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Conflict Sensitive Rapid Gender Analysis Cabo Delgado, Mozambique

The on-going armed insurgency in Cabo Delgado that started in 2017 and the mass displacement it caused have created a complex humanitarian crisis in one of Mozambique’s poorest regions, Cabo Delgado. Prior to the crisis, Cabo Delgado province already suffered from high levels of poverty and absence of services. This situation has been worsened by the crisis which depleted what little resilience the province’s population had. Host communities find themselves having to share already scarce resources. There are evident signs of solidarity fatigue and tensions between IDPs and host communities result in frequent conflicts.

IDPs in Cabo Delgado are suffering from dire living conditions, extremely limited access to basic services and struggling to meet essential needs. Widespread lack of access to cash and income generating opportunities are causing negative multi-layered gendered impacts on the lives of IDPs. IDPs living in resettlement centres are among
those most vulnerable, women and children making up the majority of residents, where access to resources or income generating opportunities is very limited. Female-headed IDP households have constrained access to land when compared to their male counterparts, making subsistence farming difficult. The combination of these factors
has led to the commodification of humanitarian aid with the sale of part of the food received through humanitarian assistance being a prevalent practice.

While humanitarian assistance has been vital in meeting IDPs’ most urgent needs, there are still immense and persistent needs. Life at resettlement centres is difficult and protection risks abound, particularly for women and girls. Water is scarce and fetching it is an arduous and often dangerous task for women and girls. Access to health care is
limited, including to maternal and sexual and reproductive health services. Reports of sexual exploitation and abuse were frequent and included cases of community leaders requesting money or sex in exchange for guaranteed access to humanitarian aid. Read More...

Ukraine Rapid Gender Analysis (Primary Data) May 2022

"It is no longer very scary whether a rocket will arrive or not from the sea, but it is scary that we will die of starvation.”
The lives of people across Ukraine have been profoundly impacted by the humanitarian crisis brought on by the invasion on 24 February 2022. As of 29 April, 5.5 million refugees have already fled Ukraine,1 and the number of internally displaced people (IDPs) has reached 7.7 million. Of those who have fled the country, it is estimated that 90 per cent are women and children, while most men aged 18–60 are required to stay behind under martial law. Based on current data from the International Organization for Migration, 60 per cent of the adult internally displaced population are female, while 40 per cent are male. As the crisis quickly evolves, so do the needs and priorities of women and men across Ukraine.
This Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA), carried out by UN Women and CARE International, seeks to draw attention to the gender dynamics in the humanitarian crisis resulting from the war in Ukraine. The RGA also proposes recommendations for humanitarian leadership, actors and donors to ensure consideration of the gendered dimensions of risk, vulnerability and capabilities in response to this crisis.
The RGA is a progressive publication based on both primary and secondary data sources that compares pre-crisis data with up-to-date information as the situation evolves. This RGA builds upon the RGA Ukraine Brief ( developed by CARE International during the first week of the war and on the UN Women and CARE RGA published 29 March6 based on an analysis of secondary data. For this report, the RGA team reviewed English, Ukrainian and Russian sources and interviewed 179
women and men from local communities across Ukraine, as well as representatives from civil society organizations (CSOs), UN agencies and government bodies. Particular effort was made to ensure that the voices of women and men in vulnerable situations and from different marginalized groups were included. Read More...


