Food and Nutrition Security

Leadership Initiative for Fighting Epidemics (LIFE) Interim Narrative Report

L'objectif intermédiaire est d'améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et économique des enfants vulnérab... Read More...

Southern Africa Vulnerability and Program Response: A Way Forward C-SAFE tango 05-06


Tza – pema phase i – april-may 06

The Participatory Environmental Management (PEMA) Programme is enhancing the productive integrity of... Read More...

Programme Development and co-ordination Facility (PDCF) Midterm Report

This project represents the Programme Development and co-ordination Facility (PDCF) of the multi-pro... Read More...

Zmb – ppa – annual review – apr 06

Purpose - enable the poorest to better manage risk associated with food security, destitution and HI... Read More...

Economic Security Program GLER (Gisenyi Land and Environment Rehabilitation) Project

Objective: Improved protection of natural resource base and livelihoods of 25,000 rural families liv... Read More...

Participatory Rural Adaptation Pilot in Response to Climate Change in Tajikistan (ACCT Project) Annual Report

The project goal is to strengthen institutional and technical capacities to effectively respond and ... Read More...

Reducing Village Vulnerability in Ethiopia (REVIVE)

REVIVE project was designed using participatory approach to help reduce the vulnerability to food a... Read More...

Projet Formation des groupements feminins au Niger Evaluation Finale

Le projet visait de contribuer à la réduction de la pauvreté en améliorant la sécurité économique de... Read More...

Som – food and livelihood insecurity 02-06

Underlying causes of food and livelihood insecurity

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