Special Evaluation/Report


CARE International in Zambia is an international NGO that has worked in Zambia for over 20 years, focusing on humanitarian response and development in rural and peri-urban areas. CARE has been implementing projects in the areas of health and HIV/AIDS, maternal and child health, water and sanitation, social protection, governance, education, gender equality, economic empowerment and environmental conservation among others. To achieve sustainability of its interventions and ensure true ownership in communities of the processes supported by our work, CARE Zambia works with existing community structures and engages participating communities to increase their capacities to be responsive to their own developmental challenges. [59 pages] Read More...

Enhancing Safe Water Supply and Solid Waste Management for the Vulnerable population affected by the Syria crisis in south Lebanon

For the water component, CARE International in Lebanon developed with good coordination mechanisms and collaboration with the different stakeholders, particularly South Lebanon Water Establishment and the municipalities. This great collaboration was very fruitful to identify the project objectives and the priority interventions on the water supply infrastructure. Both SLWE and the municipalities have positively received the collaboration and have shared available plans and data and have taken an active role in designing and selecting the interventions type and intervention areas. CARE met with the SLWE authorities to identify the most needed interventions in terms of access to water. The priorities shared by SLWE were discussed at WASH Sector level first in order to prevent overlapping among implementing agencies or intervention gaps. The municipal representatives were consulted to ensure alignment of municipal plans with SLWE’s plans. CARE WASH specialists examined the proposed options and discussed them with SLWE and with the municipalities in order to guarantee the impartiality of the selection, cost-effectiveness, and relevance to the mandate of the organisation. During the period of the enginnering design preparation done with Kredo Engineering, a change of the lines to be rehabilitated was raised compared to what was planned in the initial proposal and new targeted areas have been identified by SLWE in coordination with CARE WASH team to be included in the design package (see more details in R1). [42 pages] Read More...

LEADERS – Promoting inclusive local economic empowerment and development to enhance resilience and social stability

Final narrative report for LEADERS – Promoting inclusive local economic empowerment and development to enhance resilience and social stability. [23 pages] Read More...

Integrated Shelter Improvements for Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Tripoli, Lebanon: Phase II

Final program narrative report for Integrated Shelter Improvements for Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Tripoli, Lebanon: Phase II. [25 pages] Read More...

Digital Sub-Wallets for Increased Financial Empowerment of Women Project Semi-Rapid Gender Analysis

The Digital Sub-Wallets for Increased Financial Empowerment of Women Project is a research based project implemented by CARE Uganda in partnership with DoubleXEconomy and Access Africa in Bushenyi and Rubirizi Districts, Ankole Region, Western Uganda. The project’s goal is for women to have equitable influence over household financial decisions and to use mobile financial technology to improve their own and their family’s opportunities and lives. The project works with mature Village Saving and Loans Associations (VSLA) that were formed under the previous SAVE-UP project and aims to reach 2,166 VSLA Members. Following the six-month Pilot Phase the project is to commence for a 4 year period in October 2017. [18 pages] Read More...

Towards Integrated Risk Management in the Horn of Africa: Gap Analysis

The analysis was conducted through desk-top literature review in which data and information were drawn from an extensive range of literature, mainly the Horn of Africa regional frameworks related to disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and ecosystem management and restoration. Specifically, the report analysed the Africa regional Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction; the African Union Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP); the Policy Framework for Pastoralism in Africa; and the IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI). Others are the Programme of Action for the Implementation of the Sendai Framework; the Agreement on the Nile River Basin Cooperative Framework; and East African Community Climate Change Policy. It looked at a range of including institutional arrangement; IRM-related strengths and weaknesses and how those relate with IRM, and opportunities for PfR to influence framework implementation. [76 pages] Read More...

Digital Sub Wallets Pilot Study Findings on Gender Equality

This report summarizes the findings from a pilot study of two interventions intended to promote gender equality, a mobile banking innovation and financial counseling for households, in western Uganda between September 2016 and March 2017. The study was designed and analyzed by DoubleXEconomy. CARE Uganda implemented the interventions in partnership with Post Bank Uganda. The data were collected by IPA Uganda. [4 pages] Read More...

Assessment of Private Health Facilities’ Engagement in Provision of Maternal and Child Health Care Services

Care International has implemented Opportunity for Mother and Infant Development (OMID) project in Afghanistan. OMID is a community based maternal and child health project. OMID is holistic health care delivery approach targeting districts 01 and 02. Care International plans to scale up this approach to district 06 as well.

Men’s knowledge and awareness of maternal, neonatal and child health care in urban Afghanistan- Descriptive cross sectional study

The status of men’s knowledge and awareness on maternal, neonatal and child health care are largely unknown in Afghanistan and the effect of community focused interventions in improving men’s knowledge is largely unexplored. This study identifies the extent of men’s knowledge and awareness on maternal, neonatal and child health. [9 pages] Read More...

Resume Executif CAP 3 RAN AINA

Resume Executif du CAP 3 RAN-AINA (document complet disponible ici: http://careevaluations.org/evaluation/connaissances-attitudes-practiques-3-ran-aina/)

Globalement, 80% (contre 55,5% en juin 2016) des familles maitrisent la thématique comme quoi pour maintenir leur santé, les femmes enceintes ont besoin de prendre un repas supplémentaire par jour, notamment après le troisième mois de grossesse. Quant aux femmes allaitantes, pour éviter de perdre du poids et pour fortifier de nouveau leur corps, les mères allaitantes ont besoin de prendre deux repas supplémentaires par jour.
Les connaissances sur la thématique sont acceptable et suffisantes, mais l’adoption reste problématique car le pourcentage de femmes enceintes qui ont consommé plus que d’habitude n’a pas évolué et est resté à 11,3%. Quant aux femmes allaitantes, elles bénéficient d’un traitement de faveur sur le plan alimentaire uniquement pendant les deux premiers mois d’allaitement. Read More...

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