
Projet Win Win Etude Qualitative Genre

CARE Burundi et ses partenaires mettent en œuvre le projet "gagnant-gagnant pour le genre, l'agriculture et la nutrition: testant une approche de genre transformatrice d'Asie en Afrique". Il s'agit d'un projet de recherche de quatre ans, mis en œuvre dans six communes des deux provinces de Kirundo et Gitega au Burundi, pour tester une approche novatrice et transformatrice de genre pour le secteur agricole qui commence par développer une conscience critique et défier les croyances discriminatoires et les normes sociales à travers un modèle de réflexion, un dialogue communautaire et une action collective. CARE et ses partenaires sont en train de tester la manière dont cette approche pourra améliorer l’égalité des genres et la façon dont l'accent mis sur les relations de pouvoir et comment la prise de conscience peut également produire des effets durables sur la sécurité alimentaire, la nutrition et le bien-être économique. [57 pages] Read More...

A Win-Win for Gender, Agriculture and Nutrition

The project “A Win-Win for Gender, Agriculture and Nutrition: Testing a Gender- Transformative Approach from Asia in Africa” is a four-year research program, implemented in six communes in the provinces of Kirundo and Gitega in Burundi, to test an innovative, gender-transformative approach for the agriculture sector that starts with developing critical consciousness and challenging discriminatory beliefs and social norms through a model of reflection, community dialogue and collective action. CARE and partners are testing how this approach improves gender equality and how a focus on power relations and consciousness-raising may also yield sustainable effects on food security, nutrition and economic well-being. The project is testing two key approaches (1) a gender-transformative model (the “EKATA”- Empowerment through Knowledge And Transformative Action- model) for gender equality and (2) a typical gender-mainstreamed approach in the agriculture sector (“Gender-Light” model), in which basic gender activities are integrated into a program that has a principal focus and measures of success on women’s economic empowerment through agriculture and micro-enterprise development. The key research question is “What is the added value, and what are the associated costs of applying a gender-transformative approach within a livelihoods intervention, in terms of accelerating lasting transformations in gender equality, food security and economic well- being?”[66 pages] Read More...

RED SAACC Rapport Annuel 2017

Le projet de recherche-développement pour la sécurité alimentaire et l’adaptation climatique des systèmes ruraux de production au Niger (RED/SAACC-Niger) a pour objectif d’améliorer d’ici fin 2021, les revenus, la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle de 15.000 exploitations agricoles familiales fragiles à faible résilience, dans 15 communes des régions de Maradi, Tahoua et Tillabéri. [33 pages] Read More...

Food Sufficiency For Farmers Summative Evaluation

The Canadian support for the Food Sufficiency for Farmers (FSF) project will come to an end on October 31, 2018, and now it is the interest of the Global Affairs Canada (GAC) to commission this summative evaluation for the purpose of:
• Identifying best practices and approaches that can be built on to inform improvements to the implementation of the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) livelihood components; and
• Informing areas where the FSF project has achieved its results and the level of sustainability of the project results.

Evaluation finale du programme Approche communale pour le marché agricole (ACMA – Bénin)

Le programme « Approche Communale pour le Marché Agricole au Bénin » - ACMA financé par l’Ambassade des pays Bas pour un budget global de près de dix millions d’euros est mis en œuvre par un consortium composé de cinq institutions - International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC – Chef de file), l’Institut Royal des Tropiques (KIT), CARE International, Sahel Capital Partners & Advisory Ltd, et Benin Consulting Group International (BeCG). La durée révisée, est de 50 mois (novembre 2013 - 31 décembre 2017). Il est développé dans trois départements frontaliers du Nigéria à fort potentiel agricole – l’Ouémé, le Plateau et le Zou soit 22 communes (hors Porto Novo) à travers sept chaines de valeurs (CV) initialement : Huile de palme, maïs, gari, piment et poisson, puis : arachide et soja. L’objectif global du programme ACMA est « l’amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire et l’accroissement des revenus agricoles des acteurs directs ». Il vise i) le renforcement du pouvoir des acteurs directs économiques locaux dans les échanges commerciaux, ii) l’accroissement des échanges commerciaux sur les marchés locaux et avec le Nigéria ; et iii) un accroissement quantitatif et qualitatif de l’offre locale et l’écoulement des produits concernés. Read More...

