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Search Results: MT폴리스주소찾기ыjusobot,ⓒom MT폴리스커뮤니티 MT폴리스링크 MT폴리스커뮤니티 MT폴리스같은사이트

Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE) of the SHOUHARDO III Program

ARE commissioned a Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE) of the SHOUHARDO III Program to formulate recommendations for the remaining life of the program to increase effectiveness in achieving sustainable impact and increase efficiency in use of resources. The MTE was planned and implemented over the period from late October 2017, through mid-June, 2018, with information gathering and preliminary analysis undertaken in Bangladesh from February 12 through March 12. Read More...

Mte rusaid zambia partnership for integrated social marketing (prism),program mid-termeport

Report on Mid-term evaluation of the Partnership for Integrated Social Marketing(PRISM). Read More...

Mcf care power-profir africa – mte report – final

This 154 page report highlights the mid-term results of the POWER Africa project funded by MasterCar... Read More...

SHOUHARDO III Midterm Methodology report

This Volume II of the report for the Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE) of the SHOUHARDO III Program implemented by CARE and local partners in Bangladesh summarizes the methodology that was used to conduct the MTE over the period from late October 2017 through mid-June 2018. This resource document is being provided as a separate document from the MTE Summary Report (Volume I) [also available on this site] which summarizes the priority recommendations that emerged from the MTE Process. (148 pages) Read More...

Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) Mid Term Evaluation

This Assignment was commissioned by CARE DENMARK – the Lead Partner of the Consortium of five (5) Partner Institutions (namely, CARE; Catholic Relief Services (CRS); Gulu Agricultural Development Company (GADC); Dynamic Agro-Pastoral Development Organization (DADO); and SORUDA) – to carry out the Mid-term Evaluation (MTE) of the “Inclusive Market-based Development for Smallholder Farmers in Karamoja, Teso and Acholi Sub-regions” Project – implemented by the Consortium. The Project is supported by the European Union (EU) – under the Supervision of the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), through the 11 Project Area District Local Governments of: Abim, Kotido, Karenga, Kaabong, Moroto, Amudat, Nakapiripirit, Nabilatuk, Napak; as well as Katakwi and Kitgum – in partnership with other stakeholders – on behalf of the Government of Uganda.
The Overall Objective of the Mid-term Evaluation (MTE), was to: “review the implementation of the project, since its inception – with the aim of generating evidence towards promoting project performance improvement, accountability, learning and evidence-based decision-making and management”. In particular, the Evaluation was intended to: “assess results achieved to date in comparison with the outcome indicators outlined in the Project Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning framework”. Accordingly, the MTE report documents: the background to the Assignment; the general approach to work and methodology employed; Project design (including relevance and coherence); as well as Project management systems, processes and operational environments. It also documents: Project performance and effectiveness during the period under review – up to its mid-term point; as well as the identified major achievements; challenges; constraints; risks; weaknesses and threats that characterized the Project. Lastly, it, further, documents resource management and efficiency in Project implementation; project “impact”; sustainability of Project Interventions and outcomes; the major conclusions; recommendations for the way forward; as well as lessons learnt – over the period under review. Read More...

SHOUHARDO III Mid Term Summary

recommendations for the remaining life of the program to increase effectiveness in achieving sustainable impact and increase efficiency in use of resources. The MTE was planned and implemented over the period from late October 2017, through mid-June, 2018, with information gathering and preliminary analysis undertaken in Bangladesh from February 12 through March 12. The SHOUHARDO III Program is being implemented in 947 villages in 115 unions in 23 upazilas in 8 districts1 in northern Bangladesh. The goal of the program is to achieve improved gender equitable food and nutrition security and resilience for vulnerable people living in the flood-prone Char and Haor Regions of Bangladesh by 2020. The program is specifically targeting people defined by their communities as poor or extreme poor (PEP), expecting to have lasting impact by the end of its life on around 675,000 persons. The overall program value is USD 80 million3 from the United States Government with a complementary funding of USD 7,707,490 million from the Government of Bangladesh (GoB). A total of 126,810 Metric Tons (MTs) of commodities are planned for monetization over the life of the program, and 11,540 MT of commodities are planned for distribution under the maternal and child health and nutrition component (Purpose 2) of the program. (82 pages) Read More...

