Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.
With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.
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If you have an evaluation or study to share, please e-mail the document to for posting.
Cash and Voucher Assistance that Works for Women: 6 Lessons from the Field
The study adopted a user-centric approach to data collection. This ensured consistent reflection with crisis-affected people throughout the process and increased our ability to capture complexity and enhance accountability. Read More...
Cash and Voucher Assistance that Works for Women: 6 Lessons from the Field
The study adopted a user-centric approach to data collection. This ensured consistent reflection with crisis-affected people throughout the process and increased our ability to capture complexity and enhance accountability. Read More...
Cash and Voucher Assistance that Works for Women: 6 Lessons from the Field
The study adopted a user-centric approach to data collection. This ensured consistent reflection with crisis-affected people throughout the process and increased our ability to capture complexity and enhance accountability. Read More...
Cash and Voucher Assistance that Works for Women: 6 Lessons from the Field
The study adopted a user-centric approach to data collection. This ensured consistent reflection with crisis-affected people throughout the process and increased our ability to capture complexity and enhance accountability. Read More...
Supporting civil society in socio- economic development at local level
The overall objective of the programme is to “improve the socio-economic conditions and rights of the poorest and those most in need of the population“. Read More...
Addressing Food Crisis in Yemen
This report presents the evaluation findings from the project during over its full implementation period (October 2017- February 2019) in the targeted areas. It uses the DAC Evaluation Criteria: Relevance, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Impact and Sustainability. It also provides insight on the internal and external factors influencing the achievement (or non-achievement) of the project objectives. The analysis should inform decisions about replicating interventions, draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the implementation strategies, highlight lessons learned and lead to recommendations to inform future programming and policymaking. Read More...
Final Evaluation of Jordanian Community Development Support Program
Cocoa Life in Côte d’Ivoire Final Evaluation
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