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El objeto a evaluar es el proyecto “Desarrollo económico, social y rural integral en comunidades indígenas de la provincia de Napo” (Para los fines de esta evaluación se resumirá de la siguiente manera el nombre del proyecto: “DESRICI de la Provincia de Napo”). El Proyecto es llevado a cabo por Maquita Cushunchic y financiado a través del Ministerio Federal de Cooperación Económica y Desarrollo de Alemania (BMZ) y CARE Alemania. Su localización geográfica es la Provincia de Napo en el cantón Tena y las parroquias de Ahuano y Chontapunta. Se evalúa el periodo completo de ejecución entre el 2017 y 2020 y corresponde a la evaluación final sobre cómo el diseño, proceso y ejecución han contribuido al logro de los tres resultados propuestos en la formulación de la intervención Read More...

Support for Service Delivery Integration- Services (SSDI-Services) Endline

SSDI-Services was the flagship project for USAID/Malawi’s health office. The project was implemented from November 8, 2011 to March 7, 2017 under a cooperative agreement, valued at USD 89 million. Active project implementation occurred over a 4.5-year period from April 2012 to December 2016, with the preceding and following months focused on startup and closeout activities respectively.

SSDI-Services provided financial and technical assistance to the Malawian Ministry of Health (MoH) to deliver, refine, and scale up high-impact interventions contained in the Essential Health Package (EHP). The EHP includes globally proven and cost-effective interventions to address key causes of illness and death in Malawi. SSDI-Services implemented interventions under the following program areas: maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH); family planning (FP); malaria; nutrition; HIV/AIDS; and sanitation and hygiene.

SSDI-Services was implemented by a consortium comprising Jhpiego as lead, CARE, Plan International, and Save the Children. The project focused on increasing access to, and strengthening the delivery of, EHP services both at the health facility and in the community. It leveraged the work of both SSDI-Communication and SSDI-Systems to improve health-seeking behavior and the quality of health services by addressing the informational needs of both service providers and their clients. It also addressed systems issues that may hinder the provision of high-quality Read More...

Baseline of “Mujeres en Empresa” project

This Baseline Report of the Women in Business-Strengthening the Approach Project provides information on the initial values ​​of the project indicators within the entire results chain, at the level of result, effect, process and product. This project corresponds to a third implementation phase that runs from April 2020 to March 2022, after two previous stages and successive development. The purpose of this project is "To scale the business entrepreneurship models of women developed by the project, through investment and commitment from the public and private sectors", through an intervention in 34 districts located in three regions ( Piura, Junín and Huancavelica).
The baseline of the project was carried out between the months of August and November 2020 and provided relevant starting information for the project. A major scale challenge represents women entrepreneurs who in a proportion less than 20% apply business management practices in the 34 districts targeted by the project. This population has a high level of informality, low educational level, medium-high poverty level of deprivation and is located for the most part in urban areas.
This report is 124 pages long.


Nepal’s reductions in maternal and child undernutrition since the mid-1990s have been remarkable, but the high burden persists. Among children under five years, 36% are stunted, 10% are wasted, and 27% are underweight. Additionally, 17% of women of reproductive age (WRA, 15-49 years) are underweight while 41% are anemic (Nepal DHS Survey, 2016). The Government of Nepal (GoN) is rolling out the second phase of their national Multi-Sector Nutrition Plan (MSNP), with support of external development partners (EDPs). Suaahara II (SII) is a USAID-funded multisectoral nutrition program, aligned with Nepal’s MSNP, and is being implemented in all communities of 42 of Nepal’s 77 districts from April 2016 to March 2021. SII’s overall aim is to reduce the prevalence of stunting, wasting, and underweight among children under five years of age and to reduce the prevalence of anemia among WRA and children 6-59 months of age. SII works across thematic areas including nutrition, health and family planning (FP), water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), agricultural/homestead food production (HFP), and governance, using a gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) approach for all interventions.
SII has a large, rigorous monitoring, evaluation, and research system. Annual monitoring surveys, a key component of SII’s monitoring system, primarily serve to monitor progress over time related to key SII inputs, outputs, and outcomes in intervention areas. The first SII annual monitoring survey was conducted between June to September 2017 among a representative sample of households with a child under five years by New ERA, a local survey firm. At the household level, mothers were the primary survey respondents. A primary male (or female, if male unavailable) household decision maker, the youngest child’s grandmother, and an adolescent girl (10-19 years), if residing in the same household, were also interviewed. Data was also collected from Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHVs) and 1 key informant from each health facility in the sampled areas. The household surveys included questions related to exposure, knowledge and practices for each of the thematic areas mentioned above. Anthropometric status was assessed for all female respondents and children. FCHV and health facility surveys collected information on exposure to training, motivation, supervision, and work-related activities. In 2017, the final survey sample included 3,642 households. Read More...

