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On August 4 2020, the devastating Beirut explosion shook the whole city to its core, taking the lives of 191 persons (120 males, 58 females, and 13 unspecified), wounding at least 6,500, and leaving 300,000 people displaced. Prior to the explosion, Lebanon’s crisis has been underpinned by extreme structural gender inequalities: Lebanon ranks 145 out of 153 countries in the World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Report, due to low rates of women’s economic and political participation and patriarchal socio-cultural norms. The impact of the explosion compounded with the worst economic crisis in the history of Lebanon and the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to significantly push back what gains have been made on gender equality in the country.
This joint rapid gender analysis (RGA) of the Beirut port explosion assesses how diverse women, men, girls, boys, and gender minorities were affected by the events of August 4, with a close look at the specific impact on older, disabled, refugee, migrant, and LBQT (lesbian, bisexual, queer, and trans) women.
The assessment combined a secondary review of existing data with primary data collection. Secondary analysis included reviewing 45 reports, sit-reps, and needs assessments published by United Nations (UN) agencies, international and non-governmental organizations (I/NGOs) since the explosion and conducting gender analysis on three quantitative datasets from assessments carried out in response to the explosion. Primary data consisted of 16 key informant interviews (KIIs), 4 focus group discussions (FGDs) with 17 participants, and 16 community interviews – a total of 49 people overall.


By August 9, 2021, Ethiopia had reported more than 284,000 COVID-19 cases and 4,426 deaths. Since COVID-19 was first reported in Ethiopia in March of 2021, the impacts of the pandemic, the measures taken to curb COVID-19, and additional political, economic, and environmental crises have severely impacted the population.
Women and girls bear different burdens in this crisis, and emergency responses often overlook the differences
in impacts and needs for women, girls, men, and boys in humanitarian responses. To that end, this research—
with funding from the EUTF (European Union Emergency Trust Fund) provides insight into the impact of COV1D-19 on women and girls in Ethiopia. This insight informs recommendations and guide EUTF partners and other relevant stakeholders in the areas of EUTF interventions. With this objective in mind, four woredas (administrative districts), one refugee camp, and one Industrial Park (IP) were considered as sample areas. These are Sekota Zuria and Gazgibla woredas in Wag Hemra zone of Amhara region; Moyale and Miyo woredas in Borena Zone of Oromia region, Asayita Refugee Camp in Afar region, and Bole-Lemi Industrial Park in Addis Ababa.
This research surveyed 372 women and girls in April 2021. The quantitative surveys covered adult women and girls over the age of 15. It also provides insights into the differences between refugees, Internally Displaced People (IDPs), refugees, and migrants. Qualitative from focus group discussions and key informant interviews also reflects opinions from men and boys. Read More...

Republic of Fiji Tropical Cyclone Josie and Tropical Cyclone Keni Rapid Gender, Protection and Inclusion Analysis

This rapid gender, protection and inclusion analysis is designed to provide initial information about gender roles, responsibilities, capacities and vulnerabilities of women, men, girls and boys, people with disabilities, SOGIESC and other marginalised people prior to and after TCs Josie and Keni. It provides a snapshot of the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of particular groups in the affected communities and helps us to understand some of the key gender, protection and inclusiveness in the aftermath of the cyclones. Taking into consideration the rapidly changing context and limited information, this analysis seeks to understand how different groups might be impacted by recent events and provide practical programming and operational recommendations to meet differing needs, ensure we ‘do no harm’ and wherever feasible, identify windows of opportunity to advance gender equality. Read More...


El presente documento sistematiza la estrategia de salud mental, la cual forma parte del segundo objetivo específico del proyecto “Alma Llanera” de CARE Perú que se viene implementando en las regiones de Tumbes, Piura, La Libertad, Lima y Callao desde septiembre del 2019 hasta agosto de 2023. Las acciones planteadas desde esta estrategia, enmarcadas en un enfoque territorial, apuntan a promover el acceso a servicios de salud mental de personas migrantes y refugiadas en sus ámbitos de intervención de manera integral considerando las variables sociales, políticas, culturales, económicas, entre otras. Todo ello, en el marco de lo establecido por la Ley 30947, Ley de Salud Mental1 (2019) y su Reglamento (Decreto Supremo 007-2020-SA)2 y acorde a los instrumentos internacionales de protección de derechos humanos, en el que el Estado peruano impulsa un proceso de reforma de la atención de salud mental con el fin de implementar un modelo de atención comunitario.
Esta sistematización, orientada desde una mirada comunitaria y participativa, incorpora las voces y saberes de las diferentes personas involucradas en la estrategia: equipo central y regional del proyecto, consultores del proyecto, responsables de la estrategia de salud mental de las DIRIS/DIRESAS/GERESAS, jefe/as y/o responsable de participación social comunitaria de los CSMC, agentes comunitarios de salud y beneficiarios/as del proyecto; a fin de recoger buenas prácticas, lecciones aprendidas y procesos innovadores, que permitan generar aprendizajes internos e interinstitucionales a partir de la implementación de esta estrategia. Las entrevistas individuales y los grupos de discusión fueron las técnicas principales para recolectar la información, complementado con la revisión de documentos concernientes al programa y a la estrategia en particular. Read More...


