savings groups

Savings and Credit Groups for Food Security and Ecosystem Sustainability in Tanzania: Endline Evaluation

The "Savings and Credit Group for Food Security and Ecosystem Sustainability (SGFSES) in Tanzania" was a CARE-WWF Alliance’s project implemented in Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT), focusing on the Great Ruaha River region. The initiative aimed to address climate vulnerabilities, improve livelihoods, and enhance ecosystem services. Among other interventions, the project promoted sustainable production of Irish potatoes and common beans, crucial for community livelihoods, but vulnerable to climate shocks. Challenges such as water and land shortages, deforestation, and weak governance had affected productivity and adaptation options.

Implemented from June 2021 to December 2023 in Iringa and Mufindi Districts, the project targeted 21 villages. Its primary goal was to enhance the household income of 5,000 farming families, particularly empowering women, directly impacting 22,500 individuals and indirectly benefiting at least 50,000 individuals within the Great Ruaha watershed.

The project employed traditional approaches like Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA), Farmer Field and Business Schools (FFBS), and Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM), along with Integrated Land and Water Resource Management (ILWM) integrating income-generating and market-engagement strategies with natural resource management and sustainable agriculture practices so that both communities and ecosystems thrive.

The endline evaluation utilizing OECD criteria to assess the relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability of the project. It measured the achievements of this integrated conservation and development compared to the baseline three years earlier.
The endline evaluation found that the project surpassed its targets, reaching 7,029 households (51% female-headed) with a total of 10,961 direct beneficiaries (55% women, 34% youth) across all 21 project villages. In another words, the project impacted directly 33,739 individuals from 7,029 households. This represents 141% of the target set by the project at its beginning. Findings from FGDs and KIIs, showed that the project improved well-being of these communities by enhancing equal opportunities for men, women, and youth. The project enhanced meeting of basic needs such as food, housing, clothing, health services, and education expenses.

They participants increased productivity of staple crops like maize, common beans, sunflower, and Irish potatoes which notably contributed to reliable food sources and increased income for the communities. These crops served for both food and income. The endline survey found that the average productivity of the common bean increased from 331.3 kg acre-1 to 633 kg acre-1 which is an increase of 91% compared to the baseline. This achievement surpasses the LOP target of 30% increment by 61%. Furthermore, the average productivity of Irish potato increased from 1,435.5 kg acre-1 to 7,500 kg acre-1, which is 423% of the baseline or 393% of the LOP target of 30% increase.

The average number of months that surveyed households were able to provide sufficient food to their families was 7.4 at endline, up from 4.0 months at baseline. This is an increase of 85% from the baseline. The achievement surpasses the Life of Project goal of a 20% increase by 65%. On average, 83% of households experience adequate food provisioning during the crop-harvesting period (May to November), 42% experience hunger during the planting and crop growing season (December to April). 83% of the surveyed households report consuming three meals a day for most of the year, 86% of respondents were not worried about facing food shortages throughout the year. For those households that do not have adequate food provisions throughout the year, they tend to reduce their meals to two a day between December and April. Communities regard having two meals a day during the lean period as an improvement, as food was sometimes insufficient for one meal among some families in the past.

The endline evaluation drawn lessons learned that emerged from the data are:
- The implementation of VSLAs have helped the village land use committee, village environmental committee members and village council leaders to get into engagement with conservation activities.
- The Alliance-promoted VSLA-based AMCOS model has several benefits: in addition to attracting farmers with its core collective marketing promise, the requirement that all AMCOS members should also be VSLA members both accelerated VSLA group formation and enhances trust in leaders, a critical component of successful AMCOS.
- The planting to avocado trees, being one of potential trees for income generation and conservation of natural resources comes with a number of challenges. The first is it high water usage especially at the early stages of growth. The fruit tree have attracted large investors, who have been seen to open up large farms in forested lands. This has the risk of causing deforestation and drought in the near future, as the virgin land is turned into production land.
- The Alliance-piloted CSI model holds significant promise: Collective Investment trainings have not only supported VSLA groups in investing together but also have supported the individual members in starting their enterprises.
- VSLA members are confident to speak out on the enterprises which are destructive to environment in front of other members compared to period before the CSI training.
- VSLA members can see the benefits of individual and group investments that are made.
- Women have been in front line in undertaking collective investments activities at a group and individual level, which has resulted into family stability and reduced GBV issues as they also have something to contribute to their families. Read More...

