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Search Results: 면목키스방Lbamje.cOM 면목출장마사지 면목오피 면목립카페 면목출장마사지

CARE International in Iraq Endline Evaluation Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic (MoFA Czech) Project

This project addresses critical needs for sanitation services in West Mosul, in coordination with local authorities currently overwhelmed by the scale of needs and requiring support, as a direct contribution to enabling affected populations to return home. The project will directly repair two vital sanitation resources/infrastructure in West Mosul. The project will support the municipal authorities to build their capacity to eventually recover their costs, once the situation allows. Finally, the project will mobilize local communities towards greater ownership of/appreciation for their local environment, to avoid the recurrence of such sanitation risks and maintain a cleaner, more habitable environment. Additional to mitigating myriad health risks related to poor sanitation in urban areas among highly vulnerable returnees seeking to recover, this engagement will serve to promote social cohesion and community participation among vulnerable populations affected by conflict.
CARE set a 4months as duration for WASH Project in Al-Thawra neighborhood in order to help and serve about 1166 family (about 7000 individuals) including host community and IDPs. Project is mainly about renovation of sewage system for pipes need to be repair and fix. Rehabilitate the drills caused by the battles of the last conflict and there is no governor attention to fix this issue. (15 pgs)

Increasing Quality and Work Opportunities for Women with Disabilities in Georgia: Year 3 Report

In July 2015, CARE Czech Republic together with CARE International in the Caucasus, started implementation of the project “Increasing Quality and Work Opportunities for Women with Disabilities in Georgia” in three municipalities of Georgia: Samtredia, Senaki and Abasha. The project was funded by the Czech Development Agency
implemented activities, main achievements and findings. [33 pages]

Increasing Quality and Work Opportunities for Women with Disabilities in Georgia Final Evaluation Report

This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the project “Increasing Quality and Work Opportunities for Women with Disabilities in Georgia”, 3-year project funded by the Czech Development Agency, managed and implemented jointly by CARE Czech Republic and CARE International in the Caucasus in three target municipalities of Georgia (Samtredia, Abasha, Senaki). The evaluation was carried out by CARE Caucasus MEALS team in December 2017 involving a document review, an inception meeting with project staff and a field visits to the target locations of the project to talk to project participants, representatives of local civic organizations, and other key informants such as local stakeholders. The project started in July 2015 and completed in December 2017 having had the three independent project cycles/years. [28 pages]

Resume Executif RAN AINA Etude de Base

Resume executive de l'etude de base de RAN AINA. Rapport complete disponible ici:

La présente étude consiste à identifier les indicateurs de base afin d’illustrer pour chaque observatoire la situation de malnutrition et de comportement des ménages de la zone du projet. Les données enregistrées constituent un outil de suivi et d’impact du projet RAN-AINA car elles permettront de mettre en place des observatoires offrant la possibilité de :
• Suivre un certain nombre d’indicateurs du comportement nutritionnel et sanitaire des ménages ruraux et de manière dynamique.
• enrichir l’interprétation des caractéristiques et des évolutions de changement de comportement des différents ménages, de chaque type de groupe par rapport aux thématiques véhiculées par le projet
• évaluer l’impact de leurs interventions, localisées dans des zones spatialement circonscrites et ;
• d’analyser les comportements, reflétant à la fois la forte hétérogénéité individuelle et la dimension temporelle. Read More...

RAN AINA etude de base

La présente étude consiste à identifier les indicateurs de base afin d’illustrer pour chaque observatoire la situation de malnutrition et de comportement des ménages de la zone du projet. Les données enregistrées constituent un outil de suivi et d’impact du projet RAN-AINA car elles permettront de mettre en place des observatoires offrant la possibilité de :
• Suivre un certain nombre d’indicateurs du comportement nutritionnel et sanitaire des ménages ruraux et de manière dynamique.
• enrichir l’interprétation des caractéristiques et des évolutions de changement de comportement des différents ménages, de chaque type de groupe par rapport aux thématiques véhiculées par le projet
• évaluer l’impact de leurs interventions, localisées dans des zones spatialement circonscrites et ;
• d’analyser les comportements, reflétant à la fois la forte hétérogénéité individuelle et la dimension temporelle.