Programm Approche Communale Pour La Marche Agricole (ACMA) Rapport d’évaluation à mi-parcours

Le programme « Approche Communale pour le Marché Agricole au Bénin » (ACMA) est mis en œuvre par un consortium composé de l’International Fertilizer Development Center, l’Institut Royal des Tropiques, CARE International, Sahel Capital Partners & Advisory Ltd, et Benin Consulting Group International. Le programme est financé par l’Ambassade des pays Bas et le consortium est dirigé par l’IFDC. Il est prévu pour une durée de 4 ans à partir de Novembre 2013. Il intervient dans trois départements, l’Ouémé, le Plateau et le Zou qui comptent 22 communes.

L’approche communale est un élément central dans la stratégie d’intervention pour le développement des marchés des produits agricoles. Elle prend en compte une dynamique multi-acteurs dans laquelle le dialogue secteur public-secteur privé joue un rôle privilégié. L’objectif principal du programme est « l’amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire et l’accroissement des revenus agricoles des acteurs directs ».

Nutrition at the Center Baseline Benin/Togo

The baseline study for the initiative « Nutrition at the Centre » in its intervention area (Bonou, Dangbo) and in the monitoring areas (Athiémé, Grand-Popo), suggests that there are many innovative actions to be implemented by CARE Benin/Togo and by Benin Government with the support of technical and financial partners. The different strategies established will strengthen the households’ means of access to basic services (e.g. water, sanitation ), women empowerment and access to health care for mothers and children. It will help the population to ensure food and nutritional security. These actions must be implemented based on the results of the study. Read More...

Nutrition at the Center (N@C) Bangladesh Endline

Rates of malnutrition among women and children in Bangladesh are among the highest in the world. Malnutrition is one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in many countries. Considering the serious effect of malnutrition, improved nutritional outcomes are intimately tied to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in improving maternal health, reducing child mortality and eradicating extreme poverty and hunger. CARE Bangladesh, in collaboration with Government of Bangladesh (GoB) implemented a Nutrition at the Center (N@C) program in Bangladesh with two-fold strategies that include integrating nutrition in existing community health system and promotion of multisectoral approaches to improve nutrition. Among others, the intervention includes, maternal and child health, infant and young child feeding, water sanitation and hygiene, household food productions, and gender and women’s empowerment. For measuring the impact/effect of this intervention, benchmarks on important nutrition related indicators were established through a baseline survey conducted in the N@C intervention and control areas in 2014. [118 pages] Read More...

Nutrition at the Center Homegrown Project (N@C:H)

Rates of under nutrition among women and children are among the highest in the world. Malnutrition is highly associated with avoidable mortality and morbidity. Improvement of maternal health, reduction of child mortality and eradication of extreme poverty and hunger received high attention in the Millennium Development Goals. The government, NGOs and development partners have come up with innovative ideas and intervention programs to address these issues. Nutrition at the Center (N@C) in collaboration with CARE Bangladesh implemented a program in two under-served upazilas under Sunamganj district, Bangladesh to address malnutrition as well as food security, improved water and sanitation practices, Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) and women autonomy and empowerment in terms of their role in household decision making and attitude towards gender violence. [70 pages] Read More...

Nutrition at the Center Endline Report Bangladesh

Rates of malnutrition among women and children in Bangladesh are among the highest in the world. Malnutrition is one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in many countries. Considering the serious effect of malnutrition, improved nutritional outcomes are intimately tied to Millennium Development Goals in improving maternal health, reducing child mortality and eradicating extreme poverty and hunger. CARE Bangladesh, in collaboration with Government of Bangladesh (GoB) implemented a Nutrition at the Center (N@C) program in Bangladesh with two-fold strategies that include integrating nutrition in existing community health system and promotion of multisectoral approaches to improve nutrition. Among others, the intervention includes, household food productions, water sanitation and hygiene, maternal and child health, infant and young child feeding, gender and women’s empowerment. For measuring the impact/effect of this intervention, benchmarks on important nutrition related indicators were established through a baseline survey conducted in the N@C intervention and control areas in 2014. [117 pages]

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