Umodzi -using a gender synchronized approach to accelerate impact-midline

The Umodzi Project aims to test the effectiveness and scalability of a gender synchronized and transformational approach to accelerate and enhance the impact of integrated adolescent life skills and sexual reproductive health (SRH) programming. The Umodzi project relies on coordinating existing initiatives to achieve: 1) Adoption of gender-equitable attitudes and behaviours among adolescent boys and girls in primary school; 2) Improved health and development knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy, and self-care practices among adolescent boys and girls in primary school; and, 3) Enhanced inter-generational relationships between men and boys and women and girls that are supportive of adolescent gender and SRHR. The Midterm Evaluation (MTE) of the project aimed to explore the effect of UMODZI gender conscious practice (GCP)) on gender conscious attitudes; and on further outcomes identified in coordination with the development of GCP curriculum and Theory of Change. (76 pages) Read More...

Línea de base para el proyecto “Competitividad en crianza de animales menores”-Informe Final

El proyecto “Competitividad de Crianza de Animales Menores” busca mejorar los ingresos económicos de pequeños productores rurales dedicados a la crianza de animales menores en cinco distritos de las provincias de Lima e Ica, en Perú. El proyecto se divide en tres componentes: acceso a mercados inclusivos, gestión empresarial y alianzas estratégicas e incidencia política. Como parte del proyecto, se realizó un estudio de línea de base utilizando métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos para evaluar el nivel inicial de los valores de los indicadores y las estrategias a implementar. El estudio utilizó encuestas, entrevistas y grupos focales para obtener información de los productores, actores clave y técnicos de las zonas de intervención. La muestra fue de 386 casos en total, con 193 en Lima e Ica respectivamente. El objetivo es mejorar la cadena de valor de producción de animales menores identificando obstáculos y fortalezas en las zonas de intervención. El estudio identificó una serie de desafíos en la producción y comercialización de estos animales. Read More...

Mujeres Líderes en Emergencias Análisis Rápido de Género y Poder Pamplona, Norte de Santander, Colombia

Este informe de Análisis Rápido de Género (ARG)sobre el Poder examina el liderazgo de las mujeres en la respuesta humanitaria de Venezuela en Pamplona, Colombia. La crisis venezolana ha afectado a los ciudadanos venezolanos y colombianos, siendo las mujeres y las comunidades marginadas las más afectadas. Mediante entrevistas e investigación documental, se puso de manifiesto que las mujeres no participan adecuadamente en los espacios formales e informales en los que pueden influir en las decisiones que se adoptan en relación con el plan de respuesta humanitaria dirigido por el Gobierno de Colombia y los organismos de ayuda humanitaria. Las normas sociales patriarcales son una gran barrera, ya que se espera que las mujeres se queden en casa debido al control que ejercen los hombres sobre sus movimientos y la opinión de que las mujeres deben cuidar a los niños, el hogar y cocinar los alimentos, limita el tiempo de que disponen las mujeres para participar. La necesidad de encontrar una forma de ingresos también limita el tiempo de que disponen las mujeres para participar en los espacios de acción colectiva. La falta de conocimiento y conciencia sobre los derechos que tienen como mujeres y como migrantes, y sobre los spacios existentes en los que pueden participar es una barrera adicional. Para muchas mujeres migrantes, la situación irregular en Colombia hace que permanezcan en la sombra y no busquen ayuda ni participen en espacios de toma de decisiones por temor a la deportación. La discriminación sexual, calla las voces de los miembros de la comunidad LGBTIQ+, lo que da lugar a una respuesta humanitaria que no aborda adecuadamente sus necesidades.
Si bien hay barreras que enfrentan las mujeres colombianas y venezolanas afectadas por la crisis, existen oportunidades para aumentar su participación, por ejemplo, por parte de organizaciones femeninas y feministas ya existentes en la región, las organizaciones comunitarias informales de migrantes, y la participación en las mesas del GIFMM como método para que las mujeres actúen conjuntamente para exigir atención y recursos para sus prioridades y directamente afectadas por la crisis. Read More...

Missungwi Income and Food Security (MIFOSE) Project Midterm

The report presents findings of the Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE) of the Missungwi Income and Food Secur... Read More...

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