Une de composante de ce projet de prévention contre la propagation de la pandémie COVID-19 dans la zone de santé de Katwa, consiste à conduire une analyse situationnelle plus approfondie dans les aires de santé ciblées par le projet dans le but de pouvoir déterminer les connaissances, les perceptions, les attitudes et les pratiques des membres de la communauté y compris des partenaires étatiques vis de la pandémie elle-même et de ses mesures de prévention. Par conséquent, l’exercice consiste à ouvrir des débats sur la Covid-19 et d’autres épidémies, à faire prendre conscience du problème et à amorcer le dialogue entre les principales parties intéressées à différents niveaux pour des stratégies de lutte plus appropriées.
La réalisation de cet exercice a comporté quatre (4) moments clés à savoir :
1. Atelier d’analyse situationnelle, cartographie sociale et analyse du pouvoir avec les acteurs clés
2. Enrichissement et collecte des données de l’atelier à travers des Focus groups dans les 9 Aires de santé
3. La phase d’analyse, compilation et rédaction du rapport (première version) des données
4. Restitution, capitalisation des amendements et des résultats de l’analyse.
Ce rapport relate le cheminement méthodologique et les résultats synthèse des travaux réalisés, ils seront ensuite complétés lors de l’atelier de restitution par les résultats complets des focus groups réalisés au sein de la communauté bénéficiaire dans la ZS de Katwa. Read More...

COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance among People in Kailali, Nepal

COVID-19 has caused massive disruption and destruction worldwide, with millions of deaths since 2019. Vaccination plays a vital role in ending COVID-19. The objective of the study was to assess
the acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine and its determinants among the general population aged 18 years and above. A total of 506 participants were interviewed in the study. A quantitative questionnaire covered socio-demographic characteristics of the respondent's knowledge related to the vaccine, misconceptions related to the vaccine, perceived reliable sources, and acceptability of the vaccine. The COVID-19 vaccine acceptance rate was 76% in the study area. The vaccine acceptance rate was slightly lower among female participants (74%) in comparison to their male counterparts (78%). The Bivariate analysis showed a significant association of acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine with the municipality, caste/ethnicity, and family type. Similarly, in the multivariate analysis, religion, caste/ethnicity, and disability statuses were found to be significantly associated with vaccine acceptance. Concluding that the COVID-19 pandemic cannot be curbed if people do not accept the vaccine. The findings of the study showed that a considerable proportion of the respondents did not accept the vaccine due to fear of the side effects and doubt about vaccine efficacy. Therefore there is a need to increase advocacy and awareness of the COVID-19 vaccine to increase people's trust in it. Read More...

Supporting meaningful civic engagement for improved accountability by leveraging digital technologies

The baseline assessment for the “Supporting meaningful civic engagement for improved accountability by leveraging digital technologies” project was conducted to develop values for baseline indicators and provide evidence with regards to the degree of satisfaction and level of dialogue target beneficiary groups have with public service providers. Data from this baseline assessment will enable comparisons between the start, during the course of the project, and at the end of the project. Baseline respondents were chosen from key project beneficiaries: citizens, youth (aged 15 to 30 years old), local authorities/services providers (commune and district levels, healthcare centers, and primary schools), and Community Accountability Facilitators (CAFs). A total of 906 respondents were interviewed for the baseline. Read More...

What Is the Effect of the Reform ‘Implementation of the Social Accountability Framework’ in the Cambodian Highlander Villages?

In the absence of relevant knowledge, how are citizens going to enjoy their right to public service delivery? It is argued that decentralization of power, such as making local official politics more open and transparent together with an effort to streamline political decisions with citizens’ preferences, is an efficient way to fight poverty (Raffinot, 2015:199). This works only if it is associated with the reinforcement of citizen’s control over the power1. (Raffinot, 2015:199). To alleviate poverty through the reinforcement of citizen’s control must start with their enhancement of relevant knowledge.
The purpose of this study is to measure the effect of an information campaign on Cambodian citizens’ rights and standards in commune councils, primary schools, and health centers. The study is a quasi-experiment that is designed in accordance with the implementation of the reform I-SAF. The information campaign consists of public posters and meetings held that shall disperse the Cambodian citizens’ rights and standards in commune councils, primary schools, and health centers. [38 pages] Read More...

