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Gap analysis final report

This document is a report of the gender and diversity organizational gap analysis for CARE Malawi. T... Read More...

Karamoja situational analysis – final report 29.01.2013


Study on the sustainability of GRAD structures and outcomes

This study conducted by PDCR aims to better understand the sustainability and functionally of the processes and elements of GRAD-I as well as the different actors and structures supported and established by the project. And as such this report will focus on VESAs, household/value chains, agro-dealers, FEMAs/Cooperatives, micro-franchise, multi-stakeholders platform and access to finance after the project ended and will cover the period from December 2016 until September 2019.

The Graduation with Resilience to Achieve Sustainable Development (GRAD) project (hereafter referred to as the project) was a five-year USAID-funded project which began in December 2011 and ended in December 2016. Its strategic objective was to graduate a minimum of 50,000 chronically food-insecure households from the Ethiopian Government’s (GoE’s) Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP). Additionally, it aimed to increase each household’s income by $365 by the project’s fifth year in 16 Woredas in Tigray, Amhara, Oromia, and Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region (SNNPR). During the implementation of the project combined “push” and “pull” model into a complete and integrated package of interventions and within this model the project at times established and/or the above-mentioned actors.

Accordingly, desktop reviews of relevant documents including the project final evaluation, suitability and exit plan as well as a variety of reports were undertaken. The study team collected quantitative and qualitative information from 330 VESAs, 1,066 households, 188 saleswomen, 21 agro-dealers, 31 FEMAs/cooperatives. Furthermore, it consulted with representatives from multi-stakeholder platforms groups, Woreda FSTF, MFIs/RuSACCOs and participating wholesalers linked to the project.
Key findings:
56% of the VESAs established and supported by the project are still active as members were able to benefit from their membership, improve their saving and loan management, improve loan repayment mechanisms, were able to share out on time and at critical times, have structured and transparent management committee. These groups develop their members’ social capital, have a strong sense of trust, have benefited from their family’s support. The active VESA have reasonable membership size, common interest and have managed receive continued support.
42% of the VESAs established are inactive as members lost confidence and the interest right after the project ended. Members did not clearly understand the value of the VESAs, some faced internal conflicts, others such as the groups in Sidama and Gurage Zones were affected by drought and security issues. Overall, the inactive VESAs have received less support especially those established in the later part of the project. On a positive side, in Tigray few groups dissolved their VESAs as there was no needed since they now have started saving at banks and can access credit from MFIs.
2% of VESAs have transformed into RuSACCOs. Those who managed to this transformation was encouraged by some of their members who already were also member to a RuSACCO. The VESAs were not encouraged due to RuSACCO’s principle that supported individual membership to join already established RuSACCOs; and groups would rather retain their VESA as they feel they have full control and do not want to lose their social capital.
Active VESAs were formed on a voluntary base and were given adequate briefing about the purpose of the group. In contrast, the inactive VESAs members were mainly selected and groups were formed by project staffs.
Active VESAs remained together and have not sought to split into smaller groups as they value the social capital created within the group and prefer to work as a one team. Dissimilarly, 53% of the currently inactive groups did separate to form smaller groups, mainly due to internal conflicts, dissatisfaction regarding members selection methods and lack of management skills amongst the leadership.
Across all study areas, all VESAs were found have bylaws and in the case of Tigray and Amhara regions, some groups internally agreed and have amended their bylaws articles related to saving amounts, loan repayment mechanisms and interest rates reflecting their needs.
Active VESAs have successfully built social cohesion, capital, are a safe and fertile environment for training, social and cultural norms discussion platforms that may impede development drives and contribute to food security (e.g. gender inequality, infant feeding practices, etc.).
On average 61% of the active VESAs have been able to increase their savings size while only 13% reporting a decrease. Those who reported a decrease was directly associated to their inability to save as family expenses have escalated and they were unable to generate more income in order to save.
In all the study areas, the groups have paid share out every year in May and June. Their average value of liquid savings during the last share-out was 28,282 Birr with an average group share out of 1,444 Birr ($51) and an internal loan size of 26,649 Birr.

Women, Youth and Resilience Project Final Evaluation Outcome Harvesting: Understanding Changes in livelihoods, Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Government Accountability for Gender Equality.

