Inter-agency Rapid Gender Analysis and GBV Assessment – DRC Refugee Influx, Uganda

Overstretched and underfunded, the humanitarian response for the influx of DRC refugees into Uganda is struggling to meet the large basic needs. This Inter-Agency Rapid Gender Analysis and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) assessment was conducted with the objective of understanding the gender dimensions of the crisis, and needs and vulnerabilities of the refugees in order to inform a more gender responsive humanitarian response. In particular, it aimed to identify the specific GBV risks and vulnerabilities facing the affected population, and provide targeted recommendations to both CARE and other humanitarian actors on how to address these gaps and vulnerabilities.
GBV is a daily reality in Eastern DRC – both within and outside of the ongoing conflicts. Sexual violence has been a longstanding weapon of war used by parties to the conflicts and, increasingly, this sexual violence has extended through to every-day perpetration by civilians. This violence is situated within a society with deeply rooted discriminatory gender norms, in which women suffer entrenched inequality in all spheres of life and where a man’s worth is largely based on his capacity to provide for and protect his family. The sustained conflicts within the country have resulted in decreasing opportunities for men to perform this role, similarly so in displacement in Uganda, where livelihood opportunities are severely diminished.
This assessment found that in conflict, in transit, and in displacement in Uganda, the Congolese refugee population is facing numerous highly traumatic forms of human rights abuses, including various forms of GBV. In the conflict in DRC, sexual violence is systematically perpetrated against women and girls; and kidnapping, physical assault, torture and massacres are used against men and boys. Women and girls often face a compounded risk of additional sexual violence during flight. Read More...

Key findings from CARE’s rapid gender analysis in Rhino and Imvepi settlements, March 2017

CARE has conducted a rapid gender analysis (RGA) during the week of 12th March 2017 in Rhino and the newly opened Imvepi settlements in the Arua district of the West Nile region of Uganda. The following are a set of initial findings pulled out of the analysis to support engagement with ECHO regarding potential work in the West Nile region.

Methodology: RGA can provide information about the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of women, men, boys and girls in a crisis by examining the experiences and relationships between women, men, boys and girls. However, an RGA should be built up progressively, and therefore the forthcoming report will provide an initial but incomplete insight into the gendered situation within the South Sudanese refugee community in West Nile. Read More...

Cyclone Idai Regional Rapid Gender Analysis

CARE International is responding to the impact of Cyclone Idai and the associated floods in Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. As part of our response, CARE’s team in each of the countries is currently developing or is planning to develop a Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) for the affected regions. An RGA provides information about the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of women, men, boys and girls in a crisis. It is built up progressively using a range of primary and secondary information to understand gender roles and relations and how they may change during a crisis. It provides practical programming and operational recommendations to meet the different needs of women, men, boys and girls of different ages, abilities and other contextually relevant forms of diversity and to ensure we ‘do no harm’. RGA uses the tools and approaches of Gender Analysis Frameworks – such as community mapping; focus group discussions, key informant interviews, safety audit tools and secondary data review - and adapts them to the tight time-frames, rapidly changing contexts and insecure environments that often characterise humanitarian interventions. Read More...

Rapport de l’Analyse Rapide Genre Sur l’Assistance aux Populations Réfugiées, Deplacees, et Les Populations Hote dans la Region de Diffa

La crise qui perdure au Nord du Nigéria et dans le Sud-est du Niger a entraîné un déplacement massif de populations dans la région de Diffa où une personne sur trois est déplacée. En effet, les premières vagues de réfugiés sont arrivées du Nigeria il y a deux ans mais depuis avril 2015, les incursions sanglantes et répétées des insurgés au Niger ont provoqué d’importants déplacements de populations. Par conséquent, une multitude de camps informels longent désormais le goudron de la route nationale. [20 pages] Read More...

Rapid Gender Analysis – SNNP Region Ethiopia and Gedeo Crisis Response

As of July 14, conflict between Guji Oromo and Gedeo communities displaced over 1 million people (82 per cent in Gedeo; 19 per cent West Guji zones). Internally displaced people (IDPs) stay in cramped public buildings and spontaneous IDP sites while other live with host communities. This massive and sudden population displacement prompted CARE Ethiopia to expand its emergency programme in the South Nation, Nationalities People Region (SNNPR). Consistent with its focus on gender equality, CARE initiated a rapid gender analysis (RGA) to provide gendered data on needs, power relations, access and controls, risks and coping strategies of displaced women, men, boys and girls affected by the conflict.

An RGA mission led by CARE International Rapid Response Team Gender Specialist took place in Dilla town, Gedeb and Yirgachafe woredas (administrative unit in Ethiopia) between 25 and 31 July. Read More...

Rapid Gender And GBV Assessment in MMC and Jere Local Governments – Borno State

The unprecedented gender and protection implications of the NE Nigeria insurgency prompted CARE International to initiate a gender and GBV assessment. The assessment was undertaken in two phases: a desk review and consultation with stakeholders in March 2017 to gather relevant data of the gender and protection context in NE Nigeria in conflict and post-conflict situations, as well as information on existing legal provision and frameworks. A field assessment was conducted in January 2018, to complete the first assessment with primary data from affected women and men in Borno and Yobe states.

