale visant les adultes et les adolescents pour faciliter l’accès à la contraception des adolescents, une représentation des communautés dans la gouvernance de la santé au niveau des structures sanitaires et des zones de santé, et les apports au niveau des parlements de jeunes focalisés vers les activités des adolescents là où c’est faisable et approprié comme par exemple parmi les déplacés aux environs de Goma dans le Nord Kivu.

En 2016 RAISE et CARE ont conduit une enquête communautaire pour évaluer le niveau des connaissances, les attitudes et comportements de femmes en ce qui concerne la contraception et les soins après avortement dans les zones de rayonnements des structures sanitaires appuyés par CARE au sein des zones de santé Lubero et Kayna dans le Nord Kivu. Read More...

Relief Support for Flood and Cyclone Affected Population in Need in South-East Bangladesh (RESPONSE) Project

Heavy rainfall befell Bangladesh in the last week of June 2015, causing landslides and flash flooding. 29 Upazilas (sub-districts) of the South-Eastern districts of Cox’s Bazar, Bandarban and Chittagong were the worst affected areas as identified by the Department of Disaster Management (DDM) - a Joint Needs Assessment revealed that a total of over 1.8 million people were adversely impacted.

Incessant rainfalls in turn resulted in a depression in the North Bay of Bengal and transformed in to a Cyclonic Storm ‘Komen’ on 30 July 2015, affecting 15 districts situated in the low-lying areas of the coastal belt, offshore islands, and chars. ‘Komen’ led to further heavy to very heavy rainfall across the entire country, and caused inundation in many areas of Southeast Bangladesh, including those which were affected by the initial phase of heavy rainfall. Consequently the lives and livelihoods of a large cross section of people from these areas were severely impacted – JNA and a post-cyclone rapid impact assessment conducted in the most affected districts revealed that the total number of people affected by flash floods and ‘Komen’ stood at 2.6 million in Southern Bangladesh!

The assessments identified Food Security/Supply, Livelihoods, WASH, and Shelter as the immediate needs of the affected people. Humanitarian actors came together to incorporate these needs in to a Joint Response Plan (JRP) aimed at addressing the immediate and emerging adversities facing the most vulnerable and affected communities. The response plan was also endorsed by the key stakeholders including government and donor organizations.

Based on the JRP the National Alliance for Risk Reduction and Response Initiatives (NARRI) consortium undertook a response project in the most affected areas. NARRI responded to the immediate needs of affected communities by providing unconditional cash grants as assistance. CARE Bangladesh led the consortium with Oxfam, Concern Worldwide (CWW), Concern Universal (CU) and Plan International as consortium members, while Handicap International served as technical partner. [4 pages] Read More...

Learning outcomes, transition, & retention Stories of change from AGES project in Somalia

The Adolescent Girls’ Education in Somalia (AGES) project aims to improve learning outcomes and positive transitions
for 82,975 extremely vulnerable girls and female youth in South Somalia. In 2019-2022, AGES enrolled a total of 62,288
girls in formal primary education (including regular and special needs schools), accelerated basic education (ABE), and non-formal education classes (NFE). Each learning pathway is adapted to girls’ age range and needs, including flexible delivery and content. The project works with Ministries of Education (MOEs) to coach teachers on delivering subject content, adopting inclusive and gender-responsive practices, and providing remedial education where applicable. AGES also trains teachers and Community Education Committees (CECs) to routinely follow up on cases of absenteeism and dropout. Through AGES, girls who are frequently absent or facing temporary school closures due to attacks and natural disasters are provided with remote learning materials and remedial support. As of November 2022, 49% of the students reported receiving remedial support from teachers. Read More...

Integrating Sexual and Reproductive Health and Gender Based Violence Programming

Learning brief on CARE's sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and gender-based violence (GBV) implementation programming in in Cox’s Bazar (CxB), Bangladesh, home to nearly a million refugees from Myanmar. Read More...

