Private Sector

Impact Case Study and Documentation of the Tea, Herbs and Spices Farmer’s Situation and Experiences in the Phase I of Her Money, Her Life Project Implementation

CARE International's two-year Her Money, Her Life (HMHL) project (2021-2023), funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, aims to empower and economically uplift women farmers in Tanzania's tea sub-sector. In collaboration with Kazi Yetu Limited and key industry partners, the project targets 150,000 individuals, including 30,000 tea smallholder farmers (80% women). HMHL project builds on CARE's Agri Fund model with aim of investing in women to increase independence and economic opportunities to boost quality, quantity and diversification in Tanzania’s tea sub-sector. The impact study, conducted by Solveris Consulting Limited in November 2023, assesses the project's outcomes across seven districts in four regions, offering valuable insights into its effectiveness.
carried out by Kazi Yetu, funded by the project's grant. This ROI is expected to be more than doubled (188%) in 2025. The partnership between Kazi Yetu and stakeholders
significantly impacts the specialty tea sector, showcasing rapid grant recovery/factory’s investment rate of return within 2.5 years. The project fosters economic viability and tangible benefits for farmers, contributing to positive transformation in livelihoods. Kazi Yetu's project interventions, highlighted by the SSTC demonstration factory, bring substantial and lasting benefits to farmers. Premium prices for green leaf tea sales, employment opportunities, and transformative training initiatives have significantly increased income for women tea farmers. The project's emphasis on value addition, including a solar dryer in Bumbuli, enhances product quality and market opportunities. Diversification into tea, herbs and spices production and commissions from bulk orthodox tea sales further contribute to income streams. The project's impact extends nationally, shaping the tea strategy and promoting specialty tea. The success of SSTC has catalysed national interest, leading to scaling efforts and increased global recognition for Tanzanian tea, enhancing market opportunities. Effectiveness of Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs) on Collective Investment: VSLAs demonstrate a significant 30% increase in women's involvement from 46% during baseline to 60% now, indicating successful interventions that contribute to economic resilience and social cohesion. Regional variations underscore localized impacts. Additionally, the study reveals that the majority of respondents (87%) comprising 89% females and 84% males reported their VSLAs engaging in collective investments using mobilised savings. This level of collective engagement in collective investments through VSLAs is approximately double the baseline figure (47%). The investments take various forms, including small businesses, transportation equipment, and livestock husbandry. Further evidence suggests that collective investments have enhanced VSLAs' capital, improved members' access to loans, and overall increased income through dividends from collective investments. Read More...

Informe Final RISE Guatemala

El programa digital de RISE, se centra en contribuir a eliminar las barreras que generan desigualdades de género, promover el empoderamiento y el acceso a la información, formación, principalmente de las mujeres trabajadoras del sector textil/maquilas, así mismo el ejercicio de sus derechos laborales en el lugar de trabajo, el programa aporta en reforzar los conocimientos los trabajadores/as frente a diversas crisis, facilitando el conocimiento, acceso y uso de herramientas digitales.

El desarrollo de la experiencia fue en el marco de la colaboración entre RISE, Nordstrom, Ralph Lauren y Target, como un programa piloto en CA, particularmente en la industria de confección en Guatemala. La implementación de dicha experiencia fue aplicada en las industrias de confección; Daontex S.A, Plaza Trading, Shinwon, por un periodo de sies meses, utilizando la metodología de formador de formadores.

El principal objetivo del proyecto es fortalecer las habilidades y capacidades sobre salud, finanzas, género y derechos laborales de las y los trabajadores de tres industrias de confección (Daontex S.A, Plaza Trading, Shinwon), con énfasis en mujeres trabajadoras. Para lograr estos objetivos del Proyecto, se utilizó la siguiente estrategia:

- Contextualización de los contenidos de los módulos de RISE
- Elaboración y grabación de spots informativos sobre los módulos de RISE.
- Evaluación de Necesidades de las tres maquilas sujetas del proyecto
- Línea de Base inicial y final.
- Proceso de formación mediante la metodología de Formador de Formadores.
- Fortalecimiento de capacidades a 300 trabajadoras/trabajadores y 30 gerentes.
- Capacitaciones de actualización y seguimiento al proceso de formador a formadores
- Planes de seguimiento/sostenibilidad generada por las maquilas
- Reflexión y cierre del proceso en cada maquila que incluyó la presentación de resultados a Marcas y a nivel de las maquilas. Read More...

