Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.
With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.
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Gender Sensitive Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment for Harande Development Food Assistance Program
of the population at the household and community level to respond and deal with a myriad of shocks and stress factors. Recognizing climate change, gender inequality along with the vulnerability of some sections of the community as an obstacle underlying food and nutrition insecurity, and a key stressor towards instability and insecurity, a holistic understanding of gender sensitive‐climate vulnerability and adaptive capacities of target communities is an imperative step for the success of program interventions. The report is 77 pages long. Read More...
Supporting Meaningful Civic Engagement for Improved Accountability by Leveraging Digital Technologies Baseline Assessment
The overall objective for this Action is to develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels and ensure public access to information and fundamental freedoms. The overall objectives will be achieved through activities, which empower young ethnic minority community citizens to demand the government for more participatory, transparent, responsive and accountability in leveraging digital technologies. We will use a digital scorecard, which is currently tested and will be applied in 2021 in this project. Report is 53 pages long. Read More...
Real-Time Evaluation Asia-Pacific Regional COVID-19 Task Force
The official remit of the RTF that was agreed upon by the membership was to support: 1) COVID-19 humanitarian response; 2) clear, consolidated and contextualized programming guidance for COs, CMPs, affiliates and candidates; 3) communications for brand coherence & higher influence; d) information management; 4) COVID-19 specific regional advocacy; 5) consolidating program and response learning; 6) making resources on COVID programming available for external partners; 7) coordinating technical support; 8) linking to the global task team.
Now, six months into the response, the RTF has established a real-time evaluation to draw out learnings and understand how effective a role it has played in reaching its stated objectives. This RTE is intended to be a light, “good enough” review of the AP COVID-19 Task Force’s (henceforth referred to as RTF) performance since its inception.
The expectation is that learning from this evaluation will inform decision-making around possible continuation of the RTF, and also shed light on any adaptations to the remit, configuration or ways of working of the grouping that are required. Read More...
Learning Women’s Participation in the Cotton Value Chain
COVID-19 impact on Vietnamese apparel and footwear workers: Workers’ Perspective
the Netherlands (CNV). This report also references findings from the qualitative research conducted by the Center for Development and Integration (CDI).
Purposes of the assessment of COVID-19 impacts on apparel and footwear sector workers:
1. To analyze the impact of COVID-19 on workers’ lives in the apparel and footwear industry across three major areas: economic, health, and society with a focus on gendered impacts and employment relation.
2. To identify the needs of AFS workers, especially female workers, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
3. To provide recommendations to businesses, brands, associations, unions, governments and development organizations on supporting workers to recover from the impact of COVID-19.
The information and data included in this report represent the key findings of the COVID-19 impact
assessment study with specific policy implications for enterprises, trade unions and government. Read More...
Sustainable Transformation of Egypt’s Aquaculture market System (STREAMS)
The end project evaluation identifies and assesses results achieved by WorldFish and partners during the project life at outcome and output levels and draws lessons learned and recommendations for WorldFish, the Donor, project stakeholders and partners. The evaluation was based on both secondary data and use of quantitative and qualitative tools to solicit primary data. Read More...
Partners for Resilience Country Case Study Indonesia (PFR)
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