Implementation of Social Accountability Framework (ISAF): Interim Report

The Implementation of Social Accountability Framework (ISAF) project is managed by CARE and its local NGO partners and involves priority actions including Information for Citizen (I4C) activities, budget awareness raising, and facilitation of the community scorecard approach and self-assessments. Significant progress was made towards achieving the I-SAF project goal during this reporting period from 01 November 2017 to 30 April 2018. The Implementation Plan of the Social Accountability Framework specifies the following implementation arrangements, which determines the roles and participation of the various actors and stakeholders. 272 Local None Governmental Organization (LNGO) partners were successfully recruited which 20 NGOs are implementing partners, four horizontal partners and three specialized training partners.
On all levels of government, national and sub-national levels, most authorities have shown an enthusiasm for the I-SAF project, particularly services providers at the district level. During the reporting period, Community Accountability Facilitators (CAFs) were completed refresher training in Module1-3 and ISAF cycle was readjusted to fit with CARE’s financial year. The inception meetings and I4C awareness meetings were conducted in all of CARE’s allocated districts, which were attended by government officials from the commune council, primary school, and health centre. Whereas, community scorecard and service provider self-assessment meetings are on-going. [24 pages] Read More...

Implementation of Social Accountability Framework (ISAF) Midterm Review

To improve the voice and accountability in sub-national democratic development, public service delivery and functions of the Cambodian sub-National Government, the Strategic Framework for Social Accountability (SAF) and a three year plan for the Implementation of the Strategic Framework (I-SAF) in 2015-2017, were designed through a highly consultative process between development partners, civil society and the Secretariat of the National Committee for sub-National Democratic Development (NCDDS). The I-SAF plan was endorsed in a joint meeting of the government and civil society in June 2013 and the SAF was approved by the Royal Government of Cambodia on the 11th of July 2013.The SAF and the I-SAF have been fully incorporated into the Second Implementation Plan (IP3-II) of the National Program for sub-National Democratic Development (NP-SNDD).


Implementation of Social Accountability Framework (ISAF) Endline Report

This is the End of Project Evaluation for CARE’s Implementation of Social Accountability Framework (ISAF) Project. ISAF was implemented in four target provinces (Ratank Kiri, Mondul Kiri, Koh Kong and Kampot) over 36 months (2016-2018). ISAF aimed to reduce poverty through democratic, inclusive and equitable local governance and more accessible and equitable public service delivery. ISAF worked with local NGOs (LNGOs) that were provided grants through the project and citizens of the four targeted provinces who received improved services(commune, health centres and primary schools). [44 pages] Read More...

Response to the Influx of refugees and returnees from Niger in Diffa Region

Les refugiés et les retournés sont arrivés au Niger par vagues de 20 à 30 personnes selon les moyens de transport disponibles. Généralement le départ de la zone d’origine est précipité du fait d’une explosion de violence avec des attaques meurtrières, des incendies de villages entiers et des exactions. Une fois sortis des zones de violence ouverte, les 1ers regroupements se font dans des auto-gares formelles ou informelles. Certaines familles passent des jours et des nuits cachées dans la brousse, privées de nourriture et d’eau avant de trouver un moyen de transport. C’est généralement à l’arrivée sur les 1ers sites de destination qu’on commence à rechercher sur-place, des parents ou des connaissances susceptibles d’offrir un hébergement. Certaines personnes déplacées ne trouvent pas immédiatement leurs parents ou leurs connaissances et passent des jours et des nuits d’incertitude dans les autos gares. Les familles d’accueil sont généralement le premier soutien aux retournés et refugiés. Aucun accueil ou appui des acteurs humanitaires ou du gouvernement n’est disponible dès les 1ers jours d’arrivée des personnes déplacées. Ce sont donc les familles d’accueil qui offrent abris, vêtements, couchettes/nattes, nourriture et 1ers soins. Les premiers moments de détresse passés, les personnes déplacées cherchent une maison à louer ou en prêt selon leurs moyens. Cette situation fait qu’il y a des refugiés et retournés qui sont soit dans des familles d’accueil, soit relogés dans des maisons prêtées soit relogés dans des maisons louées.
Report #1 is 6 pages long.
Report #2 is 11 pages long.

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