CARE Endline Evaluation Report: Restoration of water infrastructure and prevention against COVID19

With funding support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Czech Republic (MoFA Czech), CARE Iraq implemented a six–month project, starting from May 1 to October 31, 2021, and aimed to provide an uninterrupted supply of potable water to vulnerable communities for drinking, personal hygiene, and other domestic use through rehabilitation of non-functional parts of the water treatment plant and restoration of water the networks in two neighborhoods (Nabi Sheet and Galawat) of West Mosul. It further aimed to increase the resilience of vulnerable communities to COVID-19 by providing hygiene kits and increased risk and safety awareness, improving hygiene behavior, and environmental sanitation services. The project is implemented in West Mosul, Galawat, and Nabi Sheet neighborhoods, targeting IDPs, host communities, and returnees. Read More...

Restoring Water Supply System and improved Sanitation and Hygiene Practices in West Mosul, Iraq – Phase III Endline

With funding support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Czech Republic (MoFA Czech), CARE implemented a six-months project aimed at restoring water supply system and improved sanitation and hygiene practices in West Mosul, Iraq. The project is implemented in West Mosul in Al-Zanjili, Al-Ghazlani, Rajam Hadeed and Al-Jadeed neighbourhoods targeting IDPs, host communities and returnees with 47,500 direct beneficiaries. Through the approval of a modification in October 2020 the scope of work was expanded on both the environmental sanitation and water rehabilitation components of the project, increasing the project target population by an additional 25,000 beneficiaries, making the total number of the beneficiaries 72,500.
The endline evaluation seeks to analyze the endline values for key water, hygiene and sanitation project indicators planned in the proposal and to assess the impact and effectiveness the project, relevance and sustainability. The study used a mixed methodology, including a quantitative survey on 560 respondents in Al-Ghazlani (271) and Al-Zanjili neighbourhoods (289), and qualitative interviews with key informants from the neighbourhoods and the stakeholders from the government [27 pages]. Read More...

Restoring Water Supply System and improved Sanitation and Hygiene Practices in West Mosul, Iraq – Phase III Baseline

With funding support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Czech Republic (MoFA Czech), CARE will implement a six - months project aimed at restoring water supply system and improved sanitation and hygiene practices in West Mosul, Iraq. The project will be implemented in West Mosul Zenjele and Ghazlani neighborhoods targeting IDPs, host communities and returnees with 47,500 direct beneficiaries.
The baseline assessment targeted areas identified as high priority by Directorate of water that are in need of rehabilitation and replacement of non-functional parts of water infrastructure. Local authorities are currently overwhelmed by the scale of needs and require support from donors and humanitarian agencies, as a direct contribution to enabling affected populations to have durable solutions through sustainable restoration of services such as water and sanitation. The project will directly support repair of two vital water infrastructure at Ghazlani water treatment plant and Yarmouk booster pumping station in the area of West Mosul while supporting the Municipal Authorities by building their capacity to eventually recover their costs.

The purpose of the Baseline Survey was to obtain a better understanding of the current situation in relation to water supply, sanitation and hygiene amongst the population in the target areas, and establish baseline benchmarks on key project indicators, which will enable the level of success of the project to be measured at the project end. The results of the baseline survey will later be used to evaluate the extent to which the project has met the desired impact post project implementation compared against project endline results.
The baseline assessment assesses:
• Access to safe water and sanitation situation pre-implementation.
• Challenge of solid waste management systems and existence practices.
• Hygiene education sessions on household level
• knowledge, perception, attitude and practice in relation to hygiene, water and sanitation.
[24 pages]

Desarrollo Turístico Histórico y Cultural en la Ruta del Ché Guevara Midterm


Enhancing social protection by empowering CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina Midterm

In May, 2018, CARE International in cooperation with 7 project partners started implementation of the project: Enhancing social protection by empowering CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Financed by CZDA and CARE Czech Republic which will be realized within a three year timeframe (2018, 2019 and 2020).

The project is aimed to contribute to strengthening the weak social welfare and social protection as well as access to rights and social inclusion for the marginalized and most vulnerable. Poor economic performance and high unemployment cause shocks in the country’s social welfare system which largely effects the socio-economic position of citizens, especially most vulnerable and marginalized. The state and non-state service providers are under-capacitated and underfunded and their inability to provide adequate social protection services to the marginalized and most vulnerable populations has created a need and space for CSOs to get involved in the service provision. CSO efforts and involvement, however, have not been adequately recognized, supported and financed by the governmental institutions.

The evaluation of the impact of the initiative is done in line with the ToR that was created for the purpose of this assignment. The objective of the midterm evaluation is measuring the level of achievements of the objectives as well as level of satisfaction of project partners and other beneficiaries of the initiative. The evaluation process is internal and participatory with direct involvement of beneficiaries of the initiative. The midterm evaluation report includes report on implemented activities as well as lessons learned and recommendations.

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