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Search Results for “광고업종상관x 텔ㄹ@jwp11 ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ OP” – Page 3 – CARE | Evaluations

Search Results: 광고업종상관x 텔ㄹ@jwp11 ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ OP

The Impact of COVID-19 on Women in Democratic Republic of Congo

Evidence worldwide indicates that women are disproportionately affected by the health and socio-economic impacts of intervention
measures applied for the control of COVID-19. Women make up the majority of the informal labour sector and are more likely to suffer job losses or reduced income as a result of closed borders, markets and shops, and restricted movement. Sexual and reproductive health services are often the first to face restrictions in terms of availability and access. School closures place an additional burden on women, who take on childcare responsibilities, including ensuring adequate nutrition. Girls who cannot go to school are at increased risk of sexual violence, pregnancy, and early marriage - a trend that was widely observed in areas affected by Ebola during the 2014-2016 epidemic in West Africa. Risks are exacerbated for women and girls living in the poorest households in remote rural areas.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in March 2020, mixed methods data produced by the Social Sciences Analytics Cell (CASS) and its partners presents a dynamic where pre-existing disparities between men and women in terms of health, social protection and economic status are being exacerbated by the outbreak and its response. This report presents an integrated multidisciplinary analysis of the impact of COVID-19 and its response on women and girls in the DRC, highlighting changes that have occurred since the beginning of the outbreak. The objective of this report is to provide evidence to support decision-making for strategies to respond to the outbreak to ensure that the health, protection and economic security of women and girls is prioritised. Read More...

2nd RAPID ANALYSIS How are female garment factory workers during COVID-19

CARE Bangladesh has conducted the mobile based 1st Rapid Analysis in April’20 to understand COVID-19 impacts on lives and livelihoods of female factory workers. That study reveals, 25% doesn’t know protection measures, 35% feels uncertain about salary, 35% faced food shortage, 28% were getting fear to loose job and 91% were suffering from anxiety. 2nd Rapid Analysis is a follow-up survey on the same target group keeping the same objective, looking into more deep-dive issues. Read More...

Latin America and the Caribbean rapid gender analysis for COVID-19

Women and girls across Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) are facing a terrifying mix of increased domestic violence and care burden, as well as a lower access to income and jobs, and potential social unrest as a result of the coronavirus outbreaks.

The LAC region has the highest levels of inequality in the world, with wide gaps in living standards across countries, regions, sectors, and socioeconomic spheres. When coupled with the pervasive gender inequality that persists, the response to Covid-19 in LAC becomes immeasurably more complicated. CARE International and UN Women joined forces in Latin America, and the Caribbean on this report which presents a series of recommendations aimed at ensuring a more effective gender-inclusive response in the region. The Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) for COVID-19 is a tool designed to provide information about the different needs, risks, capacities, and coping strategies of women, men, boys, girls, and gender-diverse people during the COVID-19 crisis. This RGA is part of the iterative RGA process for the LAC region and is intended as a programming tool for humanitarian actors. Read More...

Australia COVID19 RGA April 1 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is not just a healthcare crisis but is having far-reaching impacts on the economy and the social fabric of countries. Australia is no different. While the proportion of COVID-19 cases in males and females is roughly equal, various groups are impacted differently. Women and people with disabilities and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women who have poorer health outcomes are at a higher risk of infection. Barriers in accessing information and medical and other health services exacerbate this higher risk. Women make up almost 80 per cent of the health and social assistance industry, and this means more women than men will be on the frontline of the response to COVID-19, putting them at higher risk of exposure.
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the Australian economy, with the Australian Government estimating one million people could be made unemployed. The impact on the economy is compounded by the destruction of local businesses and homes during the recent bushfire season. Four-fifths of employed Australians (80 per cent) work in industries providing services, such as health care, education, and retail. These sectors are the hardest hit by the economic impacts of COVID-19. Many part-time and casual workers, of which women comprise the majority, are most likely to be laid off or given shorter hours during the crisis and post-crisis. Unpaid caring labour falls more heavily on women because of the existing structure of the workforce and gendered social norms. Women are paid less and perceived to have more flexibility from doing casual or part-time jobs. As a result, women will be expected to undertake unpaid care work. Read More...


Lotus Flower, supported by CARE, started its Women Business Incubator (WBI) project on May 2019. The project was commenced with the recruitment process of staff and followed by an introduction of the project activities to the communities in Rowanga camp. Multiple activities have been conducted as part of the comprehensive approach to meet the objective of the project. Activities included conducting business mentorship training, awareness raising, and psychological support.

The impact evaluation aims at assessing the effectiveness, relevance and sustainability of the project. In addition, project success and challenges faced during project implementation has been assessed.
Specific objectives include:
- To document any gaps in in the project implementation and to identify barriers in running business by women in the male- dominated society;
- Examine whether any of the beneficiaries have the interest to use these skills as a trade/small business; whether they started earning income from their business or not, and how they are benefitting in a highly traditional society with firm gender role.
- To understand whether the women who benefited from the business women incubator project would be accepted as business women , if entrepreneurship is traditionally regarded as “male” job, by their community or not; whether they were interested in the material (and perhaps would want to learn other “male” skills); and whether this training has resulted in any changes among target beneficiaries families/community with respect to gender relations.
- To identify opportunities, and draw lessons learnt as well as recommendations

Accelerating Localisation through Partnerships: South Sudan

This research was commissioned by the Accelerating Localisation Through Partnerships programme – a multi-agency consortium programme funded by the European Commission’s Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO) over two years (2017-2019) – to establish what operational elements of partnerships between local, national and international NGOs are most likely to foster localisation of humanitarian action. The research was underpinned by a mixed methods approach using qualitative and quantitative data collection approaches. In-depth consultations were conducted in three locations across South Sudan to reach a varied sample of local and national actors: Wau, Bor, and Juba City. In total, 96 NGOs were consulted for this research in South Sudan; 85% of which were local or national NGOs. The findings reflect experiences from a rich diversity of local and national NGOs in South Sudan and provide valuable insights that can assist humanitarian organisations in ensuring partnership practices accelerate localisation of humanitarian action. Findings are also relevant for those funding humanitarian response, in particular signatories of the Grand Bargain. Read More...

Mid-Term Strategic Review of the Livelihoods for Resilience Activity

CARE commissioned a Mid-Term Strategic Review (MTSR) of the Livelihoods for Resilience Activity to formulate recommendations for the remaining life of the project to increase effectiveness in achieving sustainable impact. The Livelihoods for Resilience Activity is being implemented in 27 Woredas in the three regions of Tigray, Amhara, and Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples and is just over the midway point in its five-year life from December 5, 2016, through December 3, 2021. The purpose of the Livelihoods for Resilience Activity is to reduce food insecurity and increase resilience for 97,900 chronically food insecure households that are enrolled in the fourth cycle of the Government of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP4), enabling them to graduate with resilience from the PSNP4.

The MTSR for the Livelihoods for Resilience Activity was a formative evaluation exercise intended to provide guidance on ways to improve the effectiveness of the program in achieving intended impact.

Relative to the four global learning questions for the MTSR (see page 4), the MTSR found that the model that the Livelihoods for Resilience Activity is implementing is effective for achieving graduation with resilience, but because frontline delivery is constrained by the number of staff, their technical capacities and the degree of supervision and support that they receive, interventions are not always going deeply enough to ensure behavioral change. The program is empowering women both economically and socially through the VESA platform, but there are significant variations between regions; and outside of the VESA, there is some evidence to suggest that women’s empowerment has not yet been well incorporated, especially in value chain participation and MFI linkages. Progress is certainly being made in transferring ideas and knowledge to PSNP counterparts, but that has not yet translated into practice mainly because of resource constraints. Key approaches that need to be added or strengthened in the coming two years include expanding frontline delivery capacities, expanding efforts to ensure that strategies and approaches are well understood by implementation staff at all levels in all partners, ensuring that women’s empowerment is included in all approaches by all partners, and looking for new ways to facilitate access to jobs, either through self-employment or wage employment, for youth from PSNP households.

The Livelihoods for Resilience Activity is already doing some very nice work in starting to achieve sustainable impact. The project has strong potential to be recognized as a “great” project if it can make some adjustments.

Livelihood Rapid Market Assessment report Sinjar district

CARE proposes an eighteen-month project to restore livelihoods by building technical capacity in agriculture and vocational skills and linkages for individuals; supporting microenterprises; and providing cash for work on public works projects.
The objective of the project is to strengthen durable solutions by reducing the vulnerability of internally displaced persons, returnees and host populations through improved access to sustainable livelihoods.
This project will expand CARE’s resilience support for an economic empowerment of the most vulnerable internally displaced persons, returnees and host communities of Sinjar Mountain and Sinjar Town, through technical capacity in agriculture, vocational training, business trainings backed by micro grants and job placement. The Trainings and grants will be determined by the findings of this assessment, which reflects the local market needs.
- The primary objectives of the Rapid Market Assessment are to understand the impact of the protracted crisis on markets, specifically infrastructure, security and supply, the price and availability of key goods and the ability of traders to respond to an increase in demand.
- To obtain a realistic picture of the impact/effects of the crisis on the agriculture sector, including livestock rearing, fishery/ aquaculture and irrigation.

Enterprise Development for Out of School Adolescent Girls (EDOAG) Project Baseline Survey Report

The Enterprise Development for Out of School Adolescent Girls (EDOAG) is a CARE International in Rwanda project designed to benefit 10,000 girls who were enrolled in the FINAG project, in Huye Town and Nyamagabe Districts. The project is expected to lead to the following outcomes: 80% of the 10,000 girls manage their enterprises; 25% of the 10,000 girls are expected to get a loan from formal financial institutions in order to sustain or increase their business revenue; 5% of the 10,000 girl entrepreneurs are expected to create jobs for themselves and for others through the growth of their businesses.
CARE International Rwanda contracted PwC Rwanda Ltd to carry out the baseline survey for the EDOAG Project. The baseline survey was carried out with the aim of generating benchmarks for project indicators against which future progress, effectiveness and impact would be measured. The baseline survey reached 755 out of school girls, conducted 8 FGD and 9 KII. Read More...

Improving Access to Safe Employment for Migrant Women in Myanmar

Description of the document: This 43-page document evaluates the success of the Safe Employment project. It aimed to provide options for more safe jobs, implement accessible sexual and reproductive health and legal services, reduce sexual and or gender-based violence and increase social support for migrant women. The project operated in the HlaingTharya Township, Yangon and the townships of Pathein Gyi and Aung Myay Tharzan, Mandalay, Myanmar. Read More...

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