
Icon project final evaluation final report

In 2006, through its partner NGO – CARE Deutschland-Luxemburg, in response to the “Call for Proposal... Read More...

Coli evaluation and closing report apr 30-1

The main purpose of this consultancy is to assess the Progress of CoLI project and develop the final... Read More...

Bfd-coli-study report 100516

The Competitive Literacy Initiative (CoLI) is a pilot initiative of CARE Bangladesh Education Progr... Read More...

Timor leste lift eop 2010

Local Initiatives for Food-security Transformation Project (LIFT) is a 4-year project supporting 3,0... Read More...

Increase local disaster risk management capacity in thanh hoa province

The project’s main objective was ‘to improve Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation and Response of coast... Read More...

The joint advocacy network initiative in vietnam

The overall objective of the JANI was: to improve efficiency and effectiveness of natural disaster p... Read More...

Evaluation final cellule de coordination et de développement du programme (ccdp)

This 13 page document evaluates the effectiveness of the coordination strategy and activities for c... Read More...

Care bng shouhardo final

CARE Bangladesh’s livelihood and food security program, Strengthening Household Ability to Respond t... Read More...

Empaform final evaluation report 2009

Community Based Disease Surveillance project

Vietnam mangroves endofproject 09

The Mangrove Reforestation and Management project enabled communities in Thanh Hoa Province to succe... Read More...

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