Meta-Evaluation report on Social norms, performance and prediction of MMD/VSLA achievements in Niger

Niger has developed a legal and institutional framework to fight against discrimination based on gender, age, ethnic group and other factors by 2027. This strategy was developed in a context where all gender indicators are well below the sub-regional average. This strategy is complemented by the efforts of development partners, including CARE International in Niger. In its vision 2030, CARE International places gender equality at the center of its organizing principle. Promoting gender equality and social justice are political goals, which require speaking the truth to public and private actors and standing in solidarity with those who seek to challenge the status quo and the unjust distribution of rights, power and resources. Thus, since 1991, CARE has initiated in a co-learning approach through the MMD (Mata Masu Dubara) model for women empowerment and poverty reduction. Due to its widespread success, the approach became a gateway for most of CARE's and other development partners' activities and has expanded to other sectors of socio-economic development, politics and women's empowerment in Niger. Many studies and evaluations of the approach have been conducted and the results generated are diverse and rich in lessons learned. This report aims to document the rigorous effects/impacts of the MMD approach on the resilience of individuals, groups and institutions at all scales, while also identifying relevant areas where further field-level research is needed. The methodological approach is based first on a meta-evaluation of relevant documents and a complementary data collection using the outcome harvesting approach. Four major current themes were addressed. They are: women's voice and leadership, men's commitment to reducing gender inequality, climate justice, social and economic justice for women. Read More...


The Feed the Future Ethiopia-Livelihoods for Resilience Activity (L4R) is a 6.5-year USAID project led by CARE, with the goal of improving food security for 97,900 chronically foodinsecure households in multiple Ethiopian regions. It aims to achieve resilient livelihoods through four main objectives. Zerihun Associates was contracted to and conduct an Endline Assessment using mixed methods, and managed data collection of the endline, ensuring quality through rigorous processes. Despite challenges, Zerihun Associates successfully gathered data from 1802 out of 1849 sampled households. However, the study faced limitations due to external factors, seasonal variations, and methodological inconsistencies, potentially impacting findings' comparability. Using both cross-sectional and panel data, the study reveals a mix of success and challenges.
Devaluation of the birr during the project period, combined with rising inflation and cost of inputs, negatively impacted household’s net inflation-adjust income over time. While in unadjusted terms net incomes increased 154%, when adjusted for inflation, net incomes experienced a 19% decline among cross-sectional households from baseline to endline. At endline, there was an increase in the proportion of households earning income from crop and livestock production and transfers and other sources, but a decline in households earning income from off-farm and wage employment, compared to baseline. There was a slight increase in the average number of income sources per
household between baseline and endline (1.5 and 1.7 sources respectively).
Household Assets
The longitudinal analysis of household assets among both cross-sectional and panel data reveals a generally upward trend in overall household asset values and, particularly, in livestock assets over the period from the baseline to the endline. When adjusted for inflation, the overall asset value showed a 43% increase in the cross-sectional data and a 25% increase in the panel data. Livestock assets consistently played a pivotal role in this growth. This rise is particularly notable given the challenging economic conditions, including conflicts.
On-Farm livelihoods
The cross-sectional analysis on household livelihood activities, specifically focusing on Value Chain (VC) engagement, reveals a complex pattern of participation over time. Initially, there was a promising uptick in households engaged in at least one prioritized VC, increasing from 49.5% at baseline to 71.0% in Year 3. This was followed by a decline, reaching 45.9% by the endline. However, there was a slight increase in households engaged in two or more prioritized value chains between baseline and endline, increasing from 38% to 40%. Read More...

Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) Mid Term Evaluation

This Assignment was commissioned by CARE DENMARK – the Lead Partner of the Consortium of five (5) Partner Institutions (namely, CARE; Catholic Relief Services (CRS); Gulu Agricultural Development Company (GADC); Dynamic Agro-Pastoral Development Organization (DADO); and SORUDA) – to carry out the Mid-term Evaluation (MTE) of the “Inclusive Market-based Development for Smallholder Farmers in Karamoja, Teso and Acholi Sub-regions” Project – implemented by the Consortium. The Project is supported by the European Union (EU) – under the Supervision of the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), through the 11 Project Area District Local Governments of: Abim, Kotido, Karenga, Kaabong, Moroto, Amudat, Nakapiripirit, Nabilatuk, Napak; as well as Katakwi and Kitgum – in partnership with other stakeholders – on behalf of the Government of Uganda.
The Overall Objective of the Mid-term Evaluation (MTE), was to: “review the implementation of the project, since its inception – with the aim of generating evidence towards promoting project performance improvement, accountability, learning and evidence-based decision-making and management”. In particular, the Evaluation was intended to: “assess results achieved to date in comparison with the outcome indicators outlined in the Project Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning framework”. Accordingly, the MTE report documents: the background to the Assignment; the general approach to work and methodology employed; Project design (including relevance and coherence); as well as Project management systems, processes and operational environments. It also documents: Project performance and effectiveness during the period under review – up to its mid-term point; as well as the identified major achievements; challenges; constraints; risks; weaknesses and threats that characterized the Project. Lastly, it, further, documents resource management and efficiency in Project implementation; project “impact”; sustainability of Project Interventions and outcomes; the major conclusions; recommendations for the way forward; as well as lessons learnt – over the period under review. Read More...

N utrition Knowledge Attitude and Practice (KAP) Survey for DINU Program in North and North-Eastern Uganda

Background: The Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) is a Government of Uganda integrated programme. It is implemented in districts that include the 11 of Kitgum (Acholi), Nakapiripirit, Amudat, Nabilatuk, Napak, Moroto, Kotido, Kaabong, Karenga and Abim (Karamoja), and Katakwi (Teso) sub-regions for three years from 2020 – 2022. The overall supervision is with the Office of the Prime Minister through local governments in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders. DINU supports interventions in three specific interlinked programs: (1) Food Security, Nutrition and Livelihoods (2) Transport Infrastructures and (3) Good Governance. The CARE consortium focusses on the sector of food security, nutrition and livelihoods with specific emphasis on community-based interventions. A survey was launched by the CARE Consortium partners with the overall objective of generating comprehensive gender sensitive Nutrition Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) information in the targeted 11 CARE consortium districts. It is intended to help inform the implementation of the nutrition component of the DINU project.
Methodology: The KAP survey was conducted from 17th November to 8th December 2020 in the 11 districts. The study populations were mothers and/or caregivers in household with children aged 0-23 months, adolescent girls aged 10 to 19 years with or without children 0-23months. Key district, subcounty and community leaders who played crucial role in programming for MIYCAN related interventions were reached. A cross-sectional survey utilising both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods was used. Sample size estimation was based on WHO Vaccination Coverage Cluster Survey guidance, July 2015. Household questionnaire comprising of 5 modules was adapted from the FAO manual for assessing nutrition related KAP. Semi-structured interview guides were used to facilitate the Key Informants Interviews and Focus Group Discussions. Quantitative data collection was done using mobile phones through Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) working on the Open Data Kit (ODK) platform and hosted on the ONA platform. Quantitative Data analysis was done using SPSS 26. Qualitative data analysis was done based on the interpretative approach that involved eliciting meanings from the collected information. A total of 164 clusters were reached, 1,139 households, 1,158 children aged 0 to 23months, 1,112 women and 452 adolescents from all the 11 districts. Meanwhile, 22 FGDs and 44 key informant interviews were conducted. Read More...

Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) Value Chains and Market Assessment report

The CARE consortium comprising of partner organisations such as Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Gulu Agricultural Development Company (GADC), Dynamic Agro Pastoral Development Organization (DADO) and SORUDA are currently implementing a three-year project titled “Inclusive Market Based Development for Small Holder farmers in Northern Uganda. This project contributes to the Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) – A Government of Uganda program aimed at consolidating stability in Northern Uganda, eradicating poverty and under nutrition and strengthening the foundations for sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development. Specifically, the project under the CARE consortium contributes to DINU’s specific Objective one on: ‘Improving livelihoods through increased production of diversified food, enhanced market opportunities and better maternal and child nutrition.’ The CARE consortium currently targets 11 districts including: Abim, Kotido, Karenga, Kaabong, Moroto, Amudat, Nakapiripirit, Napak, Katakwi and Kitgum. Given this background, the study sought to:
• Map out existing and new Agricultural and non-Agricultural value chains and assess their potential to promote women and youth economic empowerment, and community-based nutrition and household incomes.
• Identify challenges, specific entry barriers for women and youth into the VC and opportunities along the Value chains of; 1) crops such as Soybean, groundnuts, nutritious potato, vegetable, etc.); 2) Honey; and 3) livestock (small ruminants, and other non-Agricultural value chain) and propose ways of addressing these challenges.
• Develop an individual VCs, including mapping of actors, actions, supporting functions, institutions, policy issues, along each chain and propose recommendations for specific gender sensitive value chain activities that promote women and Youth participation and economic empowerment (employment opportunities as well as increasing their incomes along the chain).
• Assess the market structure (players, channels, sourcing), demand and supply (product specifications, prices, volumes, preferences), trends, market opportunities and challenges for the different value enterprises above Read More...

Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) End of Project Report

The Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) was a 38-month project implemented between January 2020 and February 2023, with an aim to improve food security, maternal and child nutrition, and household incomes for smallholder farmers in 11 districts of Kitgum, Katakwi, Kaabong, Karenga, Kotido, Moroto, Napak, Nabilatuk, Nakapiriprit, Amudat, and Abim. The project was implemented by a consortium led by CARE Denmark, alongside partners such as Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Gulu Agricultural Development Company (GADC), Dynamic Agro-Pastoral Development Organization (DADO), and Soroti Rural Development Agency (SORUDA). The project had three major outcomes: increased production of diversified food by both men and women smallholder farmers, enhanced market accessibility for these farmers, and improved nutrition and Family Planning services through gender-responsive community-based approaches.

The Project employed an Inclusive Market Development-Based approach, emphasizing economic gender equality, women empowerment, youth engagement, and community-based nutrition, while also focusing on the value chain. This strategy involved multi-stakeholder engagement and synergizing with existing government and development partner initiatives like DADO, CRS, and SORUDA. By implementing this approach, the project provided smallholder farmers with opportunities to enhance their incomes through the cultivation of high-value crops, such as sesame, cotton, soybean, and iron-rich beans. Additionally, measures were taken to ensure sustainability, including integrating activities into the government's PDM approach, building capacity among extension staff, and linking VSLA/SILC/YSLA/PMGs groups to financial institutions and agro input service providers.
A crucial aspect of the project was empowering women and youth, often marginalized in agriculture and rural development. Women were trained in Climate-Smart Agriculture and offered access to markets and finance through VSLA/SILC groups. Furthermore, Role Model Men were involved in raising awareness on gender-responsive actions, family planning, and women empowerment within smallholder farmers' households, fostering attitudinal changes towards gender equality and encouraging women to play an active role in agricultural production.

To achieve success, the project effectively engaged both public and private extension workers, disseminating information on Climate-Smart Agriculture practices to smallholder farmers and boosting production and income. Additionally, collaboration with Tillage Service Providers promoted entrepreneurship among youth and reduced manual labor burdens for smallholder farmers.


The Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU), a Government of Uganda initiative with support from European Union, supervised by the Office of the Prime Minister is being implemented by a consortium led by CARE Denmark. The program is being implemented in the Karamoja sub region (covering 11 districts) as well as Kitgum and Katakwi districts. CARE Denmark commissioned gap analysis for Y/VSLA linkage to identify interventions aimed at contributing to improved access to credit through community saving and credit schemes.

The objectives of the study included gap analysis of Y/VSLAs, linkage readiness assessment for mature Y/VSLAs and evaluation “digital readiness” of group members. A representative sample of 773 Y/VSLAs from drawn from all the project districts were covered the study. The sample was classified in three categories: Mature groups totalling 350 (45.3%) Mature and ready for Linkage groups, 390 (50.5%) and Watch Category/Maturing groups and 33 (4.3%)

The analysis revealed that the gaps identified in Mature and Ready-for-linkage Y/VSLAs were closely similar to those in Watch Category (Maturing Groups) category and required more or less similar interventions.

