Capacity Building


Leaders de l’agrobusiness en milieu rural dans la plupart des pays et représentant entre 70 et 80% de la main d’œuvre, les femmes se lancent dans diverses activités de production et sur les marchés de commercialisation des produits en s’efforçant de surmonter les inégalités de genre pour obtenir des succès durables. Mais leur situation est toujours défavorable par rapport à celle des hommes. Des données publiées en 2O15 par les Nations Unies sur cette situation montrent qu’elle est due entre autres à des pratiques discriminatoires à l’encontre des femmes . Or, l’amélioration des conditions de vie des ménages dépend en général de la contribution de chaque composante de la société, c’est à dire des hommes et des femmes.
Les femmes du Bénin à l’instar d’autres n’échappent pas à cet état des choses. En effet, elles ne sont pas toujours intégrées dans les prises de décisions à divers niveaux (ménage, communauté, etc.) en raison des stéréotypes et considérations qui les réduisent à l’obéissance voire à la soumission aux hommes. Depuis quelques décennies, des mutations s’opèrent et des efforts sont faits pour favoriser leur participation active dans la gestion des affaires de la cité et leur conférer l’autonomisation nécessaire à la cohésion sociale. Malgré ces efforts et les engagements pris par les Etats relativement aux ODD en faveur des femmes, leur accès aux ressources productives reste marginal et leur participation aux espaces de dialogue social encore très insignifiante.

Gender and Protection Mainstreaming Capacity Assessment Northwest Syria

Eleven partners participated in the assessment (8 CARE Turkey partners; 3 ECHO partners). The assessment considered capacity at both an organizational level (policies, processes, support structures) and staff level (knowledge, skills, norms).

The assessment found varying levels of capacity among partner organizations to mainstream gender and protection. Key factors enabling high capacity included leadership support, resources (higher budgets, more staff), dedicated GBV/protection programming, and full-time staff positions focused on gender and/or protection. Key challenges to effective mainstreaming included low leadership support, lack of dedicated gender and protection programing, expectations on some staff to support gender and protection mainstreaming in addition to their current workloads, a lack of understanding of the importance of gender and protection mainstreaming, and traditional beliefs and attitudes towards gender and protection. Read More...

Midterm project evaluation: Enhancing social protection by empowering CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina

General objective:
‘Enhance the role of civil society actors in BiH, in providing services for marginalized populations and participating in design and implementation of relevant policies.’

Expected results:
O1 Strengthened organisational capacity and management of 7 targeted civil society organisations (CSOs) in BiH.

O2 Service provision of 7 targeted CSOs improved to meet the needs of their target groups (TG).

O3 7 targeted CSOs have strengthened their advocacy position and improved policies in specific areas of their mandate.


This document is the final report of the performance evaluation of the binational project Zika Response in Ecuador and Peru, implemented in Ecuador and Peru by CARE from 2016 to 2019. The main objectives of the project were to strengthen community, local and national capacities to respond to the outbreak of Zika virus and other vector-borne diseases, as well as to improve regional and national efforts to reduce Zika transmission rates.

The evaluation of the project in Ecuador was carried out in the intervention zones of 10 cantons of the provinces of El Oro, Manabí and Esmeraldas, between August and September 2019; in Peru, in 20 districts of 10 provinces of the departments of Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, and Cajamarca. After the elaboration of the work proposal and the methodological design of the evaluation, secondary information was collected and primary information was collected at field through interviews, focus groups and social mapping (in Ecuador), and a Likert scale survey (in Peru). The evaluation was framed in five blocks: General Aspects, Community Mobilization, Community-Based Surveillance, Social and Behavioral Change, and Inter-Institutional Planning and Coordination.

The main findings of the evaluation determine that the project achieved, for the most part, the objectives of the project, having as its main achievement the facilitation of inter-institutional coordination of the different actors in the territory. In Peru, the experience of community-based vector control, supported by technological and communications innovations, stands out. In both countries, the project successfully mobilized the community to carry out prevention strategies against Zika and increase knowledge of the risks of this type of disease, as well as useful individual and collective strategies for its prevention. Read More...


El presente documento hace un recorrido evaluativo de las acciones emprendidas por el proyecto “Construyendo resiliencia en gestión de riesgos de desastres en barrios peri-urbanos y comunidades rurales de Manabí y Esmeraldas” durante sus 19 meses de implementación. En este recorrido se plantean los objetivos y el enfoque metodológico, se hace una breve descripción del proyecto para conocer su contexto, se explican los avances en los cuatro criterios de evaluación previamente definidos (pertinencia, eficiencia, eficacia; en cuanto a la sostenibilidad); posteriormente, se hace un FODA del proyecto Read More...

Stabilité au sahel comment accompagner une parole citoyenne des sociétés pastorales

This 31 page documents highlights learning from CARE Niger's PROGRESS project focusing on how to bet... Read More...

Rapport revue insecure land version 30juin16

This 49 page report highlights the findings of the advocacy/civil society work on Insecure Land done... Read More...

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