
Nkundabana Initiative for Psychosocial Support (NIPS) Presentation of Final Report


Shouhardo baseline survey report

CARE Bangladesh’s livelihood and food security program, Strengthening Household Ability to Respond t... Read More...

Integrated Nutrition and Health Project (INHP III) Final Evaluation Report

INHP III focused on mainstreaming and sustaining key elements of INHP I and II by the central govern... Read More...

Leadership Initiative for Fighting Epidemics (LIFE) Interim Narrative Report

L'objectif intermédiaire est d'améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et économique des enfants vulnérab... Read More...

Reproductive and Child Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS Program (RACHNA) Final Evaluation

An umbrella program with two components: Integrated Nutrition and Health, and HIV/AIDS. Read More...

Lka – echo ii final report 09-05

ECHO II covers a number of areas: livelihood (agriculture, fishing, livestock and home gardening), n... Read More...

Ind – maternal and infant survival project 05-05

Maternal and Infant Survival Program (MISP) has been operating in India since 1996/7 funded by CIDA ... Read More...

Bolivia Title II Development Assistance Program Midterm Evaluation

Bolivian Title II Program is implemented through four Cooperating Sponsors (CSs). The resources pro... Read More...

Community-Integrated Management of Childhood Illness Pilot Project

two objectives: 1) Improved health knowledge and practices at the community level and 2) Increased c... Read More...

Per – redesa – exec sum – sp – midterm – feb 05

Reducción de la Tasa de desnutrición crónica de los niños menores de 3 años en 11 puntos porcentuale... Read More...

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