Private Sector Health Facility Assessment USAID Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH)

USAID Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) is a youth co-led initiative to empower girls and boys,10-19 years old, including the most marginalized, to attain their reproductive rights. The project's primary goal is to support adolescents to reach their full potential and strengthen public systems and private entities to create an enabling environment for healthy reproductive health (RH) behaviors by ensuring the readiness of private health facilities to provide adolescent-responsive services.

The study's main objective is to assess most private health facilities meeting USAID ARH specific criteria and identify gaps in providing high-quality services to adolescents. Read More...

RANO WASH Rural Access to New Opportunities in Water, Sanitation, And Hygiene Mid-Term Review Report

The $33 million USAID-funded Rural Access to New Opportunities in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (RANO WASH) program seeks to increase equitable and sustainable access to WASH services to maximize impact on human health and nutrition and preserve the environment in 250 rural communes of Alaotra Mangoro, Amoron'i Mania, Atsinanana, Haute Matsiatra, Vakinankaratra, and Vatovavy Fitovinany regions of Madagascar. RANO WASH has three strategic objectives:
1) To support governance and monitoring at national, regional, and communal levels for sustainable WASH services;
2) To increase access to water and sanitation supply through supporting private sector capacity and public-private partnerships for sustainable water and sanitation supply across several regions in Madagascar; and
3) To increase good hygiene and sanitation behaviors by identifying and addressing multiple behavioral determinants.

The project was designed using the Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) Collaborative Behaviors and is guided by a system strengthening approach that establishes the building blocks for sustainable delivery of WASH services. This report presents findings from the midterm review, which evaluated the project's performance from 2018 to 2020 across five criteria, benchmarked progress and contribution towards WASH building blocks, and assessed the effectiveness of the consortium team. Read More...

COVID-19 impact on Vietnamese apparel and footwear workers: Workers’ Perspective

In April 2020, the Public Private Partnerships Cooperation Group for sustainable apparel and footwear sector in Vietnam, consisting of over 40 members from the Ministries of Industry and Trade Natural Resources and Environment, Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs and VITAS, LEFASO, brands, development partners and domestic and international NGOs, conducted a comprehensive assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on the apparel and footwear sector. The aim of the assessment was to seek solutions from policy perspectives, social security, sustainable economic development, environmental protection and the role of stakeholders in the supply chain to mitigate impacts of the pandemic. One of the key components of the assessment is this analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on AFS workers’ lives conducted by CARE and sponsored by TARGET and the National Federation of Christian Trade Unions in
the Netherlands (CNV). This report also references findings from the qualitative research conducted by the Center for Development and Integration (CDI).
Purposes of the assessment of COVID-19 impacts on apparel and footwear sector workers:
1. To analyze the impact of COVID-19 on workers’ lives in the apparel and footwear industry across three major areas: economic, health, and society with a focus on gendered impacts and employment relation.
2. To identify the needs of AFS workers, especially female workers, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
3. To provide recommendations to businesses, brands, associations, unions, governments and development organizations on supporting workers to recover from the impact of COVID-19.
The information and data included in this report represent the key findings of the COVID-19 impact
assessment study with specific policy implications for enterprises, trade unions and government. Read More...

Prococoghana final report

This 25 page report highlights the endline findings of the PROCOCO project (Cargill-funded) in Ghana... Read More...

Aesa private sector training needs assessment

This 85 page analysis highlights the training needs of private-sector extension suppliers in Banglad... Read More...

Aesa baseline report

This baseline survey was conducted on a small number of selected indicators to understand and docume... Read More...

Coffee industry support prgram mid-term review

This mid-term evaluation measures progress in CARE's Coffee Industry Support Program in Papua New Gu... Read More...

Care png cisp pngce baseline report

This 64 page document is the findings of the baseline for Coffee Industry Support Project, looking a... Read More...

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