
Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE) of the SHOUHARDO III Program

ARE commissioned a Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE) of the SHOUHARDO III Program to formulate recommendations for the remaining life of the program to increase effectiveness in achieving sustainable impact and increase efficiency in use of resources. The MTE was planned and implemented over the period from late October 2017, through mid-June, 2018, with information gathering and preliminary analysis undertaken in Bangladesh from February 12 through March 12. Read More...

Midterm project evaluation: Enhancing social protection by empowering CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina

General objective:
‘Enhance the role of civil society actors in BiH, in providing services for marginalized populations and participating in design and implementation of relevant policies.’

Expected results:
O1 Strengthened organisational capacity and management of 7 targeted civil society organisations (CSOs) in BiH.

O2 Service provision of 7 targeted CSOs improved to meet the needs of their target groups (TG).

O3 7 targeted CSOs have strengthened their advocacy position and improved policies in specific areas of their mandate.

Somalia Resilience Program Third Party Monitoring: Midline Assessment

The Somalia Resilience Program (SomReP) is a consortium of seven international non-governmental organisations (INGOs). The aim of the consortium is to enhance the resilience of vulnerable households and communities in Southern Somalia against cyclical shocks and stressors. The program’s activities focus on securing livelihoods and increasing adaptive capacities of communities and households in Somalia.

Overall, positive developments from the baseline was noted for most of the indicators analyzed in this report. Most of these positive developments could be attributed to different programme interventions. The attribution was tested through statistical correlation analysis and by synthesizing programme documents and the data collected at various stages throughout the project. The food security status of the respondents had improved, both in terms of food consumption and coping strategies. For example, the proportion of the respondents categorized as having an acceptable level of the Food Consumption Score (FCS) had increased from 48.5% in the baseline to 80.4% in the midline. The income of the respondents had also improved with both a significantly higher average income as well as more diversified income being reported. Those respondents that were part of a savings scheme as well as those that had received cash distributions through Cash for Work (CfW) or Unconditional Cash Transfers (UCT) reported higher FCS than those who had not. Respondents that had received cash distributions were also positively associated with higher incomes. As such, it is recommended that both VSLA and cash programming interventions should be sustained and if possible scaled-up. It is worth noting that livelihoods were still largely climate sensitive, with day labour in agriculture being the most common and important livelihood strategy, especially for male respondents. This implies that most people are still highly vulnerable to climatic shocks, such as drought. Read More...

Taking Enterprise Development for Women Empowerment to Scale

To enhance the opportunity for engagement of women in the workforce, CARE Jordan, in collaboration with H&M and CARE Netherland, is implementing the program, Taking Enterprise Development for Women Empowerment to Scale. The project falls under the strategic Sustainable Development Program of CARE Jordan, which aims to provide support and address the needs of individuals and host communities in Jordan, focusing specifically on gender barriers, combatting gender-based violence, economic empowerment, and inclusive participation.
Phase I of the program (Khatwa Skills Project) set the foundation for the program by providing support for women by establishing more formal networks for them to be able to rely on their entrepreneurial journey, such as SLA groups (Savings and Loan Groups). Additionally, the Khatwa Skills Project also provided targeted vocational training to help facilitate business idea generation and central bazaars, where women could sell their goods.
This is Phase II of a 3 year (1 April 2017-31March2020) program that will follow up on the Khatwa Skills Project by providing additional vocational and financial training to women, supporting the existing SLA Groups so that women netrepreneurs have greater access to funding for their enterprises. Phase II will also provide support for women-led MSMEs and establish women’s economic group activities that will focus on developing the skills of women and female youth. Phase II of the program aims to directly target 380 vulnerable Jordanian women living in Jordan with the
primary objective being to seek to empower women and youth through the development of successful business models, including micro and small enterprises, recycling enterprises, and group businesses, often to be developed within the context of VSLAs. These models will be scaled up through targeted initiatives in awareness raising and further developing the involvement and initiatives of role models. Additionally, approximately 5,800 women, men, boys, and girls will be indirectly targeted through the program. Read More...

