Civil Society

Gender Equality & Women’s Empowerment Program III (GEWEP III) Midterm Study GLOBAL SYNTHESIS REPORT (PROMEESS III)

Across six countries, this study examines the effect of a men’s and boys’ engagement intervention—aiming to change men’s and boys’ attitudes and behaviors around gender equality, women’s empowerment, and positive masculinities; including participants’ own masculine identity—and the state of civil society’s rights and protections, tracing improvement and erosion since 2020. Importantly, this is not an evaluation, rather this is a midterm study that comes alongside the Gender Equality & Women’s Empowerment Program III (GEWEP) implemented by CARE International. Instead of evaluating this program, this study focuses narrowly on the attitudinal and behavioral impact of this model intervention for engaging men and boys. GEWEP also sought to contribute to the civil society space, and thus we conclude this study with a discussion of the unique experiences of women’s rights and women-led organizations that did and did not partner with GEWEP teams.
To generate this global report, the Research Team both drew on the six country reports which accompany this study and engaged in entirely new analyses. Analysis for this global report pooled data from all six countries, while using analytical techniques to identify where any one country unduly influenced findings at the global level. To strike this balance between common tendencies across countries, and differences between countries, this study takes care to identify and report country-specific results alongside global findings. This is especially true where we identified countries as unique outliers.
For the section on men’s engagement, the Research Team leveraged an experimental design, advanced statistical methods, and multiple sources and types of data, including a multi-country survey with 3,226 respondents, to investigate the relationship between men’s engagement, including their level of engagement (“treatment saturation”), in program activities and associated changes in their attitudes and behaviors towards women and girls, gender equality, violence against women and girls, and masculinity. Across six countries—Afghanistan, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Mali, Niger, and Rwanda—the Research Team explores common factors that influence treatment effect, positively and negatively.
Donor: NORAD


According to available sources for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Roma are the most numerous and the most vulnerable national minority, whose position is characterized by a high degree of social exclusion. For the purpose of drafting this report of research on public policies and strategies, which was, as a baseline project, made under the CARE International Balkans 'Active Roma Youth for Rights and Inclusion', funded by the European Union Program: European Instrument For Human Rights and Democracy, we have performed the insight of the available data on this population . The results show that the position of Roma families and living conditions in their settlements are more than bad, compared with the rest of the population, and that a greater number of Roma families still need organized state support. The latest indicators on Roma needs, which are listed in the Action Plan for Roma for 2017-2020 , still point to the need for strategic actions to reduce the exclusion of the Roma population. The basis for undertaking the strategic activities of Roma inclusion is contained within the framework of The Strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina for addressing the issues of Roma in Bosnia and Herzegovina . In addition to this Strategy, due to the position of this minority, there is a need for specifying the support for social inclusion of Roma according to the Law on Protection of Rights of Members of National Minorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in order to ensure sustainable and long-term support to Roma men and women, as long as relevant indicators point to the degree of their exclusion. The Strategy was adopted in 2005, in the context of the obligations of the Decade of Roma Inclusion 2005-15 and the European Union Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020. In addition to the area of housing, employment and health care, the area of improvement of Roma educational status is regulated by the special Action Plan of Bosnia and Herzegovina on Roma Educational Needs, revised and adopted by Council of Ministers (CMBIH) in 2010. This plan only focuses on actions to improve the education of the Roma population and fully depends on sectoral measures of the entity level of authorities in BIH in the field of education that should implement targeted actions for the Roma population. Read More...

Enhancing social protection by empowering CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina Midterm

In May, 2018, CARE International in cooperation with 7 project partners started implementation of the project: Enhancing social protection by empowering CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Financed by CZDA and CARE Czech Republic which will be realized within a three year timeframe (2018, 2019 and 2020).

The project is aimed to contribute to strengthening the weak social welfare and social protection as well as access to rights and social inclusion for the marginalized and most vulnerable. Poor economic performance and high unemployment cause shocks in the country’s social welfare system which largely effects the socio-economic position of citizens, especially most vulnerable and marginalized. The state and non-state service providers are under-capacitated and underfunded and their inability to provide adequate social protection services to the marginalized and most vulnerable populations has created a need and space for CSOs to get involved in the service provision. CSO efforts and involvement, however, have not been adequately recognized, supported and financed by the governmental institutions.

The evaluation of the impact of the initiative is done in line with the ToR that was created for the purpose of this assignment. The objective of the midterm evaluation is measuring the level of achievements of the objectives as well as level of satisfaction of project partners and other beneficiaries of the initiative. The evaluation process is internal and participatory with direct involvement of beneficiaries of the initiative. The midterm evaluation report includes report on implemented activities as well as lessons learned and recommendations.

Enhancing social protection by empowering CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The CARE project team has collected and analysed baseline data regarding each project partner. The information collected has allowed us to have a clearer picture of each partners’ current capacity, needs and areas for further improvement. This information was collected during the last quarter of 2019 and is presented below for each partner organisation. Read More...

STRENGTHENING RESILIENCE AND PROMOTING INCLUSIVE GOVERNANCE PROGRAM (STRENPO): Experiences of advocacy and action for climate change resilience

Care International in Uganda presents to you experiences and lessons learnt while implementing Strengthening Resilience and Promoting Inclusive Governance for Women and Youth in Vulnerable Communities Project (STRENPO). At Care we are using the nexus of humanitarian and long-term development to build resilience that bridges humanitarian action and sustainable development. Our approach to increasing resilience operates in synergy with gender transformation and inclusive governance.

