
Dry Zone Agricultural Development Project (DZADP) Midterm Report

DZADP - Midterm

Delta Agricultural Development Project (DAD) Final Report

Objective: To improve the security of 6,000 households in the districts of Djenne, Mopti, Macina, a... Read More...

Commercialization of non-timber forest products

Notes from an evaluative workshop - in English and Spanish Read More...

TUMA UMA Agricultural project Participatory End Term Project Report

goals: turning open access resources in private (individual or community) tenure; improving local te... Read More...

Hongsa Remote Areas Gender and Ethnicity Evaluation Project

Objective was to improve the household livelihood security of the Lao Prai, a remote highland people... Read More...

Emergency Drought Assistance: Land Preparation and Seed Distribution

Goal: improve food security of war and drought-affected populations in the targeted areas of Debub z... Read More...

Bol – mapa yungas – final – dec 02


Household Livelihood Support (HLS) Project Midterm Evaluation

The evaluation of the CARE Livelihood Support (HLS) Project, a small-scale income generating activit... Read More...

Developpement Agricole du Delta/Djenne (DAD)

Les groupements MJT sont des structures mises en place par le projet DAD pour développer l’épargne l... Read More...

Projet de Sécurisation des Ménages Pastoraux Evaluation Finale de la Phase Pilote

Le présent rapport tend compte des principales conclusions de la mission d'évaluation de la phase pi... Read More...

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