Enquête Mid-line du projet Initiative Maman Lumière II de CARE Niger

CARE Niger dans le cadre de son programme d’appui aux efforts du gouvernement dans développement économique et social des Nigériennes et Nigériens à négocier et acquérir un financement du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères du Royaume de Luxembourg pour dérouler des actions devant contribuer à améliorer l’état sanitaire et nutritionnel des enfants pendant leurs 1000 premiers jours dans les régions de Zinder et Maradi à travers le projet dénommé « Maman lumière II » pour une période de 36 mois allant du 1er janvier 2017 au 31 décembre 2019.
Dans la mise en oeuvre de ce projet, CARE Niger en conformité avec sa stratégie de renforcement de la société civile et ses principes programmatiques notamment celui axé sur le travail avec les autres, oeuvre avec l’ONG FORSANI « Forum Santé Niger » en tant que partenaire de mise en oeuvre sur le terrain. Read More...

Food and Nutrition Security Programme (FNSP) in Malawi (2015 – 2022): Midline Evaluation

Over 800 million people worldwide suffer from hunger and two billion do not meet their micro nutrient requirements (Global Nutrition Report, 2016). While the global starving population has gone down in recent decades, the number of people suffering from hunger in sub-Saharan Africa today is higher than ever. Malnutrition is particularly prevalent in developing countries, where it has an impact not only upon the development prospects of an entire country, but also of each individual affected. If a child does not receive sufficient nutrients up to its second year, i.e. over its first 1,000 days beginning with the early embryonic phase, the impact on growth, mental faculties and therefore learning and work¬ing potential will endure a lifetime.

This midline survey outlines important information to understand whether the project is on track. The overall objective was improving the nutrition situation of women of reproductive age (15-49) and children under two (6-23 months) in Dedza and Salima. This report outlines how well the project is meeting this goal. Read More...

Souqona Project: Midterm Evaluation

Souqona is a five years project that was launched in April 2016, as part of the program “Palestinian Farmers Connecting to Markets” launched by the Australian Government, which constitutes the third phase of the Australian Middle East NGO Cooperation Agreement (AMENCA) programme in the oPt. Souqona aims at increasing income, agency, and market opportunity for Palestinian Farmers through growth in pro-poor agribusiness and market development. The project is seeking to better connect women and men Palestinian vegetables, dairy and seed farmers to markets. It is implemented in 23 locations in three governorates located in the Northern Areas of West Bank (Nablus, Jenin, and Tubas).

Advance Consulting Services was commissioned to undertake a midterm review of the project to determine the relevance, efficiency, achievement of results, and sustainability of the first phase of the project that will end in March 20191. Read More...

Kisumu Integrated Family Health Project: Midterm Review Report

CARE International in Kenya (CIK) in partnership with the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) and Family Health Options Kenya (FHOK) have been implementing a 3 year project in Kisumu urban slums of Manyatta and Nyalenda and works closely with Kisumu County Government under Kisumu East Sub-County. The overall objective of the KIFHP is to Improve Maternal and Child Health, Sexual Reproductive Health, Family Planning and nutritional status of communities living within Kisumu slums.

The specific objectives of the Midterm evaluation were: to assess the effectiveness of project interventions, assess the efficiency of approaches used in implementation of project activities, assess the project implementation progress at mid-term level and its relevance within the prevailing context of devolved health system of governance and assess project sustainability mechanism. Read More...

Siaya Maternal and Child Nutrition Nawiri Project: Midterm Evaluation

The Siaya Maternal and Child Nutrition Nawiri Project is a 36-months intervention on maternal and child nutrition. The project is executed in partnership between CARE (the coordinator), Family Health Options Kenya (FHOK) and the Kisumu Medical and Education Trust (KMET) in Siaya County with funding support from the European Commission (EC), the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and CARE. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to improving maternal, infant and young child nutrition (MIYCN), including nutrition of women of reproductive age, in Siaya County.

The specific objectives of the mid-term evaluation of the Nawiri Project were to (1) assess the process and progress in project implementation and achievement of expected results, (2) provide an opportunity for an in-depth analysis and understanding on any unintended or intended outcomes, (3) as well as provide an opportunity for learning by project teams, partners and other stakeholders. Read More...

SWEEP-Water for Food Security, Women’s Empowerment and Environmental Protection Project: Midterm Evaluation Report

This report refers to the midterm evaluation (MTE) of “SWEEP-Water for Food Security, Women’s Empowerment and Environmental Protection Project” funded by Austrian Development Cooperation through Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and implemented by CARE Ethiopia. The project was commenced in October 2017 and will be implemented through September 2020 in East and West Belesa Woredas of Central Gondar Zone, Amhara National Regional State. The ultimate impact was to improve the food security and resiliency of chronically food insecure households in Belesa Woredas.

The purpose of this mid-term evaluation was assessing the degree of success of the project thus far. Read More...

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