USAID Gap Women and Water Alliance Year 6 and Final Report

Gap Inc. is proud to close an enriching and impactful six years of implementation of the USAID Gap Inc. Women + Water Alliance. Looking back at six years of programming, Gap Inc. has learned immensely about the challenges and range of locally driven solutions related to women’s empowerment and improving access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in communities touched by the apparel industry in India. Thanks to this partnership, Gap Inc. is now able to articulate the power of WASH and women’s empowerment work in both strengthening relationships with cotton growing communities and building pride for Gap Inc. among employees.
The Women + Water Alliance launched in 2017 with five partners and ambitious goals. Over six years, the partnership’s theory of change evolved to prioritize activities that proved most effective in reaching women’s empowerment and WASH goals. Learning and adaptation included adding a sixth partner, WaterAid, to strengthen the partnership’s community water management approach. Through COVID-19 partners adapted their approach to implementation to allow for virtual coaching and distanced learning to progress on empowerment and WASH goals. To realize the full potential of the W+W Alliance and make up for delays associated with COVID-19 related implementation, the W+W Alliance was extended for one additional year, moving its end date from 2022 to 2023. Read More...

Improving lives of Rohingya refugees and host community members in Bangladesh through sexual and reproductive healthcare integrated with gender-based violence prevention, response violence prevention and response

The intended impact of the project is improved living conditions for women and girls in Rohingya refugee camps and host communities in Cox’s Bazar.
Outcome Statement: Improved sexual and reproductive health, GBV survivor support and protection from GBV of Rohingya refugees and host community members in Cox´s Bazar Bangladesh.
Purpose of the Study: This endline study has established endline values for the following project outcome indicators. This assessment has provided a comparison of baseline value and endline value of the indicators. A set of recommendations has been provided through the assessment report on project interventions. Read More...

ASHAR Alo Project (Action for Supporting the Host Communities: Adaptation and Resilience)

ASHAR Alo (Action for Supporting the Host Communities: Adaptation and Resilience), meaning ‘Light of Hope’ in Bangla.
The project activities are focused on Jaliyapalong, Haldiapalang,Ratna Palong, PalongKhali union of Ukhiya Upzila and Dakshin Mithachari and Chakmarkul union of Ramu Upazila. CARE aims to strengthen host communities' resilience by enhancing community-based disaster risk reduction (DRR), upgrading infrastructure, and providing livelihoods opportunities across shelter, settlement, and WASH sectors. The project also responds to the urgent protection and gender-based violence needs in the host community. Activities are being undertaken in collaboration with government and community stakeholders and UN and NGO actors.
Cox’s Bazar is amongst the poorest districts of Bangladesh. In Ukhia, 33% of people live below the poverty line, and 17% below extreme poverty. This is linked to the region's poor land quality and high risk of natural disaster. Since the Myanmar refugee influx in the fall of 2017, over 902,984 refugees or 201,150 households (HH)s have settled in Ukhiya, and Teknaf.1 Despite limited resources, the local host community population welcomed the arriving refugees during the fall of 2017, sharing food, shelter, and supplies. However, the refugees’ extended presence has strained the community’s already scarce resources. Within the sub-region, Ukhia and Teknaf have been particularly affected, with 336,000 residents directly impacted by the refugee influx,2 leading to a deterioration of relations between these host community members and the refugees.
The region is highly prone to natural disasters; it experiences regular cyclones, floods, and landslides with triple global average precipitation3. Both individual homes and community shelters are weak and in disrepair. Over 40% of households do not meet Sphere standards; they are overcrowded, fragile and highly susceptible to damage and destruction by strong winds, rain, and flooding4. Land degradation, including the daily removal of over 700 metric tons of firewood from the area, has led to a loss of topsoil, coupled with the heightened risk of flash flooding, which has increased the potential destruction5. The accumulation of improperly disposed waste and poor pre-existing drainage systems aggravate these risks and increase the likelihood of damage to host communities6. Furthermore, community response plans and structures are ill-equipped to safeguard or offer substantive protection. [19 pages] Read More...

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