Improving Sexual and Reproductive Health through Reducing Early Marriage in Remote Ethnic Communities in Sekong Province, Lao PDR

Lao PDR has the highest rates of early marriage in the region, even though the law sets the age of marriage at 18. Young brides are more vulnerable to sexual abuse from their partners and to unintended pregnancy. Lao PDR has the highest adolescent pregnancy rate in the region due to early marriage, limited knowledge of sexual & reproductive health, and limited access to appropriate services. The overall goal of the project is improved sexual reproductive and maternal health (SRMH) in remote ethnic communities in Sekong Province. The action contributes to reduced child marriage, as well as providing SRMH knowledge and developing youth friendly health infrastructure. The action engages the whole community to reflect on harmful traditions and their negative impact on the development of girls, and to create an enabling environment for girls. CARE also provides organizational and technical capacity development to local governments and partners to enable them to deliver key messages on the link between child marriage and pregnancy risk to the targeted ethnic minorities.
This report is 17 pages long.

Growing Nutrition for Mothers and Children (GROW) Project in Ethiopia – End Line Household Survey Report

CARE has implemented the Growing Nutrition for Mothers and Children (GROW) Project in Ethiopia between 2017 and 2019. The goal of GROW was to improve the nutritional status of women of reproductive age and boys and girls under 5 years. This endline study was conducted to establish values for outcome level indicators for the project and assess change and impact of the project by comparing data from baseline to end line values. This evaluation employed a cross-sectional study design. The study includes a household survey and anthropometric measurements of women and children to assess their nutritional status. The study covered 39 project intervention Kebeles in 14 Woredas of East and West Hararghe and Afar. A total of 1291 women, 974 men, and 1291 children were included in the study. Read More...

Supporting Meaningful Civic Engagement for Improved Accountability by Leveraging Digital Technologies Baseline Assessment

The baseline assessment for the “Supporting meaningful civic engagement for improved accountability by leveraging digital technologies” project was conducted to develop values for baseline indicators and provide evidence with regards to the degree of satisfaction and level of dialogue target beneficiary groups have with public service providers. Data from this baseline assessment will enable comparisons between start, during the course of the project and at the end of project. Donor for this project is the European Union via European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR).
The overall objective for this Action is to develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels and ensure public access to information and fundamental freedoms. The overall objectives will be achieved through activities, which empower young ethnic minority community citizens to demand the government for more participatory, transparent, responsive and accountability in leveraging digital technologies. We will use a digital scorecard, which is currently tested and will be applied in 2021 in this project. Report is 53 pages long. Read More...

Projet Ulu Gnala Se Toliya “Bonne Nutrition des Enfants Maintenant” Midterm Report

Le projet Bonne nutrition des enfants maintenant, qui vise à réduire les causes sociales de la malnutrition, est cofinancé par la Commission de l’Union Européenne et CARE. Il est mis en œuvre depuis mars 2008 dans 97 villages de quatre (4) communes rurales du cercle de Bandiagara sur le plateau dogon, au Mali. Il s’agit des communes de Bara sara, Djamnati, Dourou et Kendié. The report is 44 pages long. Read More...

Evaluation a mi-parcours du Programme d’Amenagement du Delta Interieur du Niger (PADIN-II)

The Development Program of the Inner Niger Delta (PADIN-II) is the result of a request from the National Directorate of Rural Engineering (DNGR, for the Ministry of Agriculture) to respond to the planning guidelines of the Program. of Sustainable Development of the Inner Niger Delta (PDD-DIN). PADIN-II is designed by the NGO CARE and the DNGR, with the involvement of members of the Regional Committee for the Orientation, Coordination and Monitoring of Development Actions (CROCSAD) of the Mopti Region. This five-year program (2013-18) is funded by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Bamako. CARE-Mali is implementing it in 24 Communes in the Mopti Region. It is preceded by PADIN-I (2011-13) and the Food Security through Promotion of Irrigation project (SAPI 2007-11), for which CARE was also responsible. PADIN is therefore part of a history of the development and management of wetlands in the Mopti region. The report is 85 pages long. Read More...

Youth Livelihoods Needs Assessment & Labor Market Assesssment

This study was undertaken to assess the supply side (youth ages 14-30 needs and preferences related to livelihoods), as well as the demand side (needs and opportunities in the labor market) in preparation for the design of the Youth Empowerment & Leadership (YELI or “enlighten” in Bambara) curriculum and training plan (IO 2.2). This report is 37 pages long. Read More...

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