We also show the models used to empower citizens such as engaging duty bearers, building civil society organizational capacity to engage with the duty bearers and claim citizens’ rights and provide information to citizens, build organization legitimacy and support multi-stakeholder platforms for engagement and informing policy processes. Read More...

Strengthening Resilience and Inclusive Governance (STRENPO) Mid-term Review

The Strengthening Resilience and Inclusive Governance Program (STRENPO) is a 4-year programme in the nexus between humanitarian and development work, managed by CARE International in Uganda, in partnership with four Ugandan civil society organisations. The programme commenced in April 2018 for the years 2018-2021.

The overall objective of STRENPO is: Women and youth in vulnerable, natural resource-dependent communities, including refugee settlements, are resilient to shocks and stresses arising from natural resources degradation, climate change, and conflict & displacement.

The overall impression generated from the documents review and the consultations in Uganda is that programme implementation is largely on track compared with work plans; this includes individual partner projects carried out by three ‘old’ partner organisations and RICE-WN as the new partner in the programme. Interventions are well-managed and the STRENPO team in CARE as well as staff in the partner organisations appear dedicated to the implementation of the programme in general and to their particular contribution.

A baseline survey was undertaken in late 2018 and is assessed as a well-planned and executed activity. The study focused on measuring resilience and the result was a sophisticated framework of criteria for categorising indicators of capacity to anticipate and respond appropriately to climate changes. Important information also came out from the Gender Sensitive Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (G-CVCA) that were undertaken by mid-2019.

- It is therefore recommended to introduce a more diversified approach to the interventions that targets impact groups directly, building on findings from the baseline survey and the G-CVCAs.
- It is recommended that STRENPO continues a strong follow-up to the CAAPs in order to facilitate funding of activities of priority to the involved communities and relevant to the programme’s objectives.
- It is therefore recommended that STRENPO during the coming two years increases the focus on using potential avenues for best practices replication and other catalytic effects.
- It is recommended that the STRENPO partners together selects a handful of the outlined ‘strategic actions’ for further development and specification.
- It is recommended that some of the capacity gaps that have key relevance for the programme are selected, so that it can be decided what type and how much support to the capacity development interventions the programme is able to offer.
- It is recommended that STRENPO in early 2020 reviews its potentials for engaging in stronger partnerships with the private sector, using a market driven analytical approach to determine appropriate interventions and relevant value chain and private sector actors to engage with.
- It is recommended that the STRENPO team engages in a discussion with CARE Danmark to further clarify their understanding and expectations regarding the programme’s inclusion of innovative climate change prevention solutions and a transformative approach to resilience.
- It is recommended that STRENPO undertakes a quick review of its results framework, with the intention to reduce the number of indicators, but also to allow a breakdown on some indicators into refugees and hosts. The revision should also aim at reducing and/or combining the qualitative indicators and progress markers. It is furthermore recommended to review and revise the phrasing of result areas and the Theory of Change, taking note of the suggestions made during the MTR workshop.



La troisième phase du Programme de Gestion Equitable des Ressources Naturelles et de Renforcement de la Société civile au Niger, PROGRESIII/JIMIRI financée par CARE Danemark, intègre les leçons et bonnes pratiques de PROGRES II et prend en compte les évolutions des approches et concepts de développement ainsi que les évolutions de contextes internes et externes du Niger, de CARE et des bailleurs institutionnels comme DANIDA. Elle met l’accent sur le pastoralisme à travers le renforcement de société civile pastorale, le plaidoyer, la résilience, le genre et la jeunesse liée aux aspects de migration.
Ce programme contribuera aux objectifs de la stratégie 2020 de CARE, aux ODD et de plan stratégique pluriannuel de CARE Niger. Le PROGRESIII/JIMIRI contribuera aux trois goals programmatiques de CARE Niger, dont majoritairement au (i) programme Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle (SAN), au (ii) programme Leadership et Empowerment des Femmes des Filles et des jeunes (LEFFJ) et à (iii) la Coordination humanitaire.

Midterm project evaluation: Enhancing social protection by empowering CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina

General objective:
‘Enhance the role of civil society actors in BiH, in providing services for marginalized populations and participating in design and implementation of relevant policies.’

Expected results:
O1 Strengthened organisational capacity and management of 7 targeted civil society organisations (CSOs) in BiH.

O2 Service provision of 7 targeted CSOs improved to meet the needs of their target groups (TG).

O3 7 targeted CSOs have strengthened their advocacy position and improved policies in specific areas of their mandate.

Evidence of Change In Gender Equality and Women‘s Empowerment in the Balkans 2005-2012

This is a report about CARE’s work to advance gender equality in the Balkans and what we have achieved over the past seven years. Our goal is to give account and to demonstrate our commitment to change the lives of the people we serve. We want to illustrate the real life impact of the work we do with our partners and to document the process, methods and the tools used. We want to show that what we and partners have achieved, is relevant to the regional context and that our approaches and methodologies make a demonstrable difference. We also want to learn from our challenges and limitations, and we will use these lessons in our future work. Read More...

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