PROJET WALLINDE « AIDER LES AUTRES » Evaluation Finale et Capitalisation

Le projet « aider les autres », ou « Walindé » en langue Fulfuldé, a été mis en oeuvre par CARE Cameroun dans les départements du Mayo Tsanaga, Mayo Danaï et Mayo Kani. L’objectif poursuivi par le projet est de « renforcer l'accès aux services de base en matière d'eau, hygiène et assainissement (EHA) et aux services informels d'épargne et de crédit dans la région de l'Extrême Nord du Cameroun ». Le projet couvre une période allant du 1er avril 2021 au 31 avril 2023 soit une durée globale de 24 mois.
Trois (03) résultats spécifiques étaient attendus, à savoir : (i) La gouvernance communautaire et communale des infrastructures de base (points d'eau, latrines, hygiène) est améliorée afin de garantir un accès accru, équitable et sécurisé à l'eau potable autour des écoles des communes de Mokolo, Hina, Touloum et Kaélé ; (ii) les élèves (filles, garçons), les parents (hommes, femmes ) et le personnel des écoles ont amélioré leurs connaissances et adopté des bonnes pratiques en matières d’EHA ; (iii) les capacités d’épargne des femmes et des jeunes membres des AVEC sont renforcées
Rendu à la fin du projet, il s’est avéré pertinent de conduire une évaluation externe du projet. La mission dont le présent document est le rapport visait à apprécier le résultat global du projet par rapport aux objectifs initiaux et de réfléchir avec les principaux intervenants en vue d’améliorer la mise en oeuvre ultérieure de projets similaires, mais aussi de générer des leçons apprises que CARE Cameroun puisse utiliser pour planifier et/ou adapter les composantes humanitaires des interventions futures. A la suite du processus de sélection, le Cabinet Multipolaire a été retenu pour accompagner CARE dans ce processus. Après production et validation de la note méthodologique, la collecte des données s’est déroulée du 20 au 25 mars 2023. La méthodologie de l’étude était participative et alignée sur les standards de protection et sauvegarde des enfants. Au total, 1 609 personnes dont ont été consultées dont 699 hommes et 910 femmes.
Les données croisées de l’évaluation montrent que les résultats attendus du projet ont été largement atteints, poussés par certaines activités comme la réhabilitation de 25 forages sur 20 prévus. On a également noté une forte mobilisation des populations, notamment à travers les sensibilisations sur les thématiques EHA. Les points forts du projet Walindé sont nombreux, entre autres il s’agit d’un projet pertinent, accepté et fortement apprécié par les populations, menant de judicieuses activités de construction/réhabilitation des points d’eau et des latrines, de renforcement des capacités des CPGE et micro-assurances, en partenariat avec les communes cibles et les structures sectorielles déconcentrées, avec lesquelles un climat de bonne collaboration et d’interactions positives a été développé, pour le grand bien des populations bénéficiaires. Ceci est également un atout pour la durabilité sociale et institutionnelle du projet.
On peut conclure sans risque de se tromper que la couverture en eau potable a été améliorée par l’offre de forages fonctionnels aux écoles bénéficiaires. Toute la population des intervenants de l’école et des communautés environnantes profitent de ces points d’eau. Toutes les écoles bénéficiaires ont en outre un lieu désigné pour le lavage des mains où l'eau et le savon sont présents et les latrines propres. Les proportions de personnes qui, lorsqu’elles y sont invitées, font une démonstration satisfaisante de bonnes pratiques en matière d’EHA sont très satisfaisantes (supérieures à 90%) quel que soit le sexe et l’âge. Le projet a ainsi contribué au changement des comportements au sein des établissements scolaires, au sein des ménages et au sein des communautés. Le projet a également contribué à la formation et au l’autonomisation, soutenue par une implication marquée et positive des acteurs communautaires peut déclencher des dynamiques sociales et institutionnelles favorables à la motivation des communautés qui prennent conscience de ce que leur avenir dépend en majeure partie d’eux même, de leur désir commun de développement.
Les structures de micro assurance constituent une réponse idoine à la problématique de la maintenance durable des points d’eau. A condition :i) qu’elles aient des capacités de sensibilisation permettant d’attirer et affilier le maximum de CGPE au sein de leur commune ; ii) qu’elles soient capables de mutualiser leurs ressources au-delà de la commune et des départements, dans le cadre d’un réseau régional de micro assurance d’entretien des points d’eau. Un accompagnement à cet effet devrait être confié à un consultant ayant le profil adéquat, qui serait rétribué en fonction des résultats obtenus.
Finalement, l’évaluation recommande fortement une phase subséquente du projet, dans la perspective de consolider les acquis du projet, d’organiser plus sereinement le développement du mécanisme de micro-assurance des points d’eau et également les centres d’alphabétisation. Read More...

Chomoka Savings Group Member Insights

Results from rapid surveys with 269 Chomoka members who use the Chomoka savings app to manage their group savings and record keeping from the Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA). Some key results are:
* 35% said their quality of life was "very much improved"
* 30% spoke of investing in an existing business, and 16% investing in a new business.
* 36% said crop revenue very much increased, and 35% said crop production very much increased. Read More...

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