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Search Results for “비트코인DBх텔레 daisoDB 코인디비⑼비트코인디비⒟2021년DB구매⑼로또디비업체” – Page 3 – CARE | Evaluations

Search Results: 비트코인DBх텔레 daisoDB 코인디비⑼비트코인디비⒟2021년DB구매⑼로또디비업체

Gender-Sensitive Conflict Analysis in South and East Darfur States, Sudan, 2022

CARE International in Sudan is implementing the project “Enhancing resilience through improved food security, disaster risk reduction and peaceful co-existence in South and East Darfur states, Sudan” (1 September 2021 – 31 August 2025) through funding from the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The project addresses the specific needs, vulnerabilities, and capacities of women, youth, and persons with disabilities to strengthen their resilience to buffer, adapt, and respond to future shocks at an individual, family, and community levels. This gender sensitive conflict analysis in East and South Darfur – representing eight villages – is to understand the causes, power and gender dynamics, and actors of conflicts in the project area.

The conflict in Darfur is escalating rapidly, with eight times more people killed and displaced in 2021 than in 2020. Inflation rose by 359% in 2021. Climate change—marked by devastating floods and prolonged droughts—combined with food insecurity and a lack of services leaves people feeling violence is their only choice.
A profoundly unequal and harmful set of social norms that do not value women, and even refer to them as vessels of the devil, coupled with laws that do not protect women and their rights, are pushing many burdens of this crisis onto women. A common saying is, “Almara mamlouka ela malak Almout” or “A woman is owned to death.” As the situation gets more extreme and livelihoods and service get scarcer, women are more likely to be working outside the home to help meet family needs. Men have not increased their involvement in household chores and childcare to compensate for these shifts—leaving women with even higher burdens than before. The shifts in women having to work outside the home have not translated into corresponding improvements in women’s rights, engagement in politics, or access to public life.
This research draws from 20 focus groups and 20 Key Informant Interviews that represent the views of 193 people (45% of whom were women) in eight villages in July of 2022. It also looks at 44 secondary sources.

Rapid Assessment on COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake by Urban Marginalised Population in Bangladesh

As of 31 March 2021, there have been 127,877,462 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, including 2,796,561 deaths in 223 countries as reported by WHO. Bangladesh had 6,11,295 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 9,406 confirmed deaths till the end of March 2021. In response to this situation, the administration of the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine officially started on 7 February 2021 in the national hospitals and health complexes all over Bangladesh. Despite acute demand for the vaccine, a great deal of misinformation and misconception is also apparent among general people. With the ongoing vaccine administration, it is very important to understand community acceptance of COVID-19 vaccinations.
People’s knowledge, attitudes and perceptions towards COVID-19 are of utmost importance for Government and policymakers to address all barriers to vaccine uptake and ensuring that everyone has access to vaccine. With these contexts, this survey aims to identify the overall COVID-19 vaccination perceptions among the urban marginalized population in Bangladesh based on three main objectives:
 Understanding the knowledge and practice related to COVID-19 prevention
 Assessing the knowledge and perspective regarding COVID-19 vaccination
 To know the status of vaccine uptake among marginalized population
The urban marginalized population were purposively selected, as they are more likely to be unaccounted for or have the least access to the COVID-19 vaccine administration process. In this survey, researchers captured only the population that are direct service recipient of the Urban Health Programme (garment workers and people who inject drug) and other groups who are available around the catchment areas of the service centres of the facilities. Read More...

Dry Zone Agricultural Development Project (DZADP) Midterm Report

DZADP - Midterm


By August 9, 2021, Ethiopia had reported more than 284,000 COVID-19 cases and 4,426 deaths. Since COVID-19 was first reported in Ethiopia in March of 2021, the impacts of the pandemic, the measures taken to curb COVID-19, and additional political, economic, and environmental crises have severely impacted the population.
Women and girls bear different burdens in this crisis, and emergency responses often overlook the differences
in impacts and needs for women, girls, men, and boys in humanitarian responses. To that end, this research—
with funding from the EUTF (European Union Emergency Trust Fund) provides insight into the impact of COV1D-19 on women and girls in Ethiopia. This insight informs recommendations and guide EUTF partners and other relevant stakeholders in the areas of EUTF interventions. With this objective in mind, four woredas (administrative districts), one refugee camp, and one Industrial Park (IP) were considered as sample areas. These are Sekota Zuria and Gazgibla woredas in Wag Hemra zone of Amhara region; Moyale and Miyo woredas in Borena Zone of Oromia region, Asayita Refugee Camp in Afar region, and Bole-Lemi Industrial Park in Addis Ababa.
This research surveyed 372 women and girls in April 2021. The quantitative surveys covered adult women and girls over the age of 15. It also provides insights into the differences between refugees, Internally Displaced People (IDPs), refugees, and migrants. Qualitative from focus group discussions and key informant interviews also reflects opinions from men and boys. Read More...

Lka – dzadp final evaluation 12-06

Purpose: To enhance productivity and incomes in command and catchment areas of micro tanks in a sust... Read More...

Recipe for Response: What We Know About the Next Global Food Crisis, and How to Fight it

The genesis of the present hunger crisis goes back farther than February 2022 and is due to a combination of global and localized factors. Globally, climate change has compromised agricultural livelihoods and led to displacement, especially in regions like the Horn of Africa and Central America’s Dry Corridor, where famers struggle to produce yields that meet the needs of local markets. The global economic fallouts associated with COVID-19, and inadequate social safety nets, have led to record unemployment and growing poverty—especially for women and women-led households (UN Women 2021)—so that even where food is available, high prices put basic items out of reach for many. Armed conflict is also driving food insecurity, for example by making it difficult for farmers to cultivate their lands, or damaging or disrupting vital agricultural infrastructure—such as transportation, storage and distribution sites—and reducing access to markets and assistance.
Women and girls are disproportionately impacted by food insecurity and related shocks. Gender norms and roles mean that women are often responsible for their households’ food security, including shopping for and preparing food, yet they might also be the ones to eat “last and least” in their household. Women are also more likely to be excluded from decision-making when it comes
to addressing hunger in their communities (CARE 2020). These types of gendered imbalances hurt entire communities: in a 2021 assessment in Sudan, CARE found that 82% of people living in female-headed households reported recently skipping a meal, compared with 56% of people living in male-headed households. Read More...

Fiji Gender, Disability & Inclusion Snapshot COVID-19, TC Yasa and TC Ana

Fiji is facing unprecedented challenges as a result of the compounded effects of COVID-19, Tropical Cyclone (TC) Yasa and TC Ana. TC Yasa was a category five cyclone with winds up to 345 kilometers per hour which made landfall over Fiji’s second largest island, Vanua Levu on 17 December 2020. TC Yasa was not the only major cyclone in 2020 as TC Harold had hit Viti Levu and the islands to the east as a Category Four cyclone on 8 April 2020. In the midst of response and recovery efforts for these cyclones, coupled with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Fiji was hit again by another tropical cyclone, TC Ana, on 31 January 2021. Read More...

Evaluación final Proyecto Aprendemos+, crecemos y emprendemos siempre III

El proyecto APRENDEMOS+ CRECEMOS Y EMPRENDEMOS SIEMPRE 2021 presenta una respuesta educativa semipresencial con el objetivo general de generar las condiciones pedagógicas y de bienestar para que los y las estudiantes de las IIEE de primaria rural multigrado/unidocente focalizadas logren aprendizajes satisfactorios en las competencias de las áreas curriculares de Comunicación, Matemática y Personal Social. Este proyecto cuenta con tres objetivos específicos o componentes: i. fortalecer las capacidades de los y las docentes/directores para mejorar los aprendizajes de los/las estudiantes de aulas multigrado/unidocente; ii. promover la participación de la comunidad educativa para fortalecer la gestión escolar; iii. fortalecer la práctica pedagógica, la gestión en docentes/directores y desarrollar aprendizajes autónomos a través de recursos educativos. En 2021, la propuesta se implementará en 115 instituciones educativas de nivel primaria multigrado/unidocente de las regiones de Amazonas, Cajamarca, Huánuco y Pasco; atendiendo a 2372 estudiantes y 187 docentes.
El presente informe del Estudio de Línea de Base del proyecto tiene como objetivo general medir los indicadores del proyecto a nivel cualitativo y cuantitativo; y, compararlos con un área de no intervención (grupo control). El estudio se enmarca en las consecuencias educativas de la pandemia de Covid-19, y las medidas de respuesta del sector para garantizar el acceso a una educación con calidad y equidad. El estudio cuenta con dos componentes. El componente cuantitativo contó con 294 entrevistas en IIEE tratamiento y control, dirigidas a directivos, docentes, estudiantes y padres/madres de familia. El componente cualitativo estaba compuesto por 32 entrevistas en 8 IIEE tratamiento y control, dirigidas a directivos, docentes, estudiantes, padres/madres de familia y agentes educativos comunitarios.
El informe presenta los resultados de los indicadores centrales del proyecto, así como la medición de indicadores referenciales, complementados por los resultados cualitativos a nivel descriptivo y analítico. Incluye además un conjunto de conclusiones y de recomendaciones para la implementación del proyecto. Read More...

Hamenus Mortalidade no Risku ba Inan (HAMORIS – 2017-2021) Midterm Report and Summary CI Timor-Leste

The Hamenus Mortalidade no Risku ba Inan Sira (HAMORIS) project is funded by the Australian Government and implemented by CARE International Timor-Leste. Focused on the municipalities of Ermera and Covalima, the project aims to address the high number of women who die during childbirth in Timor-Leste, which has one of the highest rates of maternal death in the world, by improving their access to and use of quality maternal health services. The HAMORIS project was launched in July 2017 and has been extended until June 2022. This is the midterm report and findings. Please also find a summary in English as well as Tetum. Read More...

Hamenus Mortalidade no Risku ba Inan (HAMORIS – 2017-2021) BASELINE CI Timor-Leste

The HAMORIS project is managed and implemented by Care International Timor-Leste (CITL) and funded by the Australian aid program. The HAMORIS project goal is to contribute to lasting reductions in maternal mortality and morbidity by increasing the number of women in targeted communities utilizing appropriate and quality Sexual, Reproductive Maternal Health and Rights (SRMHR) services. The project aims to enable this by improving gender relations at the family and community level. HAMORIS started in July 2017 and has been extended to June 2022.

The baseline data has been collected to provide the team and key stakeholders to the project with a clear understanding of context at the initiation of the project. It will help the team assess changes in knowledge, attitudes and practice of participants and their approach to SRMHR services and changes in gender relations, social and power norms of participants and within the broader community. Read More...

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