Food and Nutrition Security

Eval mi parcours genre er risques climatique

This 89 page document highlights midterm findings from CARE Nigers AFD (French government)-funded pr... Read More...

We-rise global endline

This 82 page report highlights the global findings of the WE Rise project funded by Australia Africa... Read More...

Ubale ga-participatory report


Ethiopia We-RISE endline report

This 82 page report highlights the findings of the WE Rise project funded by Australia Africa Commun... Read More...

We rise endline evaluation

This 163 page report highlights the findings of the WE Rise project funded by Australia Africa Commu... Read More...

PROSADE Final evaluation report

This 46 page report highlights the findings from CARE's PROSADE project financed by the Canadian Go... Read More...

Local Economic Leadership for Marginalised Rural Women Project Midterm Review

This 42 page report is a mid-term review of the Local Economic Leadership with Rural Marginalised Wo... Read More...

Project Femme Eau Terre a Biltine (FET) Rapport Final

This 39 page document highlights the results of the FET project funded by the European Union Read More...

Renforcement de la Filière Maraîchère Pour une Existence Durable dans le Wadi-Fira

This 41 page document highlights the findings of the REMED-WF project funded by the European Union Read More...

We rise tanzania endline

This 173 page report highlights the findings of the WE Rise project funded by Australia Africa Commu... Read More...

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