The following evaluation corresponds to the 12-month implementation of the project Protection, WASH, and Shelter Support for Vulnerable Venezuelan Refugees in Ecuador, which was funded by the Government of Canada (Global Affairs Canada) and that took place from April 2019 to March 2020. The goal of this process was to analyze the fulfillment of results and strategies used to respond to the urgent needs of the Venezuelan migrant population in the areas of shelter, protection and WASH. The objectives of the evaluation focused on a) determining the relevance, efficiency and effectiveness, as well as the sustainability of actions and results by component; b) identifying milestones and innovations, as well as the main challenges; and, c) identifying recommendations and opportunities for improvement for future interventions. To this end, primary and secondary information, both qualitative and quantitative was collected and analyzed, and was then structured according to the evaluation criteria and the project components.
This report is 59 pages long.

Midline (monsoon flood) and baseline (flsh flood) study of SUFAL-!! project

The baseline study concerning the impact of flash floods and lightning on the SUFAL-II project aims to analyze the context of flash floods and lightning, assess the scopes of the Early Warning System, and examine current trends of hazard-specific responses taken by individual, community, and institutional levels. The objective of this project is to bolster the capabilities of vulnerable communities and institutions in Bangladesh to implement forecast-based early actions. The study employed a mixed-method approach, amalgamating both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis techniques. This was done to assess the context, accessibility, usage, and potential of early warning systems and early actions for mitigating the risks associated with flash floods and lightning hazards.
The study encompassed three districts prone to flash floods, namely Sylhet, Sunamganj, and Netrokona. For treatment group areas the selected Upazilas were Gowainghat, Dharmapasha, and Khaliajuri and for control group areas the selected areas were Sylhet Sadar, Sunamganj Sadar, Madan.
Data was collected from 502 households, 12 focus group discussions, and 19 key informant interviews. The study's findings indicate that flash floods and lightning are recurrent and severe hazards that pose significant threats to the communities' lives, assets, and livelihoods. These hazards disproportionately affect women, individuals with disabilities, and farmers. The study also identified several shortcomings in the existing early warning systems, including issues related to timeliness, quality, coverage, accessibility, comprehension, and trust.
The study further investigated the current and potential early actions that can be undertaken by communities and institutions to alleviate the impact of flash floods and lightning. These actions include seeking safe shelter, securing assets and livestock, and implementing strategies to cope with shocks and stress. Most significantly, there are no functional early warning systems in the targeted areas.
A total of 90.00% of the respondents from the treatment group and 50.80% of respondents from the control group areas said they were affected by flash floods within the previous three years. On the other hand, 69.30% of the respondents of treatment group and 50.80% of the respondents of control group areas admitted that their community members were affected by lightning in the past two years. Moreover, 74.40% of respondents of treatment group areas and 58.30% respondents of control group areas said that loss of human lives or major injury occurred due to lightning. Notably, Highest 81.90% of the respondents from both group areas said they did not get any early warning information regarding floods. FGD with respondents discovered that there is no functional early warning system in their areas for flash floods. Sometimes they got warnings through loudspeaker announcements when nearby areas got affected by the flood. In the case of lightning, 92.80% of the respondents from both group areas said they didn’t get any early warning information. Though there isn`t any early warning system for lightning, some respondents said in FGD that they occasionally identify symptoms by evaluating the cloud and notifying each other of the possibility of lightning which is considered as early warning for them. The respondents from both treatment and control group areas shared their opinions about different types of early warnings they received for different natural disasters. The highest 38.20% and 18.80% of the respondents received early warning (supposed to situation update) through television broadcasts from treatment and control group areas. The respondents from the treatment group and control group areas usually don’t get any functional early warnings. Hence, they consider flood situation updates and weather updates as early warnings. A total of 16.70% of the respondents admit that they won’t understand the early warning information due to language barriers, or technical jargon. From the treatment group areas, 61.50% of the respondents shared that due to a lack of clear instructions on severity and impact of the hazards, they won’t understand the warnings. Interestingly, a total of 17.90% of the respondents from both treatment and control group areas admitted some traditional beliefs and superstition might generate distrust against the early warnings. Read More...

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