The project was implemented by CARE International in Austria, Care International in Uganda, and two local partners, the Community Empowerment for Rural Development (CEFORD) and THRIVEGulu between 2021 and 2024 and is being followed up by a similar five-year project called the Gender Equality and Resilience Project (GEAR) to be implemented in Uganda and Rwanda. This is important to note as the findings from this final evaluation have implications for the programming of GEAR.
The main objective of this final evaluation is to assess effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the WAYREP project. It offers an understanding of the extent to which WAYREP achieved its stated objectives and it answers the five evaluation questions set out in the Evaluation Matrix (see Annex 2). The evaluation results will inform the programming of GEAR, WAYREP’s follow on program in Uganda and Rwanda.
The project successfully met its planned objectives, expected results, and indicators, demonstrated through the results below.
1.1: Enhanced Sustainable and Dignified Livelihood for Women and Youth
Over the five years, WAYREP significantly increased the average weekly income (49.6%) and by the end of the project, income gains surpassed the national average (Finding A). The increase in income was closely tied to an increase in confidence and self-reliance. While various groups of beneficiaries (e.g., refugees, youth, older beneficiaries, GBV survivors) experienced increases in their confidence, it was young women who experienced more significant gains in their self-confidence. These wins stemmed from their membership to savings groups and their newfound ability to earn an income (Finding H).
Although income gains were seen across beneficiary groups, gender and youth disparities were observed; men reported higher average earnings across Income Generating Activities (IGAs) compared to women
(Finding C) and younger beneficiaries in the 15-19 age group reported heightened engagement in income generation activities, compared to beneficiaries in the 20-30 age bracket (Finding B). While young people appear to have experienced more significant wins in participation, their average weekly income was lower than older beneficiaries (Finding D). Younger adults (20-30) were also less likely to develop business plans compared to older participants (31-45) (Finding E).
Specific differences were observed in Omugo Settlement in terms of income earning opportunities. Overall, in Omugo Settlement beneficiaries participated less in savings groups (Finding F) and were able to save less money compared to their peers in Arua City, Gulu City and Omugo Sub County. This is important, as the lower savings values have the risk of limiting refugees' ability to access capital to grow their businesses (Finding I). That said, South Sudanese refugees in Omugo settlement experienced unique wins from their increased economic status and improved their relationships with the host community. This is significant as it highlights the project's positive impact on social cohesion, particularly in locations where relationships between the refugee and host community relationships were strained (Finding F).
The final evaluation found that financial management practices and savings habits improved across all four locations. While most savings groups still preferred traditional savings systems that included a locked box kept in a member’s house, in Gulu and Arua City savers were experimenting with mobile savings that offered increased security, flexibility and accountability (Finding G). This points to the potential for greater exploration of mobile savings systems in GEAR, WAYREP’s follow on program, especially in locations which have already started to adopt this practice.
1.2: Evidence of WAYREP Achieving Reduced Acceptance for Gender Based Violence in Communities
The final evaluation found a decrease in experience of GBV from 28% at baseline (2021) to 20.7% at endline (2024) and a similar rejection of intimate partner violence (IPV), from 71.6% at baseline, to 77.1% at endline (Finding J). The project's strong focus on economic empowerment (Section 1.1 above) had a positive effect on the confidence and self-resilience of women and young (Finding H) which intern contributed to a positive shift in social norms and facilitated a reduction in the acceptability of violence (Finding K).
1.3: Evidence of WAYREP Providing Enhanced Support to GBV Survivors
The increase in GBV reporting (Finding L) suggests that survivors felt more comfortable coming forward, due to the project's efforts to raise awareness and improve survivors access to support. Beneficiaries reported there was now more support available for survivors of violence (Finding L) and improved access to mechanisms for expressing dissatisfaction with inappropriate treatment by local authorities or service providers (Finding M). The findings suggest that the project empowered survivors to seek help and enabled them to hold service providers to account (Finding L, M).
1.4: Evidence of WAYREP Achieving Increased Accountability by the Government of Uganda to Implement Relevant Frameworks for Women and Girls’ Protection and Rights
Women and girls across all four locations reported increased capacity to advocate for their rights (Finding N). The project had a strong contribution to this result and motivated and supported the Government of Ugandan (GoU) and key religious and cultural leaders to implement or strengthen frameworks to protect women's and girls' rights (Finding O). These changes intern created a more enabling environment for women and girls in Uganda and provided a supportive legal framework for them to advocate for their rights Read More...

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