Rapid Gender and GBV1 assessments provide information about the different GBV risks, needs, capacities and coping strategies of women, men, boys and girls in a crisis. The analysis is built up progressively using a range of primary and secondary information to understand gender roles and power relations and the implied GBV risks and how they may change during a crisis. The analysis provides practical, programming and operational recommendations to meet the different needs of women, men, boys and girls, to ensure that humanitarian actors ‘do no harm’ in their operations. The global objective of this assessment is to improve the quality and effectiveness of CARE and partner’s response to the North East Nigeria crisis. Read More...

Gender and GBV analysis and operational suggestions – CARE Nigeria field Assessment

CARE international has deployed a multisector assessment team in North East Nigeria to assess the increasing humanitarian needs and inform CARE’s emergency Strategy and response programming. The assessment will look at the areas of food security, Sexual and reproductive Health and Gender based violence. The gender-specific dynamics and impacts of the insurgency require a strong focus on gender mainstreaming and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) prevention and mitigation. Therefore a rapid gender and GBV analysis has been conducted with the global objective to improve the quality and effectiveness of CARE and partner’s response in the North East Nigeria through strong integration of gender equality and GBV at all stage of the humanitarian project cycle.

This analysis aim to provide answer to the following key questions:
• What are the different Impact of the insurgency for girls, women, boys and men and what
are the different needs of these groups?
• Who has access, and who has control over what resources and assistance? Who has the
decision among the family and the community? How the crisis has affected this power
relation, what social norms and practices affect the access and control?
• What are main GBV risks? Who is most affected and at-risk among girls, women, boys and
men? What are main social, cultural norms and practices that shape GBV in the Area?
• What are main GBV services providers and actors in the ground and what is their capacity to deliver? Do GBV survivors have access to comprehensive GBV services? What are main gaps
in service
• Formulate geographic and programmatic recommendations to guide CARE decision on GBV
• Develop a GAP to improve gender integration into the assistance. Read More...

Suivi de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie d’appui aux survivant(e)s des violences basées sur le Genre

Dans le cadre de l’assistance aux réfugiés centrafricains et leurs populations d’accueil dans les régions de l’Est et de l’Adamaoua, CARE Cameroun, avec un financement de la Coopération Allemande (GIZ), a mis en œuvre un projet d’Assistance aux survivant(e)s de VBG de Janvier à Juillet 2016. Cette assistance a ciblé les réfugiés centrafricains et leurs populations hôtes dans 11 villages des communes de Meiganga, Kette, Djohong, Borgop, Yamba et Ngaoui, régions de l’Est et de l’Adamaoua. Une analyse protection et violences basées sur le genre a été conduite en février 2016 au démarrage de ce projet pour mieux comprendre la problématique et formuler des recommandations pour la mise en œuvre du projet. Les résultats de cette analyse ont permis aussi de définir une approche d’intervention holistique qui implique tous les acteurs qui interviennent dans le domaine des VBG. Le présent rapport concerne la mission de suivi de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie du projet, mission conduite du 16 au 28 juillet par la spécialiste Genre en urgence de CARE international. Read More...

Analyse Rapide Genre – Déplacement de populations dans les arrondissements de Tokombere et Mora – Extrême Nord Cameroun

L’analyse a été conduite au niveau des populations déplacées et leurs hôtes dans les es arrondissements de Tokomberé et Mora, où CARE intervient avec ses programmes d’urgence et de développement. La méthodologie utilisée est basée sur l’outil d’analyse rapide genre de CARE International et a utilisé une combinaison des données secondaires et primaires collectées essentiellement à travers des entretiens en groupe et individuel avec les hommes et les femmes déplacés et leurs familles hôtes. Les données primaires ont été collectées dans un échantillon de 6 villages identifies selon le critère de présence de déplacés, l’intervention de CARE, mais aussi l’accessibilité sécuritaire. En effet, le contexte sécuritaire et le problème d’accès dans certaines zones d’accueil des déplacées ont fortement influencé l’échelle de l’analyse avec l’interdiction d’accès dans certaines zones et les mesures de sécurité qui limitent le temps de présence dans la zone. Read More...

Synthese Analyse Rapide Genre – Est du Cameroun

La crise en RCA et l’afflux de refugies n’a pas changé les rôles et relations ci-dessus. Les seuls changements positif relevé est l’existence de plus de main d’œuvre pour le travail de la terre. Par contre tous les groupes consultes ont noté plusieurs impacts négatifs qui alimentent des tensions perceptibles entre les refugies et leurs communautés hôtes parmi lesquels:

- Accès aux soins de santé : les refugies sont soignés gratuitement dans les centres de sante existants, et les autochtones doivent payer leurs soins, longues files d’attentes au centre de sante car les refugies ont la priorité
- Accès à l’EHA: les refugies disposent de plusieurs forages alors que leurs forages sont soit non fonctionnels soit inexistant ou ne suffisent pas. Ils sont « obligés de payer l’eau dans le forage des anciens refugiés et/ou d’utiliser l’eau des rivières polluées par les défécations des réfugiés ».
- Accès aux produits de base sur les marchés : avec l’arrivée des refugies, les prix des denrées ont augmenté significativement, exemple la tasse de couscous de manioc est passée de 500 à 2000Fcfa),
- Pression sur les ressources en eau et le pâturage par les refugies et leurs animaux. Destruction des champs de cultures par les troupeaux
- Multiplication de cas de vols : sentiment d’insécurité au sein de la population autochtone qui attribue la recrudescence des vols à